True to Thy Heart

Jan 08, 2012 13:49

Title: True To Thy Heart
Author: mara93
Rating: Teen
Disclaimer: I disclaim. Merlin belongs to BBC/Shine.
Genre: Episode extender for Episode 4.05. This was supposed to be a short ficlet, but then it just kept growing so here we go.
Spoilers: for episode 4.05 and before, please note.
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Gwen // Arthur, Gwen, Merlin, Agravaine, Queen Annis, Percival, Elyan, Gaius, Gwaine and minor Leon
Summary: Has the four A’s: angst, amour, adventure and Agravaine…lol. / Gwen trusts her heart in making a choice that will lead her closer to becoming queen and Arthur learns just how brave and influential she can be.
Author’s Note: I enjoyed this ep, but I felt elements were rushed. I wanted to take certain aspects of it into greater depth and it turned into this long story that is kind of AU from the direction of the show. Because of its length I’m going to post it in parts, but it’s completely done. Updates will be frequent, about 2-3 days between. // This is for the wonderful ella_rose88 for her bid for her Help the Fight Against Depression Auction at her fanfic journal: m_in_wonderland



Arthur rolled his eyes. “Yes Merlin, of course-

With a wondering smile, Merlin cut him off. “No, Arthur look. Gwen.”

Hearing the difference in Merlin’s voice, Arthur turned, feeling the beat of his heart quicken as he did. There she was riding a white horse in their direction.

Gwen slowed down as she noticed through the forest woodland, Arthur and Merlin. The closer she got she could tell they were watching her strongly.

Arthur got down from his horse with haste, Merlin in tow. He breathed out softly, “Guinevere.”

Gwen silently took them both in, with a touch of apprehension. Yes she had left a note explaining the reason for her departure, but that might have not been enough. She had the feeling they’d gone out looking for her since their stance was far from casual. And she would have been a fool to not have expected that. She just was a little surprised at the high level of anxiety that seemed to be coming off of especially her king.

Since waking up that morning, going over what Merlin had said about the note and figuring out where she probably had gone, Arthur had a mission that kept his emotions in check.

But now with her almost within touching distance, he felt his heart beating at the rate of fire burning. Equilibrium unraveled, Arthur ran forward.

Gwen was just starting to come down from her horse as she felt something grasp tight at her waist. She protested as Arthur pulled her to the ground, and then strongly took her into his arms. “Arthur…” She said with a frown, but then feeling him not wanting to end his deep hug, with a sigh she gave in.

Arthur had many questions, but for the moment was just thankful that he found her.

On the sidelines, Merlin smiled with satisfaction. With her found unharmed, everything was in its rightful place. He thought so that is, until she pulled back from the king and something very disturbing became evident.

Her dress was torn with jagged cuts, around the bodice, at the waistline, and unevenly ripped the bottom.

Arthur noticed it as quickly as Merlin did. His eyes widened, flaming to the blue of an angry fire. They traveled over all the damage with shocked alarm. Barely able to contain his temper, Arthur grasped her cheeks tightly, words coming out with so much fierceness they had little direction. “What? Who? WHO did this to you? Tell me now! Who hurt you?”

Gwen stared at him for a second before rapidly recalling the ill state of her dress. She’d been wearing it for so long now she got somewhat used to the poor appearance. Bringing her hands to his, she tried to soothe, feeling them shaking underneath hers with hot tension. “Oh no Arthur. No one hurt me. I did this.”

His brows went up at that, his hands falling away from her cheeks as he found himself in amazement at what she said. “What? Why?”

Gwen’s expression wrinkled. She had explained it a little in her writing, what her plan had been. “Did you not get my note?” A shot of worry struck her. If he hadn’t read her note did that mean an ambush of some sort happened? Was he hurt in it?

“Oh no. How is Percival? Please tell me he is okay. I would feel awful if anything happened after the way I left him.”

Her question was delivered so shrilly that Merlin couldn’t help but overhear. “Percival’s fine. He slept really well actually the night you left him. The whole evening.”

Gwen’s eyes widened with shock? “What?”

Arthur found his voice. “What you gave him was strong Gaius said. Lasted the whole night.”

Gwen’s palm pressed against her forehead as Merlin confirmed it. “Yeah, Gaius said it was the kind of draught he used to give Morgana. It put Percival in a deep sleep, but it’s okay Gwen. Nobody hurt him. Nothing happened.”

“Oh no.” She said, feeling horrible about the state of affairs. “I only meant to give him a mild one. In my haste I must have just picked up the stronger vial. But I never meant to. And the note?”

Arthur brought it out of his pocket where he’d been holding it, showing her how badly damaged it got.

“How did it get like this?” Gwen asked with alarm.

Arthur shrugged. “I’m assuming a small animal by the set of teeth marks.”

Gwen got it now, the extent of his fervor. Sorrowed for what she put them through, Gwen reached out to Arthur’s cheek. “Oh I’m so sorry. I should have thought this through better. Really it’s not like me to rush off.”

Arthur nodded sharply. “Agreed. It wasn’t very wise to go off on your own either. Especially to visit a queen. That’s where you went, right?” He scrutinized her strongly. “To visit Queen Annis? Though it still gives me no idea why you’d purposely ruin your dress.”

