(no subject)

Jun 12, 2003 22:08

Need help from yanks, preferably ones with, like, an education
I've got an exam tomorrow on ''L'économie des Etats-Unis''. Well, that's one section anyway.
I tried phoning Mike, and he was like:
''Awroight, wait a minute.''
''Roight, so, economay.''
''Loike, of the US.''
''That's right.''
''Roight, oi fink oi've found the roight payge.''
''Good show old boy!''
''Okay, so, the economay... let's see, where should oi start?''
''I'm thinking... the very beginning.''
''Roight. Woi din't you just revoise last week loike a normal person?''
''I don't know, Mike, okay, so the economy...?''
''Yeh, so... in America, they use dollars, loike.''
''Oh no, my mum's back!''
''I've got to go!!''
''But... the economay!!!!''
''Oh FUCK, we're breaking up! FFFFFSHHHHHHHH! Mike....! FFSSSSSSSSH I'll call you tomorrow!!! FFFFFSSSSSSSH!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the hel.....FSSSSSSH!!!!!'' BEEP BEEP BEEP
That was a close one. I could have been sitting there all day.

So far, my notes go: ''L'économie des Etats-Unis est très bonne.''
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