A Great King Part I

Jun 27, 2010 13:09

       A Great King

Part II here

Rating: PG/Teen
Spoilers: mainly season 1, minor season 2
Characters: Arthur, Merlin, Gwen, the bullies, and...a few more surprises
Disclaimer: I disclaim.   Merlin is the property of the BBC/Shine, but I did make up the names for those bullies and the servant girl, lol.
For rubber_glue  at Camelot_Loves Haiti Thing A Thon/Thank you for a wonderful idea/prompt and for helping Haiti!!  This was so fun to write and I hope it comes close to what you wanted.
Word Count: about 15, 0000
Time: Takes place sometime after episode S.1: Lancelot

A Great King
It is said that leadership requires true balance. Those who take control must also listen. A king must rule with confidence, as in return he lifts his ear to the quietest pleas of his subjects. To be respected he must give respect. The most successful king will take the long traverse to find this commonality. He will learn from all where he has faltered.

And even more simply, and yet just as importantly, a great king will have friends, loved ones, who stand by his side always, telling him when he is right…

And when he is wrong.

Knowing they can count on him…

When they are in need.

Together making one whole kingdom.

He will turn his back on those who betray this.


With courage.

And listened to advice.


“Rise and shine…my Lord!”

Arthur rolled his eyes at the annoying cheered-up voice of his manservant. Morning, and as usual, bright clothed Merlin came in with a smile that made him look positively idiotic. Still, the greeting, or command really, showing signs of Merlin’s belligerent attitude at times, did get the prince up. Taking the clothes the dark haired, wacky red-scarfed kid, servant, kid…leave it at that…gave him, Arthur moved behind the screen. He proceeded to start changing when it came.

“Dum du dum du dum dum du dum dum dum…”

Lips tightening to a scowl, waking up early as was required for a prince was never entirely a pleasure for him, Arthur called out. “Merlin!”


Okay, why did he let him get away with this? Really, sometimes he had to wonder. Servants were not supposed to answer like that. They were supposed to use titles all the time and bow and…oh forget it! He was humming again. “Merlin!”

“Yes Sire?”

There we go, protocol…and more humming. Blast it. “Shut-up!”

“Of course Sire.”

Arthur finally could finish getting dressed in silence for a bit.

“So it’s jousting practice today, right?”

Arthur pushed his brown leather jacket over his customary red tunic. Merlin would help him with all the suitable attire at the tent. “Yes, have you gotten my horse ready?”


It was another suitable eye rolling time. Arthur came out from the screen, standing in front of Merlin as the servant adjusted his collar, reached for his weapon belt, and tended to other such things that would make the prince’s look one of perfection. Pointedly, Arthur faced him now, not pleased with the answer to his question. “What do you mean…no?”

Merlin simply shrugged while fixing his master’s belt, before realizing a solid answer was definitely warranted. Straightening from his bent position, he gave it with full flourish and strong excuse. “Gaius sent me on so many errands this morning. I really didn’t have time. And then of course I had to get you up, get your clothes ready, make sure your boots were set out, bring in breakfast, have it all on the table, prepare it to serve, pick up your sleep attire-

Arthur put up his hand. This was how he got away with it. Had to be. He simply got so aggravated from his long explanations that he always stopped him and Merlin got off with nothing harmed. It really was not the way it was supposed to be. He was the prince. A servant should be dependable and….

Trustworthy. Inwardly Arthur smiled, not at all letting his servant see a speck of his thoughts. It’s what it came down to. Merlin could be trusted. He’d proven it time and again, the most recent shocking display, taking that poisoned goblet and drinking from it when it could have meant his death. It almost did, making him horribly sick. Arthur had rushed to find the one thing that would cure him. Just a few days after the whole incident, Merlin had come back to work, with a bit of a cough, but happy and ready to do his duty. Secretly Arthur had lessened his load a bit that first day, excusing him from the stable clean-up. Of course he had expected him to do the rest.

Merlin had even showed his worth with Lancelot, providing him with a knight of strength. Arthur missed him, even if he wasn’t of noble birth. Why should it matter when the man fought honorably and strongly? Lancelot had pure character and bravery that pushed away fear. He was a man he wanted by his side in a fight. That should be enough.

Ah, no time to waste on thought. He had a busy day ahead. Back to what they were talking about, the stables.

After all, that’s where this nutty morning conversation all started. “Then why don’t you go down now and get my horse ready?”

