The Tender Secret Part I

Jun 27, 2010 12:29

     Part II here

Mild Rating, romance/slight angst Arthur Gwen

Has spoilers all the way to season 2 for US viewers


He stood in its middle, the great hall. Twelve in royal red tunics with the dragon emblem surrounded him. They were the ones brave enough to follow to whatever destiny decreed. He was a man, of more experience than age. To look at simply his years since birth would make him seem nothing more than a boy. These times, however, were ones even the wealthiest endured the harsh. Maturity came from bouts between life and death.

A bout like the one he would now be facing.

The man of young years smiled bravely before his expression turned to solemn determination. He rarely gave time to wasteful pondering, for there was no luxury of hours or even minutes for it. As he now lifted his sword, the twelve in kind raised theirs around him, out of honor, respect, and resolve. Being in the center, having such type of response, was not new to him in any way. Royalty commanded it. And he was that. Royalty. The only one who ranked above him was his father, for he was the king. Having the man as his sole parent, he, the prince, was esteemed with privilege and luxury. Because of his noble last name, servants were at his beckon.

He was not idle though. Never confuse him for something so simple. Even if he expected much, he too gave much.

The determination in the young man's face turned to steeliness. From childhood he had been groomed to take command with authority. The timbre of his voice could easily change to one that instructed with high expectation. That was probably why the men who circled around him had volunteered for this battle in the first place. The prince was revered, but too he was respected, maybe even liked.

The young man was not of age yet to know that such circle was only a glimpse of what would come years into the horizon. There would come the day when the circle would be around a grand table. He'd sit at its head, calling forth only the most bravest, strongest and noblest of knights to hold court with him. It was a day he could not see for it was too sentimentally hard to witness a time when his father would breathe no longer…

And he would be king.

King Arthur.

That was too far off in the future, just like the not yet known reality that his simple bumbling servant was actually a warlock, who would become possibly the greatest sorcerer of all time. It was far too difficult for him to imagine now that he would join with Sorcerer Merlin, uniting Albion, and bringing magic back to all its lands.

Merlin, as the way he saw him now, was too simple, though a bit silently he had become a trusted ally…and friend. Merlin wore loose clothes in bright silly colors. His knees quaked every time he joined Arthur on a battle. There really was nothing special about him if you simply saw his appearance.

Look beyond though and you saw what the young prince did even at this time before the future would affirm his belief. Despite how he complained about his servant regularly, Arthur was not the kind to suffer fools gladly. The first day he'd met Merlin, the silly young man actually bravely, and a bit stupidly, called him a prat. Later he would call him a royal one and challenge him to a fight. Of course Arthur's stealthy brawn was more than a match for Merlin's lesser physical ability. Something odd happened though that day. Arthur stumbled in bits of clumsiness that he had never been challenged with before. He was not one to physically falter, and yet with that match against Merlin, he was tripping over things enough to actually give Merlin a temporary advantage…before Arthur slapped him with the handy broom. The guards had then come to put Merlin in the dungeon for his audacious insubordination. Oddly though Arthur negated it, for a reason strong he held in his mind. Merlin had not backed down. Even knowing he was the prince, he stood up to him.

It would go so beyond that in the future. Allies would turn into a force difficult for anyone else to challenge. That time though still was not yet come.

Arthur sought in his soul now for Camelot's salvation. He would take these twelve knights that had courageously volunteered with him tonight to fight the dragon menace. It was the last of its breed and it actually had been imprisoned within the caved walls of the castle for some time. Someone unknown though had freed it; there was no time for stowing out punishment. It simply had to be captured before it devastated completely. For too many nights now it had flown in the skies terrorizing the community and leaving carnage in its wake. It had to be stopped…

No matter what the cost.

It was for the love of his life's world. Growing up royal, Arthur felt an awesome responsibility, one that sometimes made him want to shake to the soles of his boots. However he was braver than a crying boy who would give into such cowardly sins. Instead he always kept his head held high. He never let fear reek out.

At this moment though his mind was quiet, humbled as he faced the knights that surrounded him. Everything would end one way or another this evening. He could only hope the dragon's fate would be a mortal one of closure. These men, young and old around him, hoped to hold their life with him as their leader this night. He prayed solemnly he could keep their wishes true.

Even as he was ready to face whatever outcome came. As he knew his knights were too. Simply stated, they may all die this night. He may feel his last breath in this final act.