Gwen looked at him questioningly. “How could you know that if the note was so badly left?”

Merlin answered for the king this time. “It left enough hints. We kind of did some analysis work and put it together.”

Arthur nodded, his jaw tight. “Yes, Merlin actually used his limited brain and I recalled all the times we met with council and at the back of the room you would wait to serve us with that unhappy look upon your face.”

Gwen’s eyes widened. “You saw all that?”

“Yes, I saw that Guinevere.”

She frowned with a bit of trepidation, but more strongly remorse. “You’re angry.” It wasn’t a question as there was no need for one. The clipped tone of his voice said it all.

Arthur’s jaw tightened even more.

Merlin walked over to Gwen giving her a meaningful hug. “I’m glad you’re okay. And now that you are…” He searched around with his blue eyes, noticing how Arthur was edgily focused on the density of the forest. Merlin muttered with a bit of rambling. “I think I’ll pick some berries.”

He started to leave with a cautious smile as Arthur called out to him sharply, “Don’t get lost Merlin.”

The servant made a face at that.

Arthur continued, lessening his moodiness by getting to tease, “Oh and if a bandit comes, just scream. I’m sure you can at least do that well.”

Gwen exchanged a wry smile with Merlin at that. He walked away with cautious happiness. Hopefully they’d get it all resolved.

After Merlin’s departure, the king studied the woman he had been so anxious about. For sure he was relieved to have found her safe, but now that she was, the questions could start, maybe even the angry accusations, which he hoped his mouth didn’t blurt out too stupidly. It had a penchant for vocalizing often before his brain could connect, when he was angry.

“You went to go see Queen Annis, yes?”

Gwen nodded her head in answer. “I did.”


She shrugged at that, stating her reasoning calmly. “Yes. I knew you would never agree to it. So I had to do it by myself.”

“Meaning going to your father’s grave was all just a ruse.”

He had pulled away from her entirely and so now she grasped his arms tightly, protesting with a grimacing expression. “No. Not at all!”

His mouth was a thin line, waiting. Maybe even doubting.

She sighed. “I went there because after what happened to Elyan…” Her voice broke a bit.

Arthur had to work hard to keep himself from reaching out. He wanted to hear everything before giving anything of himself. Maybe it was cruel, but he grew up with a father who was almost allergic to shows of affection. Hers was appreciated, but toxic at the moment as it would bring down all his sense. He wanted to understand every bit before the emotional cave-in.

Gwen was still holding onto his arms as he coolly didn’t react. She continued, letting the feel of him be her bolster. “After what happened to Elyan, I couldn’t wait anymore. I heard you speaking with the council, your suggestions because of the attacks. And every time your uncle-

She stopped there, careful. Arthur didn’t see his uncle the same way she and Merlin sometimes did.

Arthur understood where she was leading to though and even if it wasn’t a flattering view of his uncle it was an honest one. He just saw it from a different viewpoint perhaps. “He said it wasn’t a good idea, yes. Because of what happened in Caerleon just days past. He did make a good point. There was much danger to be had in going back there.” Arthur continued hotly. “Like there was much danger in you going alone.” Enough. He couldn’t contain it anymore.

He grasped her arms as she let go of him, not tightly, but firm, looking straight into her dark midnight eyes. “How could you do it? Go there alone! What were you thinking Guinevere? You wouldn’t let me attend your father’s grave with you because you had this plan. You put Percival to sleep and then you just escaped in the night.

Did you not think I would WORRY?”

It was delivered more sharply than he meant to, but it finally released what he needed to let out.

Feeling his hands tightly gripping her, not harmfully, but intense, his look so fierce as now veins of tension stood out, she shook her head, letting him know her side. “As I do for you every time you go to another kingdom. As I did even after you dismissed me as being not proper enough to be in a relationship with!”

Arthur closed his eyes for a moment, trying to gather some peace, before stating, “So that’s what this is about? When I ended things with us.”

She countered strongly. “You did it so quickly just because your uncle thought I was not proper. You listened to him without even THINKING of discussing it with me first.”

“I hurt you more than you said then.”

Gwen shook her head. “Yes you hurt me, but it is more than that. Do you not see Arthur? You are king! You allowed yourself to be talked into having Caerleon killed and then you regretted it because it was not what was in your heart. You dismissed me and then regretted it because once again your heart did not approve. You listen to others without heeding your heart.” She pointed to herself strongly. “It was not about me by one solitary thing.” She touched emotionally at his heart. “It was about you making reckless decisions instead of showing some faith in me, in us, by taking some time to talk to me about it.”

Arthur stared, quietly, listening and yet fully surprised. For he had never seen it that way. Maybe if he had taken a harder look, he would have understood it as she did.

She whispered, “I love you.”

Arthur smiled a touch. “As I do you.”

She nodded, having much more to say. “I told you once I could not be your queen. When you stayed in my house that first time, I thought for a bit, receding that kiss….that nothing would ever break the feeling I experienced after it. I just felt so flush with…hope and so much more. And then you told me it could never be because of your father. And that hope whittled away. So later I told you I couldn’t be your queen. But now…I…” This was hard. She was admitting something so deeply personal that he could fully negate her on, and that would hurt so deeply.