“But all these dishes Arthur that will need to be-

Arthur gave him a pin-prick look, eyes fixed on the servant with hard focus. It was enough.  Merlin was a bit of a bumbling idiot maybe, but he was not some utter simpleton. Yes, there was a difference…somewhat. Regardless, it made one thing clear, that Merlin was not a fool. Arthur would never stand around with a fool serving him. It was why every other servant he had been given had not made it past a few weeks.   They were FOOLS.  Also because of injury, mortal fear at being stabbed with a sword, becoming the target because they were too stupid to figure out how to set it up, and what one told him, utter exhaustion. Whatever be the problem, Merlin was past a month or two now. Give the man an award…if princes did that kind of thing.

They did not.

“Ah-hah…understood Sire. I’ll come back when the horse is ready.”

Arthur waved. “Don’t bother. I’ll meet you there.”


Merlin nearly skipped out of the room with a gleeful look at avoiding having to climb back up the steps to get the prince.

Arthur frowned, realizing it had happened again. It was a wonder how easily Merlin could shorten his workload with all his nonsense prattling.

Walking past the entrance doors to his quarters, Arthur glanced at the messy table with distaste. Looking out into the hallway…ah.

“Guinevere.” Supposedly everyone called her Gwen. Okay, yes, Gwen, Guinevere, had been with the Lady Morgana for a long time, but that didn’t necessarily mean Arthur knew her all that well. She wasn’t the type really to stand out, but she was nice enough. That was why he verbally defended her when his father had thought maybe she was a sorceress that should be punished to death. At the time Arthur had even believed if she had magic ability, it should not lead to her execution. Simply wanting to take care of a sick father, he saw as no means for punishment, instead something loving. Thankfully the truth was found out when Arthur killed that conjured beast. The girl was no sorceress, and so she was spared.

Gwen had a busy day of continued work that would keep her on her toes. She ceased all movement though as she heard her named called out. The rich timbre voice sounded familiar, but it couldn’t be. As she turned around, she realized indeed it was him.   Immediately she bowed with respect, even with the cumbersome load of laundry she was holding. It didn’t matter what was in your hands. Protocol must always be obeyed with the royal family. “My Lord.”

Ah, see now, Merlin could learn something from this girl. Indeed. This was the way a servant should treat a prince. “I need you to take these dishes for me down to the kitchen.”

Gwen nodded her head, putting down the laundry load on a hallway chair. Then she made her way past the prince into his front room with obedient words, head down. “Of course Sire.”

Turning away now with little interest actually to what he was asking, and even less to any of her labors, Arthur commented. “Shouldn’t increase your workload much, right?”

Gwen sighed quietly, barely letting it out. Of course it would increase it. She was supposed to be in the rooms across the hallway now, gathering the rest of the laundry to be washed and dried. It was just like a prince to assume it was no big deal, and to not even look at her. Still, she answered with a convenient lie to keep up his feelings. Mustn’t ever spoil the prince’s mood. “No Sire. Not at all.”

He wouldn’t get it anyway. She doubted he would care much that her day would be so much busier now, that she might even be late for a few tasks. Arthur didn’t understand the work of servants. Yes, he could be almost friendly with Merlin, and he had gone with Merlin and Morgana into the underground caves to kill the conjured beast as proof that Gwen was not the one with enchanted powers. Still, Gwen was smart enough to know he would never see her as an equal, like Lancelot had.

Oh Lancelot.

She hoped desperately he was well. Maybe he had not been a man of noble birth, but that possibly made him all the more wondrous to her. He had treated her with such respect and interest. It felt so divine to have a man she was not related to treat her with actual gallantry.

Arthur did turn around now, noticing the back of her head, and how a pretty lavender flower was placed there in the curls of her dark hair. It was kind of odd with her simple orange/white dress, but also kind of sweet like her demeanor often seemed. “I never said it before, so I’ll say it now. That was brave of you.” There was one thing Arthur had highest regard for, no matter how little of nobility a person might be in regards to bloodline.


His words surprised Gwen now as she lifted her head with question, drifting away from all her strong thought for the moment. “My Lord?”

Arthur half smiled, thinking her eyes were kind of nice and big. Never noticed too much of them before. Something interesting in their color. “When Merlin was poisoned and you came down to serve the food in the dungeons, the real food server came right after. You could have been caught and yet you still took the chance.” He moved just a bit forward.

Gwen took a slight step back, feeling a nervous excitement rush through. He was the prince, secretively very handsome to her. But he was a bully too, shown that day when Merlin first met him, and many other occasions before. He could be so much and yet sometimes-

He disappointed her.

Was that truly her thought? It was wrong. She must not think such things.

“Have I completely lost your attention?”

Gwen blinked.

Arthur laughed softly, almost wanting to touch her and yet…that was too odd. “You seem a mile away.”

Gwen shook her head. “No my Lord, I was of course listening to your every word. I love hearing you talk.”

Arthur’s eyebrows came up.

