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Comments 14

ella_rose88 January 8 2012, 23:23:37 UTC
Oh wow Mara! The ending! I have no words that could justly express how much I love this chapter ♥! Thanks so much for writing this for me and participating in the auction!

I just loved everything about it, how you wrote A/G reuniting and getting things out in the open, Gwen becoming more confident in speaking up and putting her wisdom to use. I loved that though Arthur was mad at Gwen leaving that he was proud of her, of the courage and wisdom she showed. I just hope that we will see Gwen helping Arthur in matters concerning the kingdom in series 5.

All I know is that I wish you wrote for the show <3333

Also I just loved how Merlin blurted out about the G/M kiss in series 1 & I also loved that Annis saw A/G together at the end and came to respect both Gwen and Arthur!

Now I'm gonna cry because this fic is over!


mara93 January 10 2012, 14:40:38 UTC
Ah, no crying, lol. I'm so glad you enjoyed this though. I appreciate you letting me use it for your auction fic. I thought it would be something that you would like and I'm so glad you did ( ... )


:) guen_evere January 8 2012, 23:45:52 UTC
Whoa! It's 12.30 am here in Italy, i'm tired after a day spent on the books, gotta wake up tomorrow at 5 am for some reviewing and i'm sad that tomorrow (or later) i've got to go back to college (and face some people i don't want to see) after 2 weeks.
Yet, when i saw that you updated this, couldn't help but read it! you've managed to make me smile and make me forget what awaits me later! :D thank you thank you! :)
Now i can sleep with a smile on my face.

As always Queen Annis was awesome!! Her arrival, lines.. Everything!!
"like us Carleon.. Like us.." she's reallly loved the king! ... poor woman! Her beloved is dead. In the show the responsable was right in front of her, yet she acted like a wise woman she is.

The conversation between Arthur and Agravaine: i'm glad you write it! It was great, i hoped in the show they made something like this, but that's what fanfics are for right? :))

The reunion.. Sweeeet. Arthur angry and ready to kill whoever tried to hurt his Guinevere. Adoraaaaable. <3 ( ... )


Re: :) mara93 January 10 2012, 14:47:34 UTC
Oh I'm glad it could make you smile! Hearing that makes me very happy. I hope your day went well and that your week is. Definitely know how it is when you're dealing with people you may not want to. So hope that all came out fine!

I loved Annis so I just tried to echo her as much as I could. I'm glad she came across well.

The Arthur Agravaine conversation actually came to me a few days ago. I just had to write it, but I'm glad I tagged it on. It made up for me what I think the show lacked and what even might have helped Arthur realize his uncle wasn't necessarily all that great. I just have a hard time with Arthur looking like a fool and I think there were times this season the show kind of did that.

Hee, I like protective Arthur too!

I love Gwen. I love her quiet strength that seems to almost surprise characters on the show at times. She's very calm, but no pushover.

Oh, that's very kind. Thank you. Your feedback is just lovely to read. Thanks so much!!


Appplause, Applause sallysparrow3 January 9 2012, 18:12:19 UTC
Excellent story! I loved it. Great character development for everyone in the story; it moved the Arthurian legend along as well as it brought Arthur, Guinevere and Merlin closer together.


Re: Appplause, Applause mara93 January 10 2012, 14:48:53 UTC
Lovely, character development is very important to me. And I'm glad you thought it moved the legend along. It's something I'm still learning about and that interest me a lot now.

Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such kind words!!


bluemagicrose January 9 2012, 21:34:29 UTC
This was a wonderful story. I was hoping for an update to this and here it is! Woot!

I agree, I would have also liked to see a conversation between Arthur and Agravaine along the lines like this, where he firmly stands his ground when it came to Gwen. I guess we saw it a bit at the beginning of 4x09 when Arthur told Agravaine about his intentions of marrying Gwen, but nothing that really made an impact. This was Arthur not only showcasing his feelings for Gwen (and how important she is to him and the kingdom) but it was him driving Agravaine closer to Morgana. It would have been another set up to what Morgana did in 4x09.

Annis is still awesome. Oh, that last paragraph. <3

Great story!! I highly enjoyed i. :)


mara93 January 10 2012, 14:56:31 UTC
Hee, aiming to please!

Right, I just wanted Arthur to strongly have his say. And yes, I do think we got some of that in 4.09 so I kind of wanted to extend it. I get that the show cannot always make such long scenes of dialogue. There's quite a bit of action going on too. But that just kind of makes it fun to expand in fanfic.

You totally narrowed in on what I was leading up to. I wrote the Agravaine/Arthur scene just days ago. It wasn't originally there, but i had to write it. And the more I did, and brought in Agravaine's viewpoint I realized it was leading up his plan with Morgana to ruin Arthur's reign by using Gwen. It's funny because it wasn't planned, but it kind of came out that way.

Ah, Annis, love her. The show can make my year lol, by bringing her back. There is so much storyline there. Last paragraph, I almost ended with A/G but then I thought it was more fitting her catching them for a moment.

Thank you so much for all your wonderful words. I'm so glad you enjoyed this!!


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mara93 January 10 2012, 14:58:23 UTC
Ah, that means a lot to me. I'm learning a lot still about how to write her, but I really love now developing Gwen in fanfic.

Hee, I wanted him to stand up to him more! So this gave me satisfaction to include it here.

Thanks so much Piper!!


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