But then so be it. He would not give up until the dragon took his final blow. As long as his eyes were open he would endure any kind of pain and terror. He would do it for his Camelot. For his father. For his people.




She helped another one that lay still with injury in the hall that had been set up for all that needed care. It was filled nights ago with people. Now, even though it had emptied out some, for those who no longer were with eyes open, sadly brought to their hastily dug up graves, and those more fortunate, who had healed from their wounds, it still was busy with sounds. She smiled down gently at a young boy whose eyes shook with fear. Tenderly she whispered to him all would be alright, even though she knew darkly his parents had been taken during the dragon's relentless attacks just the night before.

She was dressed in lavender, the cloth pretty enough, but less refined material than what the noble ladies wore. She was a woman still young enough to be called a girl by some. Her life had never been one of privilege, but still she felt cared for through most it. From the time of being a young girl she had served her lady as a ready maiden. Sadly her lady just days beyond had disappeared in the wilds of magic with Sorceress Morgause.

Because she had no ability to see into the future, she knew not that her lady had a destiny that might steer far from hers. Though that lady had never been anything but kind to her, she was filled with a fate that was darker than anything ever she could have imagined. She would become foe to those she had befriended before, for the maiden's lady was the Lady Morgana, a woman who would go into the cycles of history, who would unite with the darkest of all.


The girl had no understanding of that though, as she too could not foresee a future in which two men of stature would fight for her love. They would yearn for her desire to be only theirs. One she would marry, bringing change to her life she could never now imagine. The other she would never entirely forget, as his life's fate would intertwine their placements again, and that with her future husband. Neither would she entirely betray, for she had no such evil ability. And yet both she would hold dear in her heart, to friction their friendship. For love had no easy dictation. And there was no straight answer of who she desired most. Not yet anyway.

She saw herself as just Gwen, simple servant girl who served her Lady Morgana until her lady disappeared. It was inscribed though in the clouds of the new day beyond. One day she would become much more than just simple Gwen. One drift into the horizon she would kneel at the altar of her coronation.

The Coronation of Queen Guinevere. She would be respected, loved, serve and live with a man she could never believe now whose fate hers would so ultimately mingle with.

Smiling at the boy one more time now, Gwen hastily made her way past to an elderly man whose cough was deep. With smile full still she tended to the wounds that scraped at his stomach. Then she wiped with little heed at the stained white apron that tied at the waist of her lavender dress. She must be on her way to another.

Without her lady there anymore it may seem she should have no job, but actually she had plenty because she was capable of much more than one duty. She had many labors in the castle that she tended to without any sort of complaint. Even the days when her father's loss had been so fresh, after his wrongly judged death, she had not allowed herself much luxury of grief. Her lady then had needed tending to. The castle required her to keep guest quarters in order. Many a time she tended to the knights, mending and cleaning their uniform and gear. She worked in the kitchen, washing the dishware of the royal family, and its guests.

There was no time to be sad then, as there was little time to fear. The fiery dragon had come now for more than a pair of nights. It would soar in the sky before it dove down with its terrorsome teeth, its wide jaws opening to release the fire that left the castle in smoke filled injury. She knew that some of the highest towers still were burning with the dragon's litter. The men were wearied from trying to fight it, and the women were soiled from tending to all the hurt and damage it left in its wake.

Making her way to a sad faced woman, Gwen heard the old man speak. Gaius may be much in age, but in spirit he was fully young and caring of the kingdom he served. "Ah Gwen, watch over there for Sir Baldad please, and keep a run of things for a bit. King Uther requires me to join him in the great hall. Merlin and Prince Arthur are back."

She tried not to open her mouth too wide. They were back. He…was back. "Of course Gaius. I will make sure everyone is tended to."

The old man smiled at her gently. He knew, for he had talked to her about it before and witnessed the tender scene as she tended to his wounds, that something was building between the young prince and sweet Gwen. He touched at her hand now, soft enough for a young woman, and yet worked harshly from a servant's life. It was not anywhere near though as gnarled as his own from age and his own share of hard work. "Thank you Gwen. I know all will be well, but be sure my dear to take the time you need for your own rest. Your help is valued highly, but I will not have you falling faint on me from weariness."

She pushed back at a curl of hair that escaped the loose ties that tried to hold at it as Gaius left. Nothing novel. Her hair was a mess mostly of dark curls that rarely did they pay heed entirely to any kind of bonds. It could be supposed it was like her ways, not so easily predicted. Gwen was a beautiful surprise to most. Even if she didn't realize it.

