Current Status of Dorkiness

Jul 01, 2007 14:04

Allright, so I've caught the fever.

Gringott's Promisory Note For Book 7: Check

Gryffindor Tie: Check

Wand: Check

Golden Snitch: Check

Attendence at a very large gathering of people who understand this crazy obsession on the big day: Pending.

In spite of my very high level or dorkiness, I've never actually made a costume for anything. Technically, I'm not making a costume here either. I'm investing in a tie that I might actually be able to use, and then blowing $30 on props that go with clothing I already have. Still, it should be great fun.

I realize I've gone all pre-emptive and bought the Gryffindor tie. But I've never actually been sorted anywhere.

So, mini-debate topic for the F-List:

If you had to sort me, where would you sort me and why?

See all you South Bay folk on the 21st!!!

harry potter

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