Some description about me, in case you just stumbled upon my blog, or are revisiting after a while:)

Mar 16, 2017 16:07

After quite a few years of nearly neglecting this blog, I decided to revamp it, while I have made a decision to consciously revamp and somewhat clean up my entire life.  There are many things that happened because they happened on its own and I was completely open to them, since in the past I had relatively vague ideas of my 'future', which has eventually become my current 'present', regarding which I didn't plan anything particular.  Right now I am making a foundation for very thought-out life changes and adjusting my state of health, mindset, surroundings, and the energetical flows in order to be able to accept and embrace the new stage of my life I am currently creating, brick by brick.  (And yes, that's why I have incorporated bricks into the current design of my blog theme now!)  I have a Facebook account, 2 Facebook pages, 2 Instagram accounts, and all that jazz, but I just had an urge to have a blog again for some reason.  It will be surely different from this very same blog of the past.  I feel it can be a little more organized here than it is on Facebook and other social networking websites.... my cozy old LJ ;)

I am a Ukrainian-American artist, currently living in Western Europe, which I totally adore.  I think I opened this account when I was 16, so if you scroll this journal a few years backwards, you might find a lot of childishly amusing things, which changed significantly since then, but I didn't feel like creating a completely new blog from scratch, since I feel really comfortable here.

Regarding what I do you can read on my personal official website, as well as the Intertwning Arts website.  Simply put: I am a classical pianist and a fine art photographer.  A few years ago I started working on an interesting project trend, the idea of which is to unite several kinds of art into one performance / recording.  Here, however, my posts will be less official, but rather personal - unlike those on my website.  This blog is not going to be directly related to my work, even though in the past I posted a lot of things here on music and photography (which most of the tags actually belong to, in case you decide to wander around).  Now it will be my peaceful zone of comfort, life-planning, mental strategies, self progress reports regarding setting/achieving goals and overcoming challenges, as well as personal written mantras, meditation and relaxation.  I will be writing these posts mostly for myself (and perhaps some of them might seem silly to you, which I totally don't care about) however, I will keep [most of] them open to public, in case you might benefit from some of my ideas, or to comment/add anything interesting on the topic.  I am happy to answer questions and discuss the posts in the comments of the entries of this blog, but please do not bring negativity into this place (angry sarcasm also counts), since it is really not cool, I don't want it here and will not tolerate any.

In this blog I will write posts either in English or in Russian - whatever I feel more comfortable with at a given moment, so bear with me :)  I am in love with a healthy lifestyle, I do fitness, biking, running, yoga, I eat right (+no meat), almost don't drink alcohol.  However I admit, I couldn't give up on coffee... :) I enjoy learning languages, and want to finally start drawing in pencil (the latter one is on my 'activity plan' for the near future.) ;)

Among my biggest influences and inspirational figures / role models are: Eliso Virsaladze, Alexander Korsantia, Anka Zhuravleva, Brooke Shaden, Natalia O'Shea, Slava Polunin, Natalia Melo, and Denis Zhdanov.

I think I have already written more than enough text in this post, so I will leave you here to the rest of the blog. :)


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