(Ely's) Fandom News

Mar 30, 2016 21:21

Wow! How long as it been since I've written what I've been up to in fandom? Considering the fact that I've actually never posted a post titled "Fandom News", it's probably been a while...

So, this is what's been going on with me: )

recs, fandom, crack-broom

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thimble_kiss April 1 2016, 20:16:31 UTC
I'm so glad you've found yourself a little pocket of enthusiastic Hugo/Lily fans! It's awesome to have a group of people to share an OTP with, especially when you post fic and you get comments from people who totally get your love on every level. :) I haven't really had that since my Viktor/Hermione days, eight or so years ago (eep), cause that's the last real OTP I had!

And you rock for stepping up to the plate both as a reccer and a mod on Crack Broom. I like Ginny/Harry a lot, by the way! They're probably my favourite of the big canon pairings. And I think you're right that they're becoming a bit of a rarepair on LJ, which is odd when you think of it. There used to be a lot of Ginny/Harry in Smutty Claus, probably because the former mod was a big H/G shipper, but I hardly see those names around any longer. Anyway - I look forward to seeing your recs. :)

Oh, and moving to London! Eeee, that's super exciting! Good luck with everything concerning that. And then you can go and visit the Harry Potter studio tour every weekend! (I mean... that's what I would do! *g*)


ely_baby April 2 2016, 07:50:07 UTC
I had this reply ready last night, but my internet died five seconds before I could hit send and LUCKILY I noticed that it had died and saved the comment!! Here you go, my love: (and by the way! Look at Crack Broom!!!!! You were recced! How awesome is that?!)


You're so much right. It is really lovely to be able to share the love you have for your OTP. And those people are just so awesome. Every time they write Lily and Hugo are so cute together! or I'm addicted to the Lugo! I just completely and utterly melt. I also have to admit that I've never had a proper OTP before, though, so I had no idea I could feel like this in fandom - which is ridiculous because I've been in this fandom for the past 13 years. I was probably - but I'm not sure - a Dramione shipper at the very beginning, then Harmony, then Romione. I wasn't a Hinny fan until a couple of years ago and now I can't get enough of BAMF!Ginny and BAMF!Harry fics. *g* (And now I'm still in love with your Zach/Katie..)

Every pairing is becoming a rarepair compared to Draco/Harry, I'm afraid. But Ginny/Harry in particular. I think they should start to include it in the rarepair fests. :) Anyway, I was so happy to see some quality Ginny/Harry popping up on Smutty Claus this past year! Definitely a treat. And I'm so glad you like Hinny, and I hope you'll enjoy my recs! I have four awesome stories and four wonderful works of arts and I'm looking forward to posting them! :)

Hmmm! I really want to visit the Harry Potter Studio tour! I'm going to see "HP and the Cursed Child" in mid-June, but I want to do all sorts of HP-related activities! (I've already been to have my pic taken over at Platform 9 3/4, btw.)

Thank you for your comment, hon! :D xx


thimble_kiss April 6 2016, 07:03:46 UTC
I had such a busy day Saturday and hadn't seen the rec on Crack Broom until I got this comment from you, and it put such a smile on my face! ♥

I love how enthusiastic you are about Lily and Hugo! I've got to admit I haven't poked much into next-gen; I think I'm just too invested in the immediate post-DH era, but I'm curious to see if 'HP and the Cursed Child' will change that. I'm so stoked on your behalf that you get to see that! I can't wait for the screenplay to be published. Though I'm excited for Fantastic Beasts, too, CC interests me more simply because it's set in Britain (I'm such an Anglophile) and because it's characters I'm already invested in. (I just hope poor Zach and his hypothetical offspring aren't in it at all. :P)

Honestly, the way fandom has dwindled, I think practically every pairing that isn't a permutation of Harry, Draco, Snape and Hermione, is a rarepair (and even then I'd leave Harry/Hermione out of it). I'd definitely classify Harry/Ginny that way. And I loved the first fic you recced! (And it even had an illustration by reallycorking who I have to credit with opening my eyes to the true potential of Harry/Ginny in the first place. I liked them well enough in the books - I adore them in Cork's art.)

I went on the Harry Potter Studio Tour in... 2014, I think it was. It was so awesome. I've been to the HP theme park in Orlando as well, and it was fabulous, but for fannish stars-in-eyes, the studio tour beat it hands down. I just wanted to move into the Gryffindor common room, or the Burrow kitchen. :) I super-recommend it!

