Title: It‘s Always Open Season On Princesses Part 17
Spoilers: Through S2
Word Count: 6082
Rating: R (for language)
Disclaimer: I guess I own Sergio? Maybe? But none of the rest of it.
AN: Whew! Holy cow you guys. We‘ve arrived at chapter seventeen. This chapter is going out to
fangirl_101 , who quite randomly requested several weeks ago in the ’Ficcy Friday’
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Yeah, only now he's too young for me XD
I just looked back through my fics and the only things I could right more on would be any of the chapters from the birthday series
*hyperventilates* You could? I mean I resigned myself to the fact that it'd never happen but I very much care.
See, I never asked you for sequels (I prefer leaving the dirty work to others ;D) except I just looked once I broke down and said it to the 4th one XD
[info]teruel_a_witch on 28th March 2011
I wish there were a follow-up of this but it's a great stand-alone,too :)
I'm sure I'm not the only one who would care, there were less comments because you posted more than one chapter at once (and I remember you weren't formatting your posts on the comm with proper fic headers at the time and people often don't trust lack of headers, that's just marketing ;)) and people are lazy and you've gained lots of readers since then who just didn't leave comments on old entries (no one ever does) so don't let that stop you, just saying, of course, hypothetically :)
I don't know if I'm the only comment stalker, but I can't imagine anyone not wanting to read something you wrote, sequel or otherwise, so if folks see this, they're likely going to want to read your follow-up (myself included, though I won't push if you don't want to post it.) :-)
because it's the only J/A that I've written that ended really sad and depressing and she wants me to fix it. I think it might be kind of random this long afterward though. I'll see how I manage my time on my primary writing assignment.
Well, to be quite honest it's not the only one, it's just the most depressing one, and omg, you absolutely don't have to "fix it", forget I ever said that, lol, it took me so long to write that response someone already stalked the thread XD
You could say you were joking and I didn't get the sarcasm and freaked out.
And you can always screen a thread if you want it to be private, just saying.
*hugs you forever*
*squishes s'more*
*takes a deep breath* If it isn't too much trouble, I'd like that, but only if you are not just saying it because I figuratively flashed Disney eyes at you and you didn't want to choke the little mermaid, ok? Being on your good side is more important for me than fanfic so I have to make sure.
It's okay. Breathe sweetie.
I wouldn't have offered if it was a burden. It won't be super long or anything, but I have part of a sequel written to it already anyway. I can put it up mid next week. I'm trying to find reasons not to focus on Princess right now anyway. One of the perks of getting ahead is getting to take a break every once and a while.
It won't be super long or anything, but I have part of a sequel written to it already anyway.
Woohoo, I'm glad I don't have to hate myself for being a burden, and of course, anything you come up with and have all the time in the world, too, take your time, enjoy your break)) Can I do something for you? I dunno what I can, well, when you have steady internet you can ask me for any Dl's I'll track them for you, I can also rec fics, vids, Tumblrlogs.
Phew, srsly, I'm sorry I'm such an awkward freak out XD
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