Gwen began to ramble with defense.   It was her biggest weakness, and yet little did she know, it endeared her to many. Whether Arthur could be included in that grouping was yet to be seen. “Oh…I don’t mean I love it. And I don’t mean I hate it either. I don’t mean that at all! It’s nice when you talk. I don’t mean nice in the way that-


That stopped her. Rarely did people use her full name. She was just Gwen to most. “My Lord?”

Arthur’s expression softened a bit with no outwardly permission. Even if he had no control over the slight feeling, the thoughts drifted in easily. She was not quite like other girls, definitely nothing like the ladies of the court, who could sometimes bore him to tears, even the most beautiful. Yet she wasn’t even like most servants. There seemed to be something different about her, in a way similar to how it was with Merlin.

Ah…Merlin better have his horse ready just about now.

“Well I was just saying that you were brave to come down to the cell, and smart to notice what I left you.”

Gwen smiled, so focused on that day that all the rambling faded now, along with a touch of the severe protocol. “I had to. Merlin’s life was in danger, and you had gone so far to get the flower. You put your own life at risk…for a servant.” She thought of how his father never would have cared, but of course didn’t mention it. Such thing could be called treason. “It was a kind thing for you to do Arthur…” She thought even more of how he had freed Lancelot without his father’s permission, and was ready to face any consequences. Arthur had fully wanted Lancelot to be a knight because of his valor, the noble birth issue mattering little. That had truly impressed her.

He stared at her curiously now, reminded for a quick moment of when she had had called out his actual name, as the guards came to take her, the time she had been unfairly imprisoned. She had pleaded to him to listen, and he had simply walked ahead. Never though had it felt right. He had simply of course been following his father’s orders, the man having such a fear of magic.

It astounded him how that made his father’s decisions erratic at times. Arthur respected and loved the man fully, but honestly he didn’t always agree with him, and that could make life difficult a bit. Already he was starting to see how he would want his Camelot to be, and that vision sometimes strayed from his father’s.

“I’m sorry…my Lord.” Gwen cut through Arthur’s silent ponderings.

Shaking his head, Arthur shrugged casually. He was used to Merlin calling him by his given name most the time, and not minding much Gwen using it now. Sounded kind of nice actually, a little lilt in her voice that....

Strange. He needed to get down to the stables.

“No…it’s okay.” There was no reason he should to explain to her…and yet he did.   “I would have felt responsible if anything had happened to Merlin. That’s all. That cup was meant for me. It was my duty to save whoever drank from it. Really, it was just the right thing to do, the honorable decision. I could not have lived with myself if I had just stood by, done nothing…and it led to some…awful fate.”

Gwen smiled softly at his words. This went beyond what made him handsome outwardly, the eyes as blue as the sky on a cloudless day, and the waves of lush golden hair. This was the part of the prince she couldn’t just turn away from, for it was not the mere trivial. It was what made him so different from his father. The more she saw, the more that was delved, it became apparent. Arthur’s heart was pure. It would be silly though to say anything, and she had so much more work to tend to. She simply nodded and finished picking up the plates now and the cup and pitcher, having to balance, causing the pitcher to tip precariously away from her hands.

Arthur moved forward and grabbed at it before it could hit the floor. “Careful.” He laughed softly with a curving grin finding his lips.

Gwen blushed, but with grateful eyes. “I think I have it now.” She took the pitcher from him with rosing cheeks.

Arthur watched as she left the room, his expression touched with curiosity, before he shook his head at it all.



He turned around at the voice, seeing four of his friends standing there with sloppy grins. It kind of went with their less than stellar attire. Like him, they were rich, noble bred or something similar, even though it seemed none of them had taken up the gauntlet of responsibility entirely. They were of course not as wealthy as him, but they lived enough in the lap of luxury that should require some kind of strong duty.

In these times, even with servants, everyone should share some bit of the labors. Servants were of course meant to do all the cleaning and menial toils, courtiers performed the organizational tasks and such, and the most noble, trained to fight and protect all they held dear. Even the ladies participated in the care of a kingdom’s well being when any kind of harm was brought to it.

It was kind of weird seeing them actually. Ever since his knight duties had strongly increased, and Merlin had actually adapted a well- tuned method of preparing him for it all, Arthur rarely saw his old friends.   It was only months before he’d turn of age and be declared Crown Prince of Camelot. That meant he had little time for anything other than leading knight guard duty, and assisting his father in all the work that went into keeping a kingdom at peace. Much was expected of him that did not allow him to be slovenly.

“Well hello, how is everything Balac?” He addressed the same question to the rest of them. Easy conversation started between them all, as regardless of his time away from them lately, they had been friends for years. Interruption came only as Merlin walked out of the stable, finally with his horse, giving a short signal to the prince.