*hugs* Hope you're having a good week!


ely_baby April 6 2016, 11:32:03 UTC
OMG. I am feeling alternatively shocked and relieved that I COMPLETELY forgot to include reallycorking's art in my rec. I decided what to rec months ago and didn't include the art in my list, so I completely forgot it existed (I re-read the story on AO3, didn't remember to check the pic!!). How? How? HOW? I don't know. That's why I'm shocked. I'm relieved because naturally I do have a piece of art from reallycorking to rec in my queue, and I don't like to rec the same creator twice in a month.. Well, I suppose I can sneak in reallycorking's name in my rec now. It really disturbs me that I didn't include her. Thank you for pointing that out to me, hon. I am SO glad to know that you liked it, by the way. ♥

And I am so happy that you've been recced! I've put the story in my to read list. Can't wait to get to it - that excerpt was enticing!

Oh golly! First of all, I'm an Anglophile, too! That must be why I like you that much. Second, I'm excited that you're excited about CC! So many people on my flist had such a negative reaction to it, that it was disheartening. I cannot wait to see what it's all about. I'm sure it's going to be very interesting whatever story they tell. I'm excited about FB as well, but you're right, it's going to be quite different to see JKR's world in the States. I imagine them being more glamorous than the HP films.

BTW, if CC changes your mind about the next-gen and you start writing about Lily and Hugo (two random characters, no connection to the Lugo at all), Rose, Scorpius, Albus, James, etc. I'll be the happiest gal on earth. *sighs* And I'm sorry if I can't shut up about the Lugo [blabbing out about one's OTP can become irritating for those around them], but how can I shut up when my readers butter me up with things like: Didn't mean to essentially give a play-by-play of that scene, but gaah! It was short but had soooo much in it that I just need to revel in the Lugo angst! or I love how all of us have just devolved into a bunch of Lugo junkies waiting desperately for our next fix! or Lugo continues to have complete control over my dreams. Thanks :D or I really can't get enough of the Lugo feels! or I just love everything about this story, the Lugo has well and truly taken over my mind!! or Again I seriously am so grateful that you write Lugo or Gaaaaahh!! Lugo is everything!!! I mean. I just can't even. I'm turning my readers into Lugo-addicted zombies and I love it. I'll have my personal little army of Lugo junkies soon, all I'll have to do is coaxing them into signing up to Livejournal and then we can have a Lugo fest! Alas, none of them are writers. *sighs* (By the way, I've already created the community for that hugo_loves_lily ages ago, but I haven't had the courage to make a public announcement about it!)

I agree with what you say about pairings and rarepairs. I am so in love with the Weasleys, and they are so overlooked most of the times. And I can't fathom why Snape is so loved. As a fanfiction writer who loves canon I was happy when he died - ugh, honestly, I'm horrible, but I never liked him - so that I didn't have to include him in any of my post-DH stories (because all of my stories are post-DH).

Alright, now I cannot wait to go to the Harry Potter Studio Tour!!! I didn't really think about it that much before your comment, but now I'm well curious and can't wait to go there!! And you're lucky to have been to the HP theme park in Orlando! God! I think I would be super excited to go there too.. *sighs*

*hugs you right back* Hope your week is as good as mine! :D xx


thimble_kiss April 10 2016, 19:27:59 UTC
Ohgod, I've become so awful at replying to stuff in a timely manner. I don't know where the weeks rush off to! *facepalm x infinity*

But yeah, I'm really glad I mentioned that piece of art, then! I almost didn't notice the link to the art at the end, to be honest, I was too excited about the story and thinking of what to say. I'd seen the art before, though, but never read the story! Fixed that now, thanks to you! ♥

Aw, I know, it can be sort of lonely to be happy about stuff in this fandom. *g* I kind of understand those who grumble (new canon can be a total bitch when it messes up your headcanon) and kind of don't (the wish for no more new canon, yeah; the bitter resentment and claims that it's somehow badly done by JKR, no). I love the HP 'verse to distraction and CC intrigues me precisely because I've never paid much thought to the next-gen characters. Getting some in-depth canon for them will make them more solid in my head, I'm sure.

You should go ahead and announce hugo_loves_lily as a community and start posting your Lugo fic there! Perhaps others will follow and you can have your fest by and by. A bit of publicity never hurt a pairing, after all, and your readers definitely sound convinced. :D Readers who are loyal and vocal about their excitement are really the best inspiration there is, and you should be proud because it means you've managed to make them truly see and believe your vision of these characters who are barely mentioned in the books at all. That's no small feat!

I can't help but giggle at your fervent dislike of Snape. I love Snape, as a complex and ambiguous character... but I thought his death in canon made thematic sense, and I don't see him as a romantic or sexy figure at all. He's way too immature and spiteful. (I have, however, read fic that's made me suspend disbelief, but well, after a decade in the fandom, that's true of almost anything!) Er, do you remember I told you I had a problem with Slytherins, by the way? Well, guess what I've signed up to write for a fest. *headdesk* Actually... don't guess, I'll tell you in my reply to your PM so I don't compromise my fest anonymity in a public entry. :P


ely_baby April 14 2016, 21:04:50 UTC
Replied via PM! :D


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