Seeing her struggle, Arthur brought his hand out to her cheek, his voice raw. “Just tell me.”

She swallowed, continuing. “I feel we have been through much. And I think you do not want to let me go.”

He grimaced tightly at that, grasping her hand and holding fast to it. “I don’t. Ever.”

She continued, feeling the warm heat of his skin against hers. “If it is to be, someday, if I am to become your queen, then I cannot just stand idly by while there is trouble.” She squeezed his hand, pulling him in closer to her, feeling him take the steps, seeing the raw intent of want-to-understand in his blue eyes. “I wish to be one who matters. I love Camelot dare I say as much as you. I went to Caerleon to do for my kingdom and my king what I thought was right. I knew you couldn’t do it, for many reasons and so I went for you, for Camelot. I probably did it too rashly. I should have explained more, but would you have agreed to it anyway?”

Arthur shook his head hard to the truth. “No. You knew that.”

Gwen smiled a touch. “Yes. I did.”

He let out an unhappy groan, sick of the distance, a hand not enough. Grasping her shoulders, he revealed what her departure tortured him with. “I worry for you, okay? That’s why I would have said no. Look, I understand you wanted to help, but to go alone? Guinevere, that was reckless! You could have been killed. Entering another kingdom, one we are not allied with, by yourself, you took too many chances. I don’t even go alone.”

She shook her head at that. “You did to confront Queen Annis.”

He rolled his eyes. “Once.”

“Oh you’ve done it more than once! I’m sure.”

He grimaced. “Alright, maybe I have. But you must have known the danger you were putting your life in. Did you even get in? How could you get past the guards?”

She moved away from his grasp, feeling him let go as she pointed down to her ruined dress. “Why do you think I tore It on purpose? I told them I was attacked, my guardsmen and me. I told them I was the Lady Guinevere of Mercia.”

Arthur’s eyes widened. “Mercia! We have no alliance with them anymore. They are with Caerleon…” It hit him. He brought his hand through his hair roughly. “Oh, you made it all up so they would let you see the queen! What an insane thing to do…” He couldn’t leave it there. “But I have to admit, clever too. You thought of that?”

“Well, you’ve said before I’m wise.”

He smiled. “True. But it’s still crazy. I’ve dealt with Annis before, had my cheek slapped for doing away with her husband. She can humble a man. How could you get past her? She must have seen that you were not of Mercia.”

“She did.” Gwen stated. “I had to tell her the truth. Brought my knife out, well Elyan’s, for good measure.”

Arthur’s eyes widened. Stunned. “You didn’t?”

Gwen affirmed strongly. “I did. I knew it wasn’t going to defend me very well, but I had to get her to listen to me. To my plan, the one that you proposed.”

“And what was that?” Arthur asked hotly.

Gwen shrugged. “What you stated to the council, to your uncle. A truce of our kingdoms, and any respective allies, effective until the problems with the bandits stop.”

Arthur had no idea what emotion to feel. Anger? Amazement? Maybe even…a show of impressment? “I didn’t spell it out so detailed.”

“Well, you never had time to.”

“So what did she say?”

Gwen shook her head. “Nothing. I didn’t expect an answer right away. She’s a clever woman, wise, and she countered much of what I talked about. So I countered back as much I could. Told her what she wanted to hear without revealing too much. I did not want to weaken your rule nor put Camelot in any harm. “

Arthur leaned in now, caressing her cheek. “I doubt you ever could. You’re too noble and smart for that.”

Gwen smiled.

Arthur needed more though. “You threatened her with a knife. What did she do to you? Did she hurt you at all? Where were you last night? In the dungeons?” He dreaded if she had been. He had no idea how much worse they could be in Caerleon. He saw no bruises though, nothing to alert him she’d been harmed.

Gwen reached out, touching his heart. “No. Calm down. I told you already no one hurt me. I can see in your eyes you are afraid they did.” She continued with a bit of wonder because it still shocked her how the final parts of her visit with Queen Annis had been. “The queen was very gracious, even after I came in without invitation. I think she likes some of how you are.”

Arthur grunted. “Right, that’s why she slapped me.”

Gwen smiled, touching his cheek gently with comfort. “Oh. No, she had good things to say of you. And she said good things to me even. She invited me for the night, just one mind you. She was kind enough to give me dinner, one that was much more than I am accustomed to, and I even slept in a very fine bed. Then when I returned one of her guard escorted me. He did not know who I really was, for the queen kept that secret, so he treated me as a lady of Mercia. I received no harsh treatment at all Arthur, only the queen’s angered astonishment when she first found out where I was from.”

Marveled and baffled all the same, Arthur’s mouth opened wide before he let out. “She invited you?”

Gwen just nodded. “Yes.”

He lifted his head, laughing, ridiculously laughing, before grasping her waist and pulling her in. He’d have her close to him now, and always if he could make it be so. “Oh Guinevere!”

