Elspethdixon's Big Damn Fanfic ListBeing an index to every piece of extant-on-the-web fic by Elspethdixon since her freshman year of college, including the clichéd badfic, the abandoned WiPs, the one that turned up on McTabby’s Summary Executions, and the one with the word “orbs” in it. From Harry Potter to Pirates of the Caribbean, and beyond.
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The roughest day
Classic verse
The Bruce/Tony thing
some oneshots
I think this whole warning fiasco is fucking with me. I do not normally make lists.
In light of the warning debate -- the Bruce/Tony thing could arguably contain dubcon, since it involves sex + alcohol. I didn't stick a warning on it at the time because it just didn't occur to me.
I know! I am bouncing with excitement and waiting for it to be July already.
Stuff like that that doesn't bother me, thankfully. I have very specific reactions to things that are easy enough to avoid. The posts about the Warning Debate are actually more stressful to me than anything else is, so I'm avoiding the whole mess. (Though yeah, might wanna go stick a warning in there)
I don't even have any violence or sexual-abuse related triggers, and I still found/find some of the posts stressful, just from the amount of anger/hurt/fail going around.
*is looking for links to S/T bigbang*
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