Peter, one of the four, commented about the skinny servant boy. “So that idiot kid Merlin is still working for you, huh? You haven’t sacked him yet Arthur?’

The prince slightly frowned before shaking his head. Merlin annoyed him plenty, but also he was loyal. Of course timeliness was not his asset, but others enough he had that made Arthur value him, even as he boisterously complained. “No. He’s actually okay at his work. Better than most the others. But for sure, he’s a bumbling idiot at times.”

The guys all laughed and Balac, pretty much their ring leader, came in with. “How about we do the moving target practice routine with him, huh? Make him run.”

Arthur laughed too before shaking his head. It was a funny idea, but one that he was sure would never work with Merlin, considering he had been the one who interrupted his play with his former servant the first time he met him. Merlin had many faults, but he did have character that Arthur had to brusquely respect, and besides, time was not allowed for such foolery. He had a busy day ahead. “Sorry, but don’t really have time for that. Jousting practice calls. Another tournament will be around the corner.”

Balac came in with another zinger. “I’m sure it can wait a bit. After all you’re the prince. You could lie around all day if you wanted, with some pretty little dove of a lady.”

Arthur’s quiet response did not ring with happiness. A common mistake of those outside the castle, even some belligerent nobles, was that the king and prince just sat around on their lazy arses all day. Nothing could be further from the truth as Arthur saw it. Sure, he had servants to tend to him all the time, but he had plenty of his own obligations. Just being leader of the Knights of Camelot was a huge responsibility that he wondered if his friends totally understood. Strange enough though, Merlin got it. Maybe even Gwen appreciated it. “I’m expected to do a little more than that, but anyway…”

Merlin stood in place, waiting with the horse now. Toward Arthur his expression was friendly, if respectful. Toward the others it was a bit cautiously hostile. He hadn’t liked those guys from the first time he met Arthur. He hadn’t even liked Arthur then. In his service though, he had learned that Arthur was not just a taunting arrogant jerk. He actually had awesome responsibility that he never shirked, and he was not above and beyond protecting his servant, or anyone else, whenever needed. Sure, through magic, Merlin had kept Arthur safe, secretly, but through brawn, Arthur had looked out for Merlin. There was much about him to admire, even if he still acted like a prat a lot…hah…

A royal one.

Arthur made his goodbyes now quickly, actually wanting to be with Merlin, and of course his knights, more than these four, an interesting predicament he couldn’t have foretold months ago. “Okay, it was good seeing all of you, but I’m sure you have some work you need to do just like I-

Smoothly Balac cut through, yelling out a taunt to Arthur’s servant. “Hey Merlin! Want to challenge me to a fight…hah hah hah!” He raised his sword and waved it around erratically in pure mocking, waiting for Arthur to laugh at the gesture and join in to make the stupid servant boy scared.

Instead Arthur mildly grimaced. His last words had even included a sort of reprimand. After all, he wondered, was this what they did all day? Just stand around and taunt servants and such? They must have some work to tend to. A life of laziness was one that should be felt shame for. He hoped for their sakes they did more than this.

His voice was clipped, final departure.

“I have to go.”

As Arthur now approached the horse, Merlin whispered to him, “What’s all that about?”

It amazed Arthur sometimes how Merlin acted like he could be completely his equal. “Not really your business Merlin. Considering they’re my friends.”

“You have a weird choice in friends.”

Arthur’s eyes rolled as he got up on the horse and then faced Merlin pointedly. “What gives you the call to say that? I swear Merlin, half the time I don’t even know if you realize you’re a servant.”

Merlin smiled amicably. “Half the time you’re probably right. And since so, mind if I stop early today?”

Arthur shook his head with disbelief. “Yes.”

“Thought I’d just ask.”

Merlin said nothing else on the subject. That irritated Arthur. He started to question, not catching Merlin’s smile. “Wait…why do you want to…”

Merlin loved when he could affect things even without magic.

He had a gift….ha ha ha.


A great king is wise in all his dealings. It is said that a great king sees the opportunity and seizes it, while denying indolence. He looks beyond the bright jewels and finds the tarnished spirit, readying to nurture it to its finest. A great king knows how to question what once seemed acceptable.

A great king stands up when dignity is violated…

With courage and fierce response.


“Hah hah hah! Try to get it! Come on! Over here…no now this way! Ha ha!”

Gwen was on her way home from a day of work at the castle under a darkening evening sky, as she witnessed it with disgust. It was truly awful what they were doing, that bullying herd of four who she knew Arthur was friends with. Really, she should just finish heading to her house now to cook dinner for her father and ignore it, but what way was that right? Merlin had stepped in that time when Arthur had taunted his former servant. She should not allow this to go on.