His lips pressed hard against hers, astonishment mixing with fervor. It was an impassioned kiss that she fully relished. When they broke apart their faces were just inches away from the other, and their mouths were still close enough to breathe in the heated aftermath. “I still can’t believe you would do something like that, something so....”

She lowered her head, feeling a touch of uncertainty. “Foolish?”

Arthur corrected pointedly, lifting her chin. “Brave.”

She looked up at him with wonder. “Really, you think it was?”

He nodded, kissing her lips again, and whispering afterward, “Yes, I think it was.”

She pulled him into her, feeling the soft strokes of his hands against her back as she pressed her own into his hair. “I didn’t want to shame Camelot at all nor you. I’m just so glad it worked out alright. At least I hope it did. She gave no answer, I remind you. I didn’t insist on one of course.”

Arthur echoed wryly. “I doubt I’d be so patient.”

Gwen lifted her head, telling him with emphasis, “Well women rarely like to be rushed.”

He laughed at that, but then grasping her cheek, told her with a voice that would allow little argument. “I am very proud of you. I want you to know that. Most men would be frightened to do what you did. And that you came back from it unharmed and an invited guest, speaks loudly for your wisdom and quickness. But Guinevere, I can’t ever let you do this again. Not alone. I know I didn’t listen to you enough then. I do get it now. But if you ever have such idea in the future, I need you to tell me. Not with a note.”

She nodded her head, but she would not let it go there. If she truly was to become queen one day, if Queen Annis was right, she would not go into it meekly. “Agreed. But only if you agree to speak to me first before you make any strong decision that concerns us. And you promise me you will always listen to your heart on matters having to do with Camelot. You will be true to it Arthur.”

He smiled, thinking it, how much he loved her. And it went beyond her beauty and her kindness even. It went to her strength, her challenge of him and others that she rarely backed down from. She was the woman who never let him get through something easily. The feelings that he had a hard time learning from his father, she taught him so openly. “I give you my word. I won’t decide again something stupid like that we can’t be together because others see it as not right. I don’t care about that, just you.”

She shook her head. “I didn’t mean that specifically.”

Arthur sighed. “I know. But I did. Because it was important I said it. I hurt you and I am sorry for that. I will make my decisions more carefully from now on. I will consult you with them.” He brought her hand upward to it. “And I will be true to my heart as much as you are.”

She moved against him, nothing more needing to be said. He held her tightly in his arms, whispering one last bit though. “And you were right. It’s coming, the day you’re going to be my queen. At least I hope for that, that you will want it. For I can’t think of any other.”

She closed her eyes, murmuring softly, “Arthur, let’s go home. Elyan?”

He pressed a kiss against her forehead gently, smoothing away her tangle of curls. “He’s fine. Just missing you.”

“Hmmm.” She murmured and simply stated, her adventure over, “Home.”

Arthur smiled gently. “Yes. We’ll go now.” He amended that, getting her to giggle, “That is as soon as we find Merlin. Hope he’s not choking on a berry.”


The three of them traveled through the wood for hours, not wanting to rest, simply caring to return. By evening’s time, they reached Camelot, dirtied some and tired. As Merlin retired the horses to the stables, before getting his own rest, Arthur and Gwen went to see Elyan. Minutes after entering Gaius’s physician quarters, Elyan reacted excitedly from his cot where he was barely resting.


She hurried over, giving a gentle hug and a heartfelt apology.

“I’m sorry Elyan. I didn’t mean to worry you.” Her brother had a dozen questions so she recounted the whole story to him like she had with Arthur and Merlin already. When she was done, Elyan had one important thing to say.

“Gwen, next time you decide to save the whole kingdom, can you take one of us with you?”

Percival came into the room, nodding with a wry smile at that comment. “Yes, that would be nice. Instead of knocking me out.”

Gwen flinched at that as Merlin entered the room, done with putting the horses in the stables and giving them a quick wipe down. He moved beside Arthur as Gwen tried to explain to Percival. “I’m sorry. So sorry Percival. Especially that the draught was the wrong one. It was supposed to be so much milder.” She took his hands into hers.

Percival laughed with a touch of amusement. “Ah it wasn’t that bad. And I was just jesting of course. You didn’t really knock me out.”

Gwen smiled, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

Observing it, Arthur tightly frowned. “Eh. She just kissed him!”

Merlin poked at his master with fun, recalling something that might be quite amusing to bring up now. “That’s nothing. She kissed me on the lips.”

Arthur turned to face his servant with indignant shock. “What? When?”

Merlin shrugged. “Ah, years ago. You two weren’t even together yet.”


“Okay, okay, she thought I had died. I came back to life. Well I didn’t die in the first place really, but I was kind of in a holding place while you got the Morteus flower. And she was so happy to see me still breathing that she kissed me with relief. She kind of had a crush on me then. Can’t blame her of course. I mean really who could resist-


Arthur gave a satisfied smile, putting down the saucer he smacked his servant on the back of the head with. “Now that that’s over…I need a bath Merlin.”

“Yeah, I could definitely use one too.” The servant commented dryly.


“Ah, fine.”

