December Reflections And January Intentions

Jan 05, 2010 14:19

My first entry for the new decade should had been earlier in the year, but I've had the immense pleasure of associating with friends and engaging in miscellaneous fun times for the first few days of January. However, now that the Winter Break is over and I'm back at work, I now have an ideal opportunity to update.

The holidays with my family were pleasant for sure, and although I enjoyed the experiences, it just reaffirmed the fact that I could never live with my relatives again. There weren't any considerable conflicts, but our schedules and leisure activities are too dramatically different to coordinate well. I imagine this was further accentuated with my grandparents' presence, as they tend to sleep from 9:00 in the evening until 4:30 in the morning. Additionally, I'm also reminded that, despite the slightly quirky nature of Sonoma, it's far too isolating and under-stimulating for me to stay there for any extended period of time. However, it was great seeing my father and that side of the family on Christmas Eve, and my mother's side of the family on Christmas Day. Plus, all the pigs came with me, so I didn't have to worry about them during my visit.

The slight discomfort of Sonoma itself made hanging out with friends on the 26th even more phenomenal; however, it does also reinforce the tragic nature that I only see many of my friends once a year for such a short period of time. Then again, despite many of my friends being scattered about the planet in various geographic locations, it's encouraging that not only am I able to remain in communication with them, but that I'm still able to see them in person as well -- it makes a personal universe which seems like it's constantly shrinking and collapsing less restrictive and more resilient.

Fortunately, more fun times with distant friends were had over New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. Surprisingly though, I was the only one to consume a significant amount of alcohol, and although I initially thought my consumption was within tolerable limits, I later discovered that the combination of Kahlua, vodka, champagne, and a workout routine orchestrated by Ken would yield explosive results. Not to worry though, for I felt immediately better after coming to this conclusion.

I often refrain from making any sort of official New Year's resolutions out of fear that once I articulate them and implement them, they will feel like obligations and I will end up resenting them. Instead, I do have specific tasks which I would like to accomplish, as well as general guidelines to follow in order to enrich my life; however, I think I will adhere to the general guidelines just through my daily behaviors and perhaps only address the specific tasks once they're completed, so that I can still get a sense of accomplishment without the lingering burden of things I have to do.

Well, sadly work calls again, and as such, I should be returning to those duties for the moment.
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