medical update...

Jun 24, 2008 11:59

on the 18th i had the didnt go well. i evidently have a very small cervical opening, the doctor at one point even made a comment that she was surprised i could even pass blood and tissue through it. she thought at first that she wouldnt even be able to finish the procedure, but she kept trying and trying,it was awful. in the end she only got one sample of tissue. i didnt find out the results until yesterday. the nurse essentially told me that there had been too much blood with the sample so the results were inconclusive, the nurse said the doctor would call me today, she did. they did find a few cells and what they did find were abnormal. i have to go in for a pre-op check-up on the 8th and have a d and c operation on the 9th. before then i have to get another prescirption for the provera.

i'm tired and i'm sad... :(
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