Gaius watched the two of them bickering with an amused smile until Merlin left the room, doing his master’s bidding. Arthur commented under his breath, as if he had a reason to feel guilty, “I’ll give him the day off tomorrow.” Gaius smiled some more as Arthur walked out of the room to see how Merlin was doing with his bath. Gwen came over to the elderly physician.

“Ah Gwen.”

She faced him apologetically. “Gaius I hope you can forgive me for taking the vial. I’ll stay away from your medicine supply for now on, unless you tell me to touch it.”

The physician accepted the apology with wise understanding. He didn’t approve of sleeping draughts being taken like that. But everyone made a mistake once in a while. And Gwen was responsible enough to know how to give one without any harmful effect. “It’s alright Gwen. Just please next time ask.”

She smiled. “Definitely Gaius.”


It was four days after Gwen’s venture. Arthur had sent a small patrol to Caerleon to confirm Camelot’s desire for what Gwen proposed. The quick timing was of necessity because the mercenary and bandit attacks had continued to get worse. Just a day ago a citizen on the outskirts of town was killed in an attack. If a temporary truce wouldn’t be accepted, then soon enough other action would have to be taken, which Arthur was trying to avoid. Such action could lead to widespread bloodshed and once again an unfortunate war with other lands. With no word from Queen Annis though now for days, both Arthur and Gwen were concerned that her proposal would not be considered.

While deep into a council meeting that was approaching the topic of a risky endeavor that would put many of the knights and guard in danger, they were interrupted.

Merlin was in attendance and so was Gwen, just having come in with a fresh supply of refreshment. At Arthur’s shoulder sat the recovering Elyan, practically begging lately to be sent out again on patrol, but Arthur informed he would wait for Gaius’s good word. As of yet, Gaius said it should wait still for one more day.

Leon rushed in, his bright red Pendragon cloak slapping the floor with the haste of his movements. Arthur was smart enough to know one of the finest and definitely most respectful knights of Camelot wouldn’t interrupt the proceedings unless it was a matter of great importance. “What is it Leon?” He asked tensely, rising from his chair. Gwen continued to pour refreshment for his uncle, but kept her ears piqued with interest.

“Sire, she’s asking to be allowed in. There’s just a small patrol with her, but she’s definitely all business.”

“Who?” Arthur sharply asked.

Leon’s expression was sober, wary. “Queen Annis.”

Gwen had to fight to not drop the container. Feeling Arthur’s eyes land on hers with question and wonder, she gave a short nod only.

Merlin smiled, a bit hopeful, but the tension in the room was strong too. The arrival of Queen Annis could mean many things, all not necessarily positive.

Gwen watched cautiously as Arthur stood there, saying nothing right away, his hand tightening into a fist, before he loosened it again, gave her one small glance, and then turned his full attention to Leon. “Invite them in. Be cautious. But respectful. We don’t want to offend.”

It was Agravaine who turned to him, questioning. “Sire, do you think it is wise?”

Gwen grimaced tightly, but Arthur was ready with his reply. “Yes Uncle. This is our land. We have the advantage. I’m sure she’s well aware of that. And if not, our fine guard will assure it. I will show no fear in the land of Camelot.”

Gwen smiled, proud to call him her king at a moment such like this, and trying not to fuss nervously with her hands.

“Get my cloak Merlin.” Arthur told his servant authoritatively.

“Right away Sire.” Understanding fully the importance of the moment, Merlin rushed out of the room with no fuss of chatter.

Resolutely, Arthur headed to the throne room, looking up at the chair that had once been his father’s, as he entered. He swallowed tightly. For a while now it had been he’d taken over his father’s role, even before his death, but this was the first time a ruler of a non-allied land was visiting. He hoped he would show the same strength his father always had.

Before the others could make their way to him, Gwen put down the container of refreshment, approaching her king from behind. She caught politely at his waist. “Arthur.”

He turned to her, showing a fraction of his uncertainty, whispering with an odd touch of timidity, “I hope I’m ready for this.”

She held his hand strongly, bringing it up to her heart. “You are. You must believe that. You showed such strength in there already, giving Leon the right decision to let her pass through. Now don’t lose that resolve. I believe in you. Arthur, we all do. Just trust your heart. It always tells the deepest truth.”

He nodded appreciatively, feeling Merlin come in behind him now, honorably wrapping the cloak around his shoulders. Stopping in front of him, Gwen fastened the hold of the circular medallion, her lips just brushing his cheek before she stepped away.

Another voice came from the side, Elyan’s. “Sire, it is an honor to serve you. And I know you’ll make the right decision.”

Arthur gave a slight shrug. “I’m not sure the decision is entirely mine this time Elyan, but thank you.”

In just minutes the throne room was ready. Lifting away at the bottom of his cloak, Arthur sat in the throne chair. Merlin came to him with the official king’s crown, but Arthur negated it. “Get me the other one. I’m not fond of this one that much.”

Gwen had to suppress an amused smile. She hoped a new one would be crafted. Arthur was right. This one tended to make his head look a little odd. The one he had for years as prince was better.

Merlin, after its retrieval, therefore placed upon his head that one.