Balac threw the cloak to another one of his friends, laughing as the servant girl, Mirra, he believed her name was, pleaded with him to stop. Seemed she was worried it would get dirty and that her mistress would be awfully angry. Hah…too bad. She should have held onto it tighter. It was her fault for thinking she could just walk by them, holding her work so loosely without them wanting to have some fun. Kingdom life could be a dreadful bore lately, needed something to keep them entertained.

Gwen startled now as Mira actually began to cry as they lowered the already poorly handled cloak threateningly toward the ground. It was so beautiful with rich golden brocade that she was sure it must belong to Mirra’s mistress. Now it would be dirtied horribly beyond what they had already done to it, if it touched the soil underneath foot. She couldn’t just stand here and do nothing. It was going too far. “Stop that.” She called out quietly. They were laughing too loudly to hear.   Disgusted, she dropped her own load carefully on a nearby cart, and stepped forward, raising her voice to be heard.

“Stop that now! What you are doing is awful.”

A crowd had gathered around when the taunting began. None of them though had been brave enough, or maybe cared enough, to end the assault on the poor servant girl.   That meant Gwen was alone in defending the girl, her hands slightly shaking as she faced all four men who were of much bolder physique than her of course.

“What was that, servant girl?”

“Hah hah hah…” They all laughed.

No one on the sides helped. Gwen strived to make her shaky voice come out strong. She was only half successful, but still, she did not look away or down. “I said to give her back the cloak. She has done nothing to you. What you are doing is wrong. Leave her alone.”

Balac’s dark eyes widened, before he let out a chortle of humor. “Hah hah hah! Are you trying to tell me what to do? Tell me girl, is that what you’re attempting? Hmmm…” He moved forward now, causing a sharp invasion of Gwen’s personal space, tapping at her chin before laughing. “Maybe it would work if your appearance wasn’t so…ordinary. You’re not my type…sweetheart. Actually I’m not sure whose type you would be.”

The rest of his cohorts laughed again, if two a bit less. “Hah hah ha!”

Gwen bristled at his insincerely cruel words. She knew she may not be as beautiful as some other girls, and definitely the ladies of the court, but she wasted little precious time on faltering her appearance ever. She was pretty enough, and more importantly, she treated others with kindness whenever she could. For that, Balac’s insult did not hurt, and also because she saw what he was on the inside, shallow and little of heart. He was simply a bully like his friends around him. She probably should hold her tongue, but she opened her mouth to lash out now, to tell him what he should hear. No one else seemed willing to do it anyway. It was just, he hear his ugly shortcomings. “I wouldn’t want to be the type of such a cowardly boy.”

Some in the crowd around snickered and laughed.   To have a servant girl put this town menace in his place was something many enjoyed.   The reaction, the sting of her words, made Balac turn even uglier now. He tipped again at Gwen’s chin, moving his face severely close as he whispered, “What was that you just called me?”

Gwen shivered, feeling the pressure of his finger, that in a minute if he did not remove it, she would do her best to push away. “I-I…said…”

Her stuttering came out now, making Balac laugh with satisfaction. His smile was vicious.

Gwen still would not back down though, actually starting to raise her chin as much as she could muster. Just get that finger off and take a step away from his bullying posture. That’s all she needed to do.

Balac was pleased with the weakening affect he was creating on her. Stupid girl’s fault for getting involved in what she should have just stayed out of. It had nothing to do with her. It would be fun putting her back in her place in front of everyone watching, see her squirm.   “Yeah, that’s what I th-

“STEP away from her. NOW.”

Everyone turned around at the fully commanding voice. Gwen turned too, seeing him standing there with a strong air of authority and a deep scowl that would not allow argument.

He had been walking through the town on his way to the palace when he saw the petite figure in the red cloak that he knew just had to be her. Shockingly she was not alone.

Balac looked incredulous, but a bit off his game, his finger did fall away from Gwen’s chin now. The three of them watched with varying expressions. A couple of them did actually believe this had gone too far. Balac seemed to have an uncontained anger lately. And on top of that, Arthur’s talking to them earlier today had been right on a few things that their own fathers and mothers were reminding them of heatedly.

Letting out a tiny sigh of no clear meaning, Gwen backed away. That movement could be understood well enough.

The prince strode past the crowd with deliberate steps, stopping right at the two of them, not even noticing yet the girl beyond who was crying. He stared at Balac now with cold amazement. He had been his friends for years. Together they had fun in the times of their learnings. They had teased many, but what he just witnessed, the way Balac had been holding Gwen’s chin, and getting so threateningly close to her, was something that made his hands harden into knuckled fists. “What do you think you’re doing? Why are you bothering Guinevere?”

