Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You? LAME. who wants to be screech? why not kelly? or for going for the "racially diverse" yet still completely caucasian lisa (she's "sophisticated fun")? i might even be a little jesse spano. but screech? i suppose we all have a little screech, zack, a.c. slater, kelly, lisa and jesse in us all. maybe even a little mr. belding. they should have had an emo kid. since that is such a huge part of our recent culture. i picture him having season tickets to Rocketown and hanging out at the mall in front of hot topic. maybe his name is christian, and he wears a faux-hawk to compliment his limited merch collection of band t-shirts and busted chuck taylors with Edgar Allen Poe's crappy stuff written in sharpie on the sides of his shoes. he wouldn't have fit in at bayside.
i love school. i'm ready for vienna. campus is wonderful, but i'm ready for what people have been telling me for the past 5 months.
so impaired, but so aware....