Agravaine sat in the chair next to Arthur, gesturing forward. “Guinevere, if you would be so kind to get us some-

She suppressed a grimace, wanting to be in attendance, but knowing that her role was not one that granted that.

Arthur caught at her hand though before she could leave, turning firmly to Agravaine. “No Uncle. Guinevere needs to stay.” He gave no reason, in all respects not needing to. Agravaine had no choice but to give quiet consent. Arthur was king.

Gwen stared at the man she loved, giving silent thanks, and feeling that even after Queen Annis was regally announced, Arthur still holding tight to her hand. Smiling, keeping the hold, Guinevere stood respectfully by his chair.

With a pair of guards at her side, Queen Annis entered the throne room, dressed in her usual blue dress and leather vest. Stepping to the throne with not an inch of hesitation, she presented herself. “King Arthur.”

Smiling courteously, Arthur gave a slight bow of his head. “Queen Annis, welcome to Camelot.”

She gave her own slight bow. “Thank you for seeing me.”

Arthur’s loose hand tightened on the throne chair’s arm as his other hand felt the gentle warm pressure of Guinevere’s enclosing one. It was a desired comfort. “Of course. So what may I ask is the reason for your visit your highness?”

Queen Annis looked from him to the familiar handmaiden standing nearby his throne. If she wasn’t mistaken, he was holding to her hand. “I had a surprise visit from one of your citizens most recently. It started out quite hostile.”

Gwen’s skin chilled, but Arthur’s hand still didn’t let go of hers. She hoped now that her trip to Caerleon hadn’t been a foolish brash mistake. She’d feel horrible if she had caused further turmoil.

Arthur simply nodded to Queen’s Annis’s words, sitting up firm in the chair. Feeling Agravaine’s eyes shift his direction, he kept his focus on the queen, deciding quickly truth would serve best. “I’m aware that…” He chose his words carefully. “…you were visited you highness. As for that visit being hostile, am I correct in that you granted her a room for the night?”

Merlin smiled, thinking what a smooth move as just about everyone in the room seemed to approve, everyone but Queen Annis’s guard, and yet the queen smiled slyly. He was noble indeed, but nowhere near the pushover most young kings proved to be. “I did.”

Arthur smiled amicably as if everything was already settled. “Then I would hardly call it a hostile visit.”

“King Arthur-

He raised his hand, cautiously, but firmly. “Queen Annis, you grace us with your presence. Truly you do. As you were gracious after the mistake I made in having your king killed. If you came here though to quarrel about one of my citizens, I’m not sure how much of an argument you’ll engage me in. There are indeed much more important matters at this moment.”

Queen Annis nodded her head, a bit stunned that the young king was taking such hard command, but maybe in his own kingdom he wasn’t so apt to bow at a queen’s feet. “You approve then of what your citizen did?” She looked straight over to Gwen.

Feeling the hotness of the queen’s eyes upon her, Gwen fought to keep her stance upward, not cowering, for that would disgrace her king and Camelot. Looking to Arthur, she silently asked permission.

He gave a quick nod.

Gwen opened her mouth, giving a slight bow. “Queen Annis, your majesty, I fully apologize as I did then, for visiting without invitation at first. I just thought the matter so important, that I came to your kingdom seeking an audience with you the only way I knew how.”

Arthur squeezed her shaking hand, giving his private approval to the woman he loved. Respectful, humble, and a quick important reference to the reason. Well done, he thought.

Agravaine stared at Gwen, cutting through. “Sire, she wen-

But Arthur cut him off quickly with a firm look. It wouldn’t do to have any kind of disagreement in front of the queen. This was not the time or place.

Arthur turned to the queen, his smile calm. “There you have it. She meant no harm.”

“So you always send simple servants to do your work?”

Arthur bristled inwardly at that curt remark, but fought to keep his temper in check, feeling Gwen’s hand warmly in his. “Everyone in Camelot is of worth. Now Queen Annis, I’m sure you’ll agree with me for you are a wise woman indeed, what matters now is what is done about this up-rise of mercenaries and bandits. Let me be clear, I am well aware your kingdom and mine have hostile feelings towards each other. We disagree on politics, but as Guinevere came to you with, I am proposing a temporary truce of our kingdoms and each of our respective allies. Neither of our kingdoms can deal with this problem alone I’m sure you’re well aware. I see no other reason why you would have come to Camelot. You are too wise a ruler, too quick of mind to come here simply to complain about a servant who you invited into your kingdom.”

Queen Annis nodded tightly. The young king showed wisdom his father rarely ever displayed. Perhaps if he had…

“I am troubled by it. You are right about that King Arthur. Still…”

Arthur put up his hand cautiously. “Queen Annis, if I may…my council meets in the adjoining room.” He gestured forward politely. “Perhaps we could go in there to discuss this matter. I’m sure then you will see then that it is vital we work together to rid our lands of these vile invaders.”

Gwen watched with a tense frown as Queen Annis let out a long sigh.

“Yes, well perhaps there doesn’t need to be that much discussion, not for me to tell you my decision that is. For I’ve already come to it. I just wanted to gauge your preliminary reaction to my visit.”

Arthur smiled tightly.

