Title: It‘s Always Open Season On Princesses Part 17
Spoilers: Through S2
Word Count: 6082
Rating: R (for language)
Disclaimer: I guess I own Sergio? Maybe? But none of the rest of it.
AN: Whew! Holy cow you guys. We‘ve arrived at chapter seventeen. This chapter is going out to
fangirl_101 , who quite randomly requested several weeks ago in the ’Ficcy Friday’
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Livejournal is impossible when being used from the phone and since I could never wait to get to a computer to read your update, I would read on my cell and then forget to post a reply once I got to an actual computer.
I am very very sorry.
I love this and cannot wait for more.
Fantastic ending.
Oh and how sad is it that people can understand an I Love Lucy reference but fail to grasp a Gidget one...
Anyway, looking forward to more!
You are preaching to the choir on that phone thing. My home internet is sucky at best right now and I've been trying to improvise, and it's the worst.
I'm so happy that you're still reading though. I thought I'd lost you!
I Love Lucy was so over-rated. Ugh.
Thanks for reading!
Oh and I totally agree about I Love Lucy. Not only was it over-rated, it still is over-rated,
For example, I LOVE Disney movies. However, I do not like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. But, we would not have gotten the greats without that movie.
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