Balac sneered at the servant girl before answering flippantly. “She had the audacity to interrupt our fun and even called me a coward.”   The girl would pay now. He couldn’t wait to see what Arthur did to shame her. This would bring back his regular character no doubt, making him the Arthur once again they all knew. Servants were expected to always obey and were there for merely one reason, their ability to work and take care of the things the rich shouldn’t have to dirty their hands with.

Arthur looked to Gwen. Noticing the touch of shakiness still in her face, he gentled his voice. “Why would you do that Gwen?” And then he turned back to Balac. “Wait…what fun?”

“My Lord.” Before Gwen could finish her half bow, Arthur now noticed the crying girl and the cloak in the hands of his other friends. He turned to the girl. “Why are you crying?” Exasperated, he called out. “What the hell is going on here?”

Then he looked back to her. “Guinevere?” Seeing that she was still somewhat nervous, he filled in more. “Just tell me what happened. None of the blame will fall on you. Don’t worry.” As she still kept quiet, Arthur whispered softly. “I need to hear Guinevere.” He could see the ugly exchanges between her and Balac, and he didn’t like it a bit. The man was a lot bigger than her and servant or not, Gwen was a lady who should be respected. The knights held strongly to that belief, and as prince he led it. Sure she was not of noble birth, and servants did not have to be formally acknowledged ever, but also they should not ever be treated poorly, unless committing a horrible crime. He doubted fully Gwen had done anything as such.

Balac’s face filled with surprise and cynicism. He was his friend, not this…girl. What was happening with Arthur lately anyway? It was like he forgot everything that used to matter to him, so pretentious and all. He sometimes used to shrug off lessons and obligation. Now he was always training his knights, never with any time for some friends.

Gwen finally filled in, disturbed still by Mirra’s crying. “I was walking home and saw these four…your friends…taunting Mirra over there. They must have grabbed the cloak she was taking to her lady, and they wouldn’t give it back to her. Even as she started crying, they teased that they would drag it through the dirt. To cause her trouble.” Gwen went on now fiercely as Arthur’s eyes didn’t leave hers, and as she could still hear Balac snickering. “She did not deserve that! My Lord.   I could not stand by and watch. It was horrible what they did, making her cry.”

Arthur was stunned. Looking again at the girl now, seeing that her tears were still silently falling, he shook his head. This went beyond teasing and taunting in his book, and besides, it was fun for a while, but such things should be grown out of.  It was foolish of them to still be acting this way. Rough edge touching at his voice, eyes lifted away with revulsion, he ordered now. “Give me the cloak.”

It took a minute longer than it should, so he finished with thundering fervor. “NOW.”

Rapidly one of them handed him the cloak. Arthur, mouth fixed into a flat line, the crowd still half around, walked over to the crying girl. Gently he touched at her wrist and handed her back the load. “Here. Don’t be upset. Dry your tears and take it to your lady. Go on now. It’s alright.”

She kept standing there, even as she bowed reverently as much as she could muster, her shaking stance mostly taking over though.

Arthur sighed. Gwen came in with Mirra’s problem. “It’s dirty my Lord. Their hands made it so.”

“’Quiet your mouth you dumb servant girl!”

Arthur turned around furiously at the insult, lashing out at Balac before he regained his control. “No, YOU be quiet. And don’t you EVER talk to her like that again. I could put you all in the stocks for this disgusting display of incivility!” He pointed at Mirra now with conviction. “This girl was simply doing her work! What was it your business to interfere with it?”

He shook his head with disgust, before making his way back to Mirra, using her name now with actual humility. “Mirra, Gwen says your name is, right? It will be fine. You go to your lady now and I will make sure that everything is explained to her.   She will allow you the time to clean it.  This is none of your fault. You did nothing wrong and I give you my word…these…MEN…” He was using the term loosely now, sickened that his friends could be acting this way. If they truly were that any more. He really didn’t know. They should be ashamed of themselves. Picking on a young girl was not something that should be tolerated.

“…Will not bother you again. For they know if they do…it will be at their own PERIL. Go on now. Be on your way.”

His words were delivered in a firm, but gentling-at-the-edge tone for the sake of the girl.  Her face was terribly wet from all her tears, and her body was too steadily shaking. He couldn’t help but feel sorry.

Mirra finally smiled bravely. “Thank you Gwen. I will not forget your courageous assistance this night.”

Gwen smiled back.

Arthur watched the friendly exchange, thinking the two girls probably knew each other well. His eyes stayed on Gwen a moment longer. What she had done was brave and kind, for a girl who lost the ability to defend herself. This crowd of people just stood around as Gwen had actually faced the four. He had to respect that as now his attention came back to Mirra, her voice quietly speaking to him.

