
Dec 12, 2005 00:12

Where to begin. I am really not sure how much detail to share yet at this point. I'll put a good bit of it out on the line though. Genn and I are basically seeing eachother. She hasn't officialy broken it to Rich yet. I feel kind of abd honestly. I know a lot of people don't like him, but he doesn't seem like a bad guy at heart. I know Genn hasn't been happy with him for a while though, and right now she and I are really happy.

Genn: I saw Rob today, and the first thing he said to me was "wow, you're really happy about something, I have NEVER seen you look so happy", that's all you. There is a very dark cynical part of me though, I must warn you. I have been hurt before, and many things have been taken from me, so forgive me if I am hesitant or paranoid at points, I still half-expect everything to fall apart.

I feel like the last dredges of my old life are sliding away. Make no mistake, I am scared. My life had gotten cofmrotable, even in it's horrible parts, I udnerstood it, I knew what to expect. I am in a whole new world, a whole enw set of expectations. I have been shown this door before, but this time there is somebody else's hand there pulling me the rest of the way through. It's like being pulled from the darkness into the lgiht, I no logner feel stuck in the shadow of the rest of the world. I just can't shake the vocie in the back of my ehad screaming it's all lies. I hope to prove that voice wrong.

I have grown up beyond what anyone, including myself could ever have expected. I was immature and irresposnible. I have faced things i wish upon no person. I have gotten past them, and I am actually proud of myself....for god's sake I am actually learning to be proud and self-confident...those of you who know me know how much that means. I am still in transition right now, and I know i've said similair things ebfore, I pray to God that this time will not be redushed to lies like ebfore...I could not bear it.
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