These days I keep making these un-icons (and icons). Un-icons mainly because they're not quite meant to be seen at the same resolution as icons, but then could be adapted to be icons. I guess I'm restless and need these small projects to keep me happy. Goodness knows how many things I still have undone and put on hiatus because I decided my room needs a major makeover.
Finally finished moving all the main furniture (aka the tables and the small side-cupboard) around my room, now I can start on the slow process of packing. Not that there are many permutations anyway, my room is too small to change the layout much lolx, but it's a tradition to re-arrange my room furniture every year in the hopes that I'd find one that really suits my living habits. I think I may have finally found one, but we'd let the semester work decide that ^w^ Can't quite fulfill my ideal of being able to sit next to the window, but I'd get there eventually~
But I did manage to have a compartment with a door that actually opens upwards (by placing the side-cupboard sideways) *w* It sounds totally silly, but I blame Toto-chan for putting that idea into my head in the first place. It feels a little sacred and special now for some reason~ And I'd have a space to decorate! Though I don't think I'd have time before new year, but well, finally, design opportunities abound in my room *w*
Too sleepy =_= been drifting in and out of sleep for a while in between the silly mood-bunnies that inspire these icon-type things.
I'm sorry so many things are on hold while my room gets packed. I'd get my life together soon and start reeaallyy soon, even as I <3 my new room layout and toss out tons of stuff. Once I start properly doing work my whiny mood-bunnies should calm down ^w^
I think I'm terribly infatuated with high contrast (black and white) lines and simplicity right now. Too simple in fact, but I can't summon the energy to add details now ^w^; Now all I need to do is to achieve a sort of effortless grace in my designs and maybe I'd be able to make it work somehow *w*