She moved from bed to bed with little care for herself or any bits of her appearance. She needed to keep to her work, and not let her mind drift to where her heart might sometimes willfully linger. Emotions were too hard to contain. Too much unfortunate.


He sat down with them, the group of twelve. They speedily laid out their plot of venture, their agenda meant to end the dragon's fiery breaths. Arthur, Prince Arthur, as he was nobly called, smiled shortly at the men who would ride with him this night. They were all of noble birth as should be. Still, he wouldn't mind having a man of less noble birth come along on this trial. He fought nearly as well as him. He would have been maybe the best knight ever, but he was far from here, Lancelot.

Far from her.

There was no time for this. Lancelot was nowhere near and whatever had transpired between…them…during that rescue mission months ago, that time was long past. She lived in Camelot. He lived outside.

Arthur shunned it all away now, knowing this task he was about to embark on couldn't allow any emotional wanderings.

Instead he agreed with his knights on their now fully planned course of action. Not much needed to be spoken about for Camelot Knights knew how to fight by instinct. They trained without end for all kinds of battles.

As they departed from the great hall to ready their gear, Arthur noticed Merlin was nowhere to be seen. Typical, though he supposed he could pardon it for the moment. His servant had spoken little on the way back to the castle, both their moods down as now there would be no Balinor to help them defeat the Great Dragon. He had died during their mission to find him. With no living Dragonlord, this was the one solution. Arthur would ride out with his men on horseback to the open forests, far away from Camelot, where they could control the atmosphere and keep the people safe. Even as they possibly gave their own lives.

Arthur shook his head away from that grim maybe-future. If that was how it came to pass, then at least they would die with honor. He searched with his blue-skied eyes one last time for his servant, finding no notice of him or Gaius. He knew Merlin was close to the old man, as they shared quarters in the castle, and he worked for Gaius as much as him. He'd give him a little time before he'd expect his assistance with his armor. It was Merlin's job to tend to him. Even with Balinor's death obviously affecting him, he would hold him to his duty. Maybe it sounded harsh, but a kingdom could only be ruled with order kept in place. He was a prince who went into battle right alongside his knights all the time. He never expected them to fight alone. He put his life on the line aplenty. Consider him privileged, but he also had deep responsibility. That meant a servant like Merlin was entirely necessary. Even as a sometimes friend at his side…though let Merlin never hear that fond expression.

He'd turn it into something stupid. Idiot. Idiot Merlin.

Arthur smiled softly, finally making his departure from the great hall, avoiding the fearful eyes of his father. He knew he worried what the fate of this battle would be. Arthur was set on it though. Whatever was needed for the love of his beautiful kingdom.

For dear Camelot.


As she watched Gaius pass by now with Merlin, she wondered if maybe he was alone now. Maybe he was no longer in the great hall. Gaius had told her to rest a bit. It was so much an indulgence to leave the room to others in charge. She couldn't stop the anxious pangs in her heart though. With smile bravely placed, Gwen spoke to one of the helping women. "I must tend to something away from here. I will return soon though."

The older woman gently touched the young servant lady's hand. She was a servant just as her that worked in the castle's kitchen regularly, and so she knew her well. "Of course Gwen. Take your time. You've helped so much."

Gwen smiled at the woman gratefully, holding at her hand for a moment, before heading quickly out of the room. Holding at her skirts, she climbed the steps of the lower part of the castle. His room was in the highest towers. She looked up the next turn of stairs before stopping and shaking her head at her silliness.

What was she thinking to do, just appear at his room?

This was foolishness.

She started to turn down the stairs as a knight coming in the opposite direction nearly collided with her. He held still at her small form quickly to keep her steady.

"Oh, so sorry Miss Gwen. I am rushing to prepare. We leave soon."

Her face straightened to concern. She knew the knight well enough. He'd been in Arthur's command for less than a year now. "Leave where Sir Petrus?"

He smiled wearily. This ride might be his last. "To fight the Great Dragon of course. Prince Arthur has beckoned twelve of us to go with him to the woods. To fight it in the open. We will have more advantage there, in the forests, and all the same be able to protect Camelot from another night of havoc."

