Movies: Project Cloverfield & Speed Racer

May 12, 2008 12:08

It's been a while since I wrote a review... and this isn't really going to be one. I'm too sick to write them all that well. However, since I've been putting off the first one for so long, I might as well combine them into one review.

How could I combine these two movies into one review? Easily -- they are both movies where the camera direction caused me headaches and I found both to be greatly disappointing. Walking out of Speed Racer this weekend, my first belief was that it was easier to watch but more annoying than Cloverfield. Thus, these are two movies were I have to disagree with the masses.

Speed Racer's colors didn't annoy me; I just found the mix of CG and actual objects to be utterly impossible to view. (I find nearly all CG to be excessively flat and it has to be mixed well to not annoy me.) The camera swaps to put commentators (or other people speaking) in front of the racing was even more irritating. The story didn't bother me. It really was just the direction style.

...and that's about all I can write while this sick.

movies, reviews

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