Title: It's Always Open Season On Princesses 1/?
Spoilers: Through 'For A Few Paintballs More'
Word Count: 1917
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Dan Harmon owns all of this and is kind of possessive of it, so...don't sue me.
A.N: I hope I don't disappoint you guys with this. I'm going to switch POV with each chapter, so this one is from Jeff's subconscious.
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Bacon on ice-cream? EW, Troy XD
Oh, and bacon ice cream? Orgasmic.
Lol, srsly? Even the thought of it makes my bile rise,lol, I just really can't stand the taste of salty mixing with sweet, depends on what cuisine you are used to, I guess.
LOL, stupid typo, I meant "IT" of course (but I will come after him too, if he doesn't man up eventually)
I think at least for the purposes of this fic, there will be several people trying to knock some sense into him. The question is whether or not he will do anything about it.
I think at least for the purposes of this fic, there will be several people trying to knock some sense into him.
Even on the show we see Britta, Abed, Shirley and even Chang notice there's something between them, Jeff's not as subtle as he'd like to be *gg*
The question is whether or not he will do anything about it.
We'll see where youthe story will take us ;)
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