Her heart felt a hitting beat. They were leaving the palace to do battle. The chance of their survival could be as meek as the ties of her worn apron. Still, she tenderly moved her hands to the knight's brave ones. She would not think of her own worries before appreciating one of their courageous men. "Be safe Sir Petrus. I will pray for yours and all to return."

The knight smiled fondly. Miss Gwen, as he called her even though she had no noble title, was simply a servant woman, and yet she had a way about her that gentled at each soul she kindly touched. It made her prettier than her mostly modest looks. "Thank you Miss. I will move out of your way now." He laughed with rushed amusement.

Gwen smiled at it and then stood still on the step. The poor man might not return. She would hope the best and pray just as she had promised.

She should go back down the stairs to help the victims in the recovery room. He'd probably be with Merlin anyway. They most likely were getting him in gear already. It was a fool's mission to seek him out. She couldn't restrain though the lump that came to her throat now, the little pin pricks at her heart. She must see him.

Before he rode out.


He stood in his room. Quietly. Silently. Peering out the window he could see all the smoke still rising from the left over fires. He hated how they pierced at Camelot's beauty. Their kingdom would not sustain this kind of damage much longer. It was why he had made the solid choice to meet the dragon on more desired ground. At least they would have a little more control, if feeble.

He turned as a knock now came at his door. Shaking his head, he called out with irritation. "Merlin, it's about time. You need to tend to my armor and-

The door opened. Quietly. It wasn't Merlin.

Arthur stared. At the one woman he dared believe he would ever love.


She didn't move from the doorway, taking in all his handsome beauty. It was just the way it was. Prince Arthur was a man who on the outside had a majestic glory about him. Even if on the inside he could be something altogether much more complicated. His stature was a tall enough one that required her deep brown eyes to look up to. Now though as he leaned slightly against the casing of his window, their views could meet in almost perfect position. She took in quietly the simple blue tunic and dark pants he wore, surrounded by his tall boots.

"Arthur." She whispered, still not moving from her stood in place.

He pushed away from the window now. She was a surprise his heart fully welcomed. Even as he noticed how harried she looked. It was in every face though of each Camelot resident. They all had been fighting the horrible dragon for too much time now. "Uh…come in."

She shook her head without taking a step inside. She wished this wasn't his plan, but knew he would simply insist on its importance. "You're going to the woods…to fight the dragon?"

Arthur walked over to the decorated chair that met the equally ornamented table. He folded a bit nervously his jacket that lay over the chair's top. Earlier he had carelessly put it there to lie. It was Merlin's responsibility of course to tidy after him. For some reason though with Gwen, after that stay at her humble, but well kept home, where she taught him about humility, among other things, he didn't want to look too messy. "Yes. As soon as Merlin stops fiddling with whatever nonsense he's up to now." He spoke the words with dismissive affection.

Gwen noticed what it hid though. It wasn't hard to see that Arthur and Merlin were close, like she had been with her Lady Morgana. Oh sure, Arthur was much more brusque about it, but he had defended Merlin a handful of times, sometimes even laughed naturally with him when she witnessed them together, and even once rushed to save his life. Arthur often pretended his heart was harder, but she knew it had a gentling softness at its core, even enough to regard a servant just a touch fondly.

Still she said nothing, just smiled quietly at his smarting words.

Arthur stepped away from the table now, walking to be directly in front of the young woman. Touching at her hand, he motioned. As finally she stepped all the way inside, he smiled and pushed the door mostly closed.

Guinevere was the kind of surprise you never expected to encounter. He was not new to womanly affections. He hadn't taken it past much innocent ways simply because he was always too busy on the hunt, training his knights, and going into battle. But there had been enough palace gatherings for him to have participated in some fun ways. Mostly it was with ladies of high nobility who giggled their way through, irking him after too much spent time. And of course there had been the Lady Morgana, who he soon realized teased him too much, as he did her, for anything to evolve beyond tussling friendship.

This though…happened so slowly. Without announcement. Baffling him still.

She was just a servant, a maiden to Morgana actually, but that mattered little to him as time had passed. There was something so rightfully delicate in her given name, Guinevere. Her skin darkened more than the fairness of his own. Perhaps it should be opposite, but he loved its touch of sun. Her hair was a smattering of dark lovely curls that she more often now let out of the bunned bit she had first wore so responsibly. Her face was in no way perfect other than those dark precious eyes, who reflected back his wonderings, and those tender lips that parted with yearnings under his. Maybe Guinevere was not the woman most would see him desiring, but desire her entirely he did. So beautiful he felt his heart often lock around her, before it bounced too playfully.