As Mirra addressed the prince, she kept her face half lowered, nervous to be so fully in his presence and to have the attention on her. “And thank you so graciously Sire. You are a Prince of such kindness. Thank you!’

Arthur smiled softly and then turned back to Balac, seeing that his ‘friend’ was not at all happy now. Well neither was Arthur. “Don’t you ever do anything like this again. All of you…” He turned to the rest of them before focusing back again on Balac.

Two of them nearly hung their heads in shame, actually glad the prince had stopped what was becoming a situation they hadn’t fully liked being part of, after the servant girl Gwen had interrupted. It brought too close to the forefront how Balac was turning this into some kind of vengeance thing, rather than just some silly, temporary teasing. Seemed Peter was going along with him too, having way too much fun at other people’s expense.

Merlin, just returning from an errand for Gaius, began to witness all the commotion now, concerned that Gwen seemed in the middle of it. Ah…and those four dumb friends of Arthur’s. What had they done now? He rushed over, but stopped short of joining Arthur and Gwen in the center. It seemed his Lord wasn’t exactly done. And maybe neither was one of his friends.

“I don’t believe this. You should be ashamed of yourselves.” He addressed the four men, the crowd still not totally gone, yet to be dismissed by Arthur.

Balac came back coolly though. This had been festering since earlier in the day, and maybe for months now. The Arthur Pendragon he had counted as one of his closest friends, was turning into a weak do-gooder prince it seemed. He sneered. “What about you, huh?”

Arthur turned and faced him with eyebrow raised.

Gwen gasped beside him.   Even as his friend, he should not address the Prince of Camelot in such a seditious way.

“What was that?” Arthur asked now with astonishment.

Balac laughed dryly, before coming back at the prince with thick sarcasm. “Really, what has happened to you lately, Arthur? I don’t remember you acting so INDIGNANT when you were throwing knives at your OTHER servant boy.”

“It was a moving target. I wasn’t going to actually hurt him.”

Balac nearly spit it out, with only one royal inch of respect. “You can throw me in the stocks for this all you want, as I’m sure you’ll have your guards here in a second, but you’re being nothing but a hypocrite, MY LORD.”

Arthur moved so fast that before Gwen could even blink, Balac was in a headlock. She lifted tightly clasped hands to under her chin with anxiety. Merlin too watched from his side with concern. This could escalate into something big, already with that crowd not yet disappeared. It wasn’t good for the prince to be making a spectacle of himself in public, even if that jerk Balac had probably started it.

Arthur just tugged though, making Balac flinch for a second as he told him low in his ear. “Think carefully what you say or I’ll escort you to the dungeon myself. You’ll see though that I’m not as nice as the guards.”

Balac shoved out of it, furious to actually hear the cheering from the crowd for the prince.

Many of them had dealt at one time or another with Balac and his henchmen. The bullies were too cowardly to do anything fully hazardous, but there had been times they had interfered with their businesses, stealing an item here or there before jokingly giving it back, or stopped their movements as they were heading home. It was about time someone put Balac in his place, and the others.

Balac gave Arthur a cold look, who returned it before dismissing him like he was worth nothing. Then the prince addressed the crowd. “On your way now. Let’s go. To your homes and back to whatever destination you were heading to. There’s nothing to see here.” He looked back at the men he had once called his friends, not totally sure he felt that way anymore, and yet ready to let it go simply. Arthur was not a foolish person who needed popularity to help him survive. He had emphasized harshly the word nothing, seeing in at least some of their faces that they understood his meaning. He didn’t even bother to give Balac a glance though, feeling deeply he didn’t deserve it.

As the crowd dispersed, Merlin move forward, even as Balac and one other of the bully friends of Arthur’s hung around a bit.   Loudly he asked it, “Gwen, is everything okay?”

Balac couldn’t help but come in with mimicking. He had been humiliated this night, so a plan was already forging in his mind.   “All your friends coming to your rescue, my Lord?”

Arthur bristled. “You have one second to get out of here before I make good on my promise.” Merlin, used to his master’s moods whenever challenged, held at his shoulder with a quietly whispered. “Sire. Don’t listen to THEM.” Merlin let his stronger side show now, giving Balac a dirty look as he wished so desperately he could magically make a barrel go rolling in his direction. Now that would be funny.

Gwen stared. She was in no way Arthur Pendragon’s friend. They couldn’t be more wrong. And even as she thought this…

Arthur, who had backed off after Merlin’s fast touch, turned to her with concern. “ARE you alright?” It was not a question asked of a chum. Arthur knew their class differences very well, and he shared little with her.  Balac had practically accosted her though this night, and that he would never tolerate. Too, he was surprised and impressed by her actions. Gwen for sure had stepped in bravely; Arthur always admired courage.