Queen Annis continued, “Four of my kingdom’s people were killed just last night, including a child. These invaders are barbarians and I want a stop put to them. So I accept yours and your kingdom’s servant’s proposal, a truce for how long it’s deemed necessary.”

Gloating would be inappropriate and Arthur too stilled any kind of excitement he might be feeling for Camelot and for his very influential love. Stepping down from the throne, feeling Guinevere’s hand respectfully leave his, he descended the few steps to meet the queen in the center. “Thank you your highness. I am sorry for your loss. We too have suffered our own. This truce, however long it needs to hold, can be an end to that kind of pain.”

The words had double meaning, maybe even a further apology for bringing her personal injury when he killed her husband.

The queen simply nodded at first, not much the sentimental type and still a bit wary of the young king, but willing to show him partial trust for now. Time would tell if he’d continue to truly deserve it. If not, the truce would end promptly for her. She had a good feeling about it though, so she allowed his hold of her hand for a fast moment before she firmly pulled away. “That is the outcome I too desire, King Arthur.”

Agravaine came over, his royal cloak sweeping like a bird’s extended wings behind him. “Queen Annis.” He gave a slight flourishing bow.

She raised her eyebrows, walking away, barely acknowledging the man. She recalled him distantly from years past, didn’t like him much then, and felt no different now. “Yes. You’ll excuse me.”

Merlin had to suppress a chuckle. Hearing his snicker, Arthur glared up at him. Queen Annis stopped at the king’s servant. “Oh I remember you. You’re the fool who nearly had your head chopped off for entering my base without permission.”

Merlin grimaced. “Uh, yeah, mmmm…sorry about that.”

“I bet you are. Heads aren’t that handily around, are they?”

The queen came to Gwen now. “Ah, Guinevere of Camelot, I guess your visit did turn out quite fruitful.”

Gwen nodded humbly before she saw it come out. Smiling cautiously, she took the extended hand. “You have made a wise decision your highness. You will see that even if you do not yet. And I am so grateful for it, that the kind of brutal bloodshed that has been inflicted upon our lands, can hopefully now end. Thank you Queen Annis.”

The queen couldn’t help but smile now too. In her home, the young woman was even braver, stood stronger.

She remarked on it. “Indeed he does.”

Gwen’s brown wrinkled with confusion. “I don’t understand.”

“Care for you as much.” Annis whispered with meaning. “He had your hand the entire time.”

Gwen felt the blush touch her face as all she could do was nod.

The queen let go of her hand, going to speak to the king.

“Well she sure likes you!” Merlin remarked strongly before he frowned. “Definitely different from how she first reacted to me. Wanted to do away with my head!”

Gwen could barely contain a chuckle of laughter, putting a comforting hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Oh Merlin.”


It was as soon as he ended his talks with Queen Annis that his uncle entered the council room. Arthur suppressed a grimace, knowing he probably had a lot to say.

“So she went to Caerleon without permission?”

Arthur’s jaw tightened at the question, finding it nearly insulting. Camelot did not enslave its people. “Why would she need any?”

Agravaine frowned strongly, fisting his hand against his waist with disapproval, making his dark cloak swish backward. “Because we are not allied with Caerleon.”

Arthur smiled at that. “We are now. At least as long as we need to be.”


The king put up his hand, dropping his cloak away from his shoulders now that he had completed his meeting with the queen. “Uncle, I know what you’re going to say, but Guinevere caused no harm. She never would. She’s a wiser woman than I think you give her credit for. I know she is just a servant to you. But she is much more to me.”

Agravaine let out a tight sigh, wanting to make the king see sense, and wanting much more, as now once again Camelot would be stronger with such alliance. It would make a takeover of it harder, something that Morgana would not be happy about, and neither was he. “She went in there recklessly without your approval. To an enemy land. There are many kingdoms Arthur that would have a citizen executed for such treachery.”

Arthur turned to Agravaine sharply. “Treachery? Guinevere did no such thing! She went there to state a proposal, one I suggested to you earlier and you negated me on. Now I understand why, but Uncle her visit has resulted in great assistance that we need. This could save many lives. I am proud of Guinevere. She aided the kingdom, didn’t disgrace it.”

The response hit Agravaine pointedly. He had to work his patience to keep from exploding and ruin everything. He had to get to the heart of this matter, make his nephew see sense. After all, his cretin father would have never approved of this. Maybe if he worked it from that angle he could change the young man’s sometimes pliant naïve mind. “You still want to be with her. Arthur, she may not be right for Camelot. After all, as much as I do respect her, she is just-

That was it. Arthur firmly put up his hand. Years of learning from his father and his own strengths of mind, he would not hear this argument anymore. If his uncle thought he could win it, then Arthur knew he would have to show him he was mistaken. Guinevere’s going to Caerleon taught him many things. His heart had the answer in this.

“Enough. I won’t hear any more about it. I’ve made my decision. And even further, the timing is not good now, but I intend to marry her if she will have me. I can only see one queen in my future, the most rightful one for Camelot, and for me, someone I love, someone I trust, and that is Guinevere. Now I care for and respect you very much Uncle.

Do not make me change my feelings on that. Accept my decision.”