She could bring out his most tender smile, his most child-filled laughter. It was maybe foolish to think such, but what he felt with her, he felt with no other.

Gwen lowered her head now, concern touching at the inside of her troubled mind and heart. She felt his finger at her cheek. Slowly she looked up, to the blue deep sky lined eyes that ended with golden lashes. Quickly she spoke, knowing she couldn't be quiet any longer as he so gently smiled down at her. "Arthur, are you sure this is what you should do? The dragon has hurt so many. Will you and your knights have the chance to stop it? You've seen how fierce it is, all those flames coming out of its mouth-

He smiled fully now, touching at her arm to stop her. It was like Gwen to speak more when she was strongly concerned. He knew maybe he should demand she use the rightful title of his name, but secretly he had excited from the first time she stopped using the labels with him, calling him simply Arthur.

"It will be dangerous for sure. I'm not going to pretend what we are planning is simple, but it's the only thing that can be done Guinevere. The Dragonlord we went to find is alive no longer, so this is the only way we will have a chance to save the kingdom. Away from Camelot. Whatever the fate be."

She shivered at the last gloom of his words and without thinking it too heavily or sensibly, pushed against his chest. What they would be doing was so dangerous. The thought of never seeing him again, too much pain to lance at her heart. "Oh Arthur…"

He barely looked past his door that thankfully now was closed enough to not allow anyone passing by to see. He held no shame for the woman who shivered against him now. He just knew that if the wrong ones saw, too much would have to be explained. To his father she would always be just a servant, below them, enough underneath to not have even merited saving her during that bandit kidnapping. His father was insane though to think he could leave her there to a horrible breathless fate, with men who would harm her in awful ways. He had barely slept before he finally saw her again, dirtied and tired, but oh so thankfully safe. Then of course he had noticed Lancelot. Found out she had another savior.

Oh…that was past.

He moved his arms around her sides now, stilled his hands at her back and held her in kind. Silently. He closed his eyes. There wasn't much to say.

He couldn't pretend that he knew with certainty he would come back from this mission. He couldn't give any kind of false hope that he knew might never come to be. This was probably one of the most dangerous things he had ever done, but there was no other way. Camelot had to be saved. He had to at least attempt it. Even if he went down, he'd at least fall in the fight.

One hand moved up to the darkness of her hair. His fingers lazily twisted into the deep curls. "It's the only thing we can do." He whispered quietly against her forehead.

She finally looked up, touched at his cheek with trembling affection. She wanted to make sure this wasn't the last time his face would be before hers. She wished she could hold him safely in her heart. This was too much. To worry about how-

Enough Gwen. He is bravely going to do what he feels is right. Give him your strength back.

Her inner admonishing made her feel stronger now. Arthur was spoiled, yes, but also one of the most courageous men she'd ever known. He brought out his sword with a wry touch to his eye. He never backed away from danger. Sometimes even foolishly, but always boldly. Whispering strongly now, she swallowed away her fears. "You will come back. I know you will. You will defeat the dragon and you will come back here to Camelot. I am sure of it."

He could feel the tender stroke of her fingers against his cheek, like that day she kissed him in the tent during his death-match that he had no memory of being challenged to. The only real memory he had was when she had pushed against his mouth with hers and made him kiss her. Not just requested it. But forced it, until he was so strongly returning the affection. Holding at her small back as his arched to be closer in touch with her sweet body. When the kiss was over, and he felt the shock of injuries he had no placement for, she gently informed him what was happening. And asked for just one thing. That he live for her.

"Come back to be with you?" Arthur asked now, his fingers still longing against her hair. He smiled now as he remembered when he had been bitten by the Questing Beast, though the memories of that time were hazy, there was that feel of her stroking his forehead, and the strong words that came out of her mouth. That he would be alright. "I remember you insisting before that I would be okay. You ordered me to wake up, didn't you?" He lightly smirked now with teasing.

Gwen softly rolled her eyes and pushed at his chest, but then felt his lips come down to meet hers. She answered easily. From the first time his mouth had touched hers in her home, on that day she gave him her handkerchief to wear for luck, she craved always its return. She loved how it came down softly, and yet feverishly opened her own for all the intimate drink sought.

If anyone walked in the room now they would perhaps sentimentally believe in eternal love. The way they held at each other was desperately intimate, and yet softly gentle.