Balac and the rest of the group had departed after Arthur’s final warning. They were conspiring in the stone overhang of one of the closed markets for the night, sure to cause trouble in the future.

Arthur had yet to meet with his father about tomorrow’s knight duties. He was late already to confer with him, something he would have to explain, since his father had a low tolerance for tardiness from even his own son. It wasn’t like Merlin and Gwen were his friends anyway.   They were servants and should be treated as such, with respect for sure, and truly he believed their lives were none less than his, but that was where it should end, in all royal standard. And yet still he wanted to make sure she had not been hurt in any way. Gently he touched at her wrist. “Are you Guinevere?”

With Merlin standing by now, that goofy smile starting to form on his face, Gwen too smiled finally. “I’m fine my Lord. You did not have to step in.  I am grateful though…you did. Arthur.”

He smiled back gently. Gwen may not be a lady of the court in any way other than being Morgana’s maiden, but there definitely was something about her. And simply he was glad that she was unharmed. “Very well. Merlin…” He turned to his servant now, gesturing shortly to Guinevere. “See to it that Gwen gets home alright.” Merlin nodded his head before Arthur of course had to bring in with high flouted royal dominion, “And be sure to clean my chainmail, boots and tunic appropriately so they’re ready for tomorrow. Until then…goodnight.” He gave an authoritative half dismissive wave before walking away.

Gwen watched the trailing of his long brown regal coat, smiling softly as it disappeared behind a corner, and so did all appearance of him. Merlin watched with a teasing smile.

“Are my eyes deceiving me, or are you developing a softness toward Arthur?”

Caught, Gwen blushed and shook her head profusely. It would be silly for her to think anything more of his ‘rescue’ than pure chivalry. That was all it was. All it would have to be. Foolish to think anything beyond. “Don’t be silly Merlin!” Her rambling flair came through now as she started to profusely apologize. “Not that I’m saying you’re silly understand, at least not most the time and not that I mean-

Merlin just laughed. “Gwen.”

She returned his goofy smile and let him escort her back home, the two of them walking arm in arm with friendly affection.

After all, they were becoming chums by now, no airs or lines of nobility to interfere.

Ever so lucky they were.



The word wouldn’t leave him, not even after his long meeting with his father, and bed calling him to it. Arthur moved to the window with troubled expression. He had thrown knives at his old servant boy, well, at the board. Honestly, he never would have harmed him. He was more than experienced enough to keep the blade away from even the kid’s shirt. He’d done it though, maybe not considering strongly enough if it caused humiliation. Tonight Balac and the others hadn’t harmed the servant girl physically, but they had teased and caused her to get upset, to cry.

The servant boy had told him to stop.


One day he would be king. How would he treat his subjects then? What would he allow in his kingdom? Would servants be seen as merely hired help or…

It could have been Gwen crying this night, and for some reason that deeply troubled him. She just seemed to be stronger than that. Oh, it meant nothing. She was just a servant. It meant nothing but…


No one should be stopped from their work. They shouldn’t have wet cheeks because someone interfered with their progress. Servants worked no less harder than him. Sure he teased Merlin, but when his life was put in danger, Arthur would have stopped at nothing to save him. He had no care to prevent someone from their work with teasing mantras, and their livelihood should be respected, their safety insured. Servants should not be treated as mere cattle.


Arthur closed his eyes for a moment. No more. Balac made his choice this night, to not grow up. To be the jerk Merlin said he was. Arthur was not the type ever to grovel at someone’s feet, or stay wasted in heavy emotion, but something turned.

Maybe it happened when Lancelot came, and actually declared that he was not yet worthy of being a knight, because of his own self faults, what he believed in his own spirit.

Or maybe it happened this night, watching the tears fall down that girl’s face that he had never recognized before.

Maybe it was the fury of watching Gwen be threatened.

Whatever it was…

No one would ever call him a hypocrite.

One day he would be king…and he silently vowed now that he would be a wise one.

One that gave as good as his word.


As Arthur pondered on his misgivings, Balac saw nothing wrong with who he was, and nothing indecent about what he was plotting.

“So it’s agreed right, we give them the welcoming they were never totally rewarded with?”


“Sounds good…”

The rest too agreed as he warned. “We’ll just have to be very…discreet about it. So no one ever finds out who’s responsible.”

“Hah hah…yeah.”

“Before I confront the one who started all this.”

The tone was ominous. The smile was near frightening.

And yet they agreed with him.

Even as two wondered questioningly if this might be going too far.

Perhaps Balac was making this too personal…

And the prince was right.


Part II 

character: merlin/emrys, length: 1/2/3 parter, season: 1, mood: adventure, time: present, mood: friendship, ✒writing: a great king, character: arthur, ✍status: complete, character: guinevere

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