The last words were delivered curtly, allowing no counter. Agravaine knew he would win no battle here. But the war was on the way. One day soon young King Arthur would see that. He thought of the handmaiden. She had so much influence upon Arthur. Perhaps the answer to defeat of the king, dealt with her. He’d have to discuss it with Morgana.

With a respectful bow, Agravaine commenced to leave the room.

“As you wish Sire. I hope this will go as well as you seem to think it will Arthur.”

Hearing the angry beat of his boots upon the stone floor, Arthur knew his uncle wasn’t happy. But that was just to be.

A softer tread of footsteps sounded many long moments afterward. “Arthur…”

He smiled at the familiar voice, turned around with his eyes sparked in attention. “Guinevere…” He brought out his hands.

She rushed forward, unable to contain it anymore. Arthur laughed at her excitement and grasped her waist strongly as she jumped into his arms. He spun her around with happiness. “You did it!”

She shook her head, up high in his hold, humbly disapproving as she clasped his cheeks with her fingers. “No. You convinced her.”

Arthur strongly countered. “No. You are wrong. Don’t underestimate what you did here. None of this would have happened without you. I could not be prouder.”

His lips touched hers. She sighed with happiness.

Arthur backed away, smiling to hers. “She likes you. I can tell. She stated that even though you held a knife at her, >ha, you were very respectful. And very honorable to Camelot and me. You have made an impression on her, a very good one.”

She shrugged with a touch of uncertainty. She felt stronger indeed, but still it was not easy to move away from her accustomed humility. “I’m not entirely sure why.”

Arthur was half inclined to pull at her hair, shake the understanding into her mind. “How can you not be? You have every makings of a queen.”

“I am a servant Arthur.”

He thought how that may not be for much longer. And yet her servitude was nothing to be diminished. “And so is a friend who I trust completely. Just never tell him that.”

She smiled at his honest assessment of Merlin.

“You are much more though. You always have been. I know everyone calls you Gwen, but I call your Guinevere, the queen does too by the way, because I like how it sounds.”

She cocked her head at that, interested to hear his reason.

“Your name is as beautiful as you. It elegantly rolls off the tongue. And you are as strong as it.”

Her eyes glowed with happiness. So that was why. She lifted her head a bit more firmly. When she left Caerleon she felt bolstered with strength and now she did too. The queen had accepted the proposal. It was the greatest news ever. She could solidly read all the pride Arthur had for her in his flaming blue eyes. It was a step up. She was in closer reach. “Thank you Arthur. I just did what I thought was right. And I am so grateful it has led to this. If I am to be queen, these are the kinds of things I want to do for Camelot. For you, for us.”

He tenderly fingered her cheek. “There is no if in that equation.” He felt the ring rubbing against his finger, so precious because it was one of his mother’s. He could think of no one else wearing it.


But for now, during a time of unrest that wasn’t fully resolved, he needed to focus on such. And he knew she would be wise enough to understand. There was just one thing he regretted so deeply.

“I was so foolish to come to you that night. I was just lucky you forgave me for it. I rarely admit things like this, but I know I need to with you. I am very sorry Guinevere.”

She pressed her hand against his. “It’s alright. We have both made mistakes.”

He smiled, bolstered by love and her wisdom. “I feel hope. The whole kingdom does, and that is because you had the courage to go to Caerleon. I love you so much Guinevere.”

She smiled emotionally, feeling locked into his hold. “I love you as much Arthur.”


Their embrace was one of such value. The door that enclosed the room they stood in now together was cracked open just a bit. The queen was on her way to the room she would be staying in as the king had offered her one graciously for the night. Spying the young couple for no more than a second, she smiled with a touch of rare emotion. “Like us Caerleon…like us.” She whispered, pressing her hand to her heart, before being on her way, leaving the pair in respectful privacy.




Author’s note: I always wanted Arthur to have a strong kind of conversation like this with Agravaine, even as of course the other man was plotting. I said it before, and I’ll say it again. I enjoyed this episode, but I think it could have been so much stronger with certain things further developed. The banishment was hard to take, but for me what was even harder was in this episode, Arthur ending things with Guinevere so suddenly and then making amends for it with flowers and a small apology and all was well. I would have liked more development there. That’s all. And I think easily Arthur could have faced Agravaine without being disrespectful to him, as at the time Arthur had no idea of Agravaine’s plotting. And that’s why I brought up Agravaine’s musings on this here, because within all these talks, much had to be going on in Agravaine’s mind. I ended it with Annis because I loved her for one, and it just seemed the right place. It spoke to the title, of the truth of the heart.

Thank you so much dear readers for being on this ride with me. It has been such a wonderful story for me to write and I’ve been thrilled at your responses. Once again, if you have time to comment, it is so much appreciated. And as always, thank you for reading. I should be back soon with an updated to ‘Shattered’.

character: agravaine, type: can./alt, character: gwaine, mood: family, type: scene extender, mood: romance, ✍status: complete, character: percival, character: merlin/emrys, mood: adventure, season: 4, ✒writing: true to thy heart, character: arthur, length: multi chapters, character: elyan, character: annis, character: guinevere

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