Ending the kiss sooner than he wanted, Arthur pressed one last bit against her mouth, and then soberly looked down into her precious brown eyes. "I will negate probably later I ever said this, if I come back, but…a few times I have longed for not being a prince, Gwen."

She shook her head solidly now with firm resolve. Parts of his words were too painful. The other was too simple. He had to know. She loved his gentle heart, but also, oh the way he loved Camelot. He was born to be what he was. He would be the most wonderful king ever, she believed. His peaceful heart would blend with the people in kindly firm rule. Not harsh unfairness, like the way his father, Uther, sometimes brutally did his work. "Do not say that Arthur. You are meant for this. To be king, Arthur. I've told you before and…I believe it. You will be kind and just as king. Your people will look on you with affection. I cannot shirk my responsibilities and you must never shirk yours. Only…"

Now her lesson ended. As her final fragile wish came in. She knew what he was doing was rightfully brave, but still she feared so much. Let his life be kept safe and secure. "Only…I wish you didn't have to face such danger this night Arthur." She went on with conviction, her thoughts now too contradictory. "Still, I believe you will come back safely. I have to."

He smiled down at her again tenderly, bringing her strongly into the hold of his muscular arms. She was a servant and so she had hands that were not as soft maybe as a lady of the court, her arms had lifted aplenty, and her legs were used to long hours of standing, but none of that diminished the beautiful feminine creature she was to him. How delicate she felt in his embrace from the first time he honestly held her in that tent. Sometimes he wished her life didn't have to be burdened by work, but he rarely gave thought to it for long. He knew she would not desire such thoughts as she now reminded him of his duty, his obligation that he must follow, as she so properly followed her own. He just wished it didn't have to be so complicated. If only the world could see that a servant was none less than a prince.

Or future king.

Just never mention that to Merlin. Hah.

She looked up now, seeing the wry smile curve at his lips. She smiled back and stroked his cheek with intent question. "What is that about now? Your roguish smile?"

"Nothing important." He answered simply, touching at her cheek and hearing her sigh as his hand caressed her soft sunlit skin. The curls of course curtained over his own paler hand, making him shiver inwardly with their whispers. He should stop this and let her go, but if there was that chance he would not return, then he needed this last bit. There were so many things to tell her, and yet he knew he could not, had no right to say a single thing. He could not expect her to wait on him for whatever his duty called for. He could not think of her waiting for him to come back with his possible no return. If this was goodbye, then he'd leave it to a quiet kind one.

This one thing though he could do, this oh so necessary affection that defied any kinds of words he might speak.

He couldn't help but lower his head, find her lips again, and taste all the sweet drink of her mouth. Before he let go, and smiled, touched at her forehead with his lips. Let this not be the final time. "Merlin should be here soon. This is about as late as he usually is."

She lifted her head, seeing his skied eyes so close, pondering deeply down into hers, before his cheek lingered against her own, making her want to shudder. "I must go back down to the hall. There are so many that need care. Gaius will need my help."

He nodded his head, his cheek leaving the touch of her soft one, his voice deepening to its usual royal timbre, the one that stepped away from his soft sensibilities. "Right. Well then I suppose that's it."

She noticed now how he was inwardly preparing himself, already exuding that royal authority again, as she placed herself back in the position of loyal servant, giving the rightful bow.

But just for one second. As he started to turn, she held at his arm, seeing the firmness leave his eyes. The softness floating back in. "Be careful my Lord. Do not risk too much. Please Arthur, be careful."

He saw the tear fall down her cheek before she rapidly pushed it away, her mouth pursing with need of strength. It was enough though. He held at her hand, brought it to touch at his heart. "I will. I have much to come back for."

She reached for it now with her other hand, one of the simple ties in her hair, causing part of the curls to fall forward, but she paid it no heed. She had nothing else to offer now so it would have to be enough, and her wild curls would have to tame themselves for the time being.

Arthur stared, but then felt her freed hand touch his. He looked down at the simple hair ribbon, so undecorated compared to the ladies of the court. Maybe that was why it was so much more precious.

"I thought it might keep you safe. Show that I am thinking of you."

His fingers brushed against hers as he smiled softly now, taking the ribbon from her delicate fingers. "Thank you."

She nodded her head slowly…

As the door parted, their lifted hands fell. Their intertwined ones disconnected. They backed away rapidly.

