Jan 09, 2003 18:56
Spell your first name backwards: hannah! Ahahahhahahahahaha! Fuck me, I'm GOOD!
Are you a lesbian? I've snogged more birds than blokes, but I prefer bois.
Where do you live? Geneva
4 words that sum you up: nicotine-head; fucked; weird; don't take my ass seriously. Oh, and not fat. Can I say that?
Describe your...
Wallet: Ermmmmmmm empty?
Hairbrush: I think I lost it this morning. It's blue though.
Toothbrush: Purple
Jewelry worn daily: Two armfuls of bracelets (I'm such a slapper). It's so tacky.
Pillow cover: white
Blanket: Black.
Coffee cup: Tea mug you mean. It's got a cow's head sticking out of it, and inside it says Switzerland.
Sunglasses: Lost them
Favorite top: Anything that's whorey.
CD in stereo right now: Can't remember. Does anyone care?
Tattoos: No
Piercing: Ears, and I'm getting my nose done as soon as I have moneys.
What you are wearing now: Hippie skirt and crocheted top. Oh, and it's currently -5 degrees out, but anyway.
Hair: Plaited. Translation for american viewers: braided.
Makeup: Black eyeliner and mascara
WHO or WHAT (was/is/are)
In my mouth: Gum (slapper)
In my head: The Queen being held hostage in my bedroom.
After this: I need a cigarette.
Talking to: Like I can talk and type, wtf.
Eating: Gum? Didn't I answer that already??
Fetishes: Noses.
If you could get away with it and murder anyone, and for what reason: Murder's not my scene. Blackmail is. Mwahahahahahaha.
Is next to you: A wall.
Some of your favorite movies: West Side Story!! I wanna live in America!!! I'm SO lame.
Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month: Moving? Maybe? Possibly? Please?
The last thing you ate: Soup.
Something that you are deathly afraid of: Clowns and water.
Do you like candles: Who doesn't?
Do you like hot wax: Yeah, I love the feeling of it melting.
Do you like incense: Muchly.
Do you like the taste of blood: Yeah, it's okay.
Do you believe in love: Well...... yes? Duh?
Do you believe in soul mates: Yup. Maybe.
Do you believe in love at first sight: No.
Do you believe in Heaven: No. I believe in HELL! AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!
Do you believe in forgiveness: Forgive meeeee, I didn't mean to hurt youuuuuuuuuuu
Do you believe in God: Yes
What do you want done with your body when you die: I want it to be thrown into the Loch Ness.
Who is your worst enemy: The Queen.
If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be: an ostrich or a prawn, no, I'm serious.
What is the latest you've ever stayed up: Gawd luvas, I dunno.
Ever been to Belgium: No. Apparantly people there plait their armpit hair, so you know.
Can you eat with chopsticks: I can like, take a chopstick, and stab a baby carrot with it and then poke it into my mouth, but no, I can't use them properly. I'm so uneducated.
What's your favorite coin: Fuck you.
What are some of your favorite candy: Stuff with stuff that's bad for you in, like E numbers and chemicals.
What's something that you wish people would understand: That nothing's weird. It's just different.
What's something you wish you could understand better: Why we need a Queen. And how to use chopsticks.
Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time: I miss people I only know over the 'net.
Time to play favorites!
*muppet? the big bird thing. Oh! Big Bird! :p
*color? Silver
*flavor condom? No idea!
*shoes? testicle-smashing black boots
*drug? weed
*country? INGERLUND! There will alwaaaaaaaays be an England..... RULE BRITANNIA! Land of hooooope and gloooooory, lalalallalala!*weapon? whip. Is that even a weapon?
*artist? I am my own artist, and the world is my canvas (LMFAO, I'm lame)
*male vocalists? Freddie Mercury, may the Gods bless his little soul!
*female vocalists? Tori Amos
*instrument? harmonica. Because it's yanky trailer trash, and I want to be that.
*musical genre? The sound of snow falling (wtf)
*vice? smoking?
*beer? whisky
*food? Indian
*cologne? That place in France? Cheap cologne works best
*weird smell? Petrol all the way
*fabric? silk (like I even own something made of silk)
*sight? rain
*actors? OMG, liek, BRAD PiTt BeCuZ HE'S soooooo HoTTT!!!!111
*actresses? I don't know. I'm jealous of actresses. Because they get paid to be airbrushed into looking beautiful.
*quote? "What knocked Bush out? a long book" - Some wonderful limey
*abfab character? Patsy dahling
*artificial light? Artificial light sucks
*e.m.f.? yeh what?
*new thing? My new-found love of life (which will probably last all of 5 minutes)
*old thing? Me gran. She's a bloody fossil.
*dj? Meself, DJ Hannster! Chica chica CHOOOOOO
*rave? Bring on the X
*people? Everyone who isn't a member of the Royal Family, Motola Man, me mates, and people who think I'm the best thing since mince pies, and that England rocks and should be made like the capital of the universe
*place to relax? In a cupboard
*place to be pissed off? Where there's an audience :D
*natural disaster? Rainstorms.
*state? Oh bloody hell, not everyone loves America you yanky propaganda FREAKS. ;)
*city? Maybe it's becos oi'm a Landoner..... ;D
Your heritage : I'm from Kenya. Okay, I'm from that brilliant island which is just across the sea from la France!
Your usual outfit : Something that makes me look like tramp normally. I mean, I lost the laces to my boots, so now I just walk around with the tongue hanging out.
Your hair : Long, fair.
Your eyes : super bright purple and red. Or pale blue, you decide.
That you'd like to change about yourself : I'd like to be less agressive, impatient, tall, pale, cunt-like, and I'd like to not have to bleed every month. Thanks.