But it was just Merlin.

Arthur rolled his eyes with royal complaint, even though he wondered quietly at the redness in his servant's eyes. It had been there since Balinor's death. Interesting, but somewhat understandable. "Well there you are, finally Merlin. Hurry it up. You have to help me with my armor."

Guinevere smiled at the familiar brusqueness and nodded to her friend. "Merlin."

Smiling back, Merlin wondered what he had interrupted. Even if Arthur tried not to talk about it that much, Merlin knew what almost no one else knew. That Arthur had deep affections for Gwen. That he had kissed her in that tent. That she was his true love, decreed by the emotion that defied even magic. "Gwen."

"Be careful. Both of you." Gwen rushed out of the room before her tears could fall down solidly.

Outside, she held at the staircase banister. Held at her heart with eyes tightly closed.

Not wanting to betray any of his emotions too deeply, Arthur turned away from his servant, eyes focused back outside the window. In his hand he held the ribbon Guinevere had given him. It felt warm against his chilling skin. "Merlin."

The young servant, already with the armor in hand, answered busily. "Yes?"

"The word I made you keep before, that day I had to fight King Olaf, I'll hold you to again. If anything happens to me…make sure Guinevere is cared for." His heart was the heaviest it had ever felt, even more-so than that day he rescued her and she displayed her emotions for Lancelot, shunning him without maybe even meaning to. Maybe she had been hurt then though too, by his lie that he had only rescued her because of Morgana's begging. As if anything so ridiculous could be true. As if he hadn't been able to fully close his eyes for rest until she was in his presence. To think now of leaving and never seeing her again…


As Arthur still didn't turn back to him, Merlin nodded his head, not mentioning yet his full intention to join his master on his dangerous mission. After all, if he truly was a Dragonlord, he would have to be the one to keep Arthur safe, to defeat Kilgharrah, as his father had called the dragon. "Of course."

Arthur sighed heavily, slipped the ribbon into the pocket of his tunic, before turning with a strong royal pratting sense. "Alright, stop standing there and help me get into this armor. Really Merlin, you can be entirely useless…"

Merlin smiled at the familiar complaints, instantly helping Arthur put all the gear on. There had been a time he was slow at this. Now though he was experienced and could complete it at a feverish pace. As he finished with the last bits, before Merlin planned to tell him he wanted to join him on this venture, he noticed how Arthur was quiet, his expression sober.

There had to be much on his burdened heart.


It was hours since they had left. She had stepped out of the hall to wave them goodbye. The waiting was the most horrible now. It helped to be kept busy by tending to all those that needed care, but she wished so desperately for some kind of word. Night was fully here and they were probably fighting it now or…



She looked up to feel Gaius's hand gentle at her shoulder. She smiled softly. She knew he was pained too for Merlin was like a son to him. "I just wish we could have heard something by now Gaius."

The old court physician nodded his head. "I know. I worry too, but we must have faith." He knew this trial Merlin was facing would be hard for emotional as well as physical reason. He doubted Arthur and the twelve knights, as stealth they were, would be able to defeat the dragon alone. Magical creatures had advantage that those without it could not begin to understand, especially one as mysterious as the Great Dragon. Merlin would find the right time to do what he was destined to do. To be the Dragonlord his father had turned down to him. He just hoped it wouldn't be too late when that opportunity came. Gaius hoped the boy would be brave enough to do what was needed. He was so young, and had already faced so much, as Arthur had too.

They really were two sides of a coin. Arthur was brave, never backing down from a fight, even with all his bold arrogant attitude. Merlin was softly lined, and yet fierce about magic with an ability that astounded even Gaius, a man who had lived during a time magic had not been forbidden. Together, they made magic and brawn create miracles. Even if Arthur didn't know Merlin's secret, wasn't aware of how many times his servant had helped him, it didn't matter. Arthur already was something different from his father. Look at his tender affections for Gwen.

Gaius held at her hand before he felt the girl walk away, announcing what she noticed.

"We need more water. I'll fetch some from the well."

Gaius didn't try to stop her this time, like he had that night of the dragon's punishings. He knew the dragon was far away from Camelot.

Close to Merlin and Arthur.

Ah, let them be safe.


character: merlin/emrys, ✒writing: the tender secret, time: present, mood: friendship, season: 2, mood: angst, character: arthur, type: scene extender, mood: romance, ✍status: complete, character: guinevere

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