True to Thy Heart

Dec 20, 2011 07:45

Title: True To Thy Heart
Author: mara93
Rating: Teen
Disclaimer: I disclaim. Merlin belongs to BBC/Shine.
Genre: Episode extender for Episode 4.05. This was supposed to be a short ficlet, but then it just kept growing so here we go.
Spoilers: for episode 4.05 and before, please note.
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Gwen // Arthur, Gwen, Merlin, Agravaine, Queen Annis, Percival, Elyan, Gaius, Gwaine and minor Leon
Summary: Has the four A’s: angst, amour, adventure and Agravaine…lol. / Gwen trusts her heart in making a choice that will lead her closer to becoming queen and Arthur learns just how brave and influential she can be.
Author’s Note: I enjoyed this ep, but I felt elements were rushed. I wanted to take certain aspects of it into greater depth and it turned into this long story that is kind of AU from the direction of the show. Because of its length I’m going to post it in parts, but it’s completely done. Updates will be frequent, about 2-3 days between. // This is for the wonderful ella_rose88 for her bid for her Help the Fight Against Depression Auction at her fanfic journal: m_in_wonderland


After the previous day’s tiring events, Arthur slept in the next morning past his usual hour. Knowing that Arthur was quite exhausted, Merlin let him, not even bothering to open the curtains until the sun was firmly touching the sky.

Feeling the light shining upon his face now, Arthur slowly woke. “Merlin.”

The servant smiled with that somewhat silly grin. “Good morning Sire. Rise and shine!”

The king pushed away the last remains of weariness from his eyes with irritation, slowly starting to recall the important events of the previous evening. “How is Elyan doing?”

Merlin smiled. “Great last time I saw him. And happy his sister finally left to get some rest so that she can’t ‘fuss all over him’, his words not mine.”

Arthur’s brow wrinkled. “What do you mean? I had a cot brought in for her last night so she could stay with him.”

Merlin nodded his head as he busily perused the dressing armoire for Arthur’s daily attire. “Oh that’s why it was there.” He stated with little significance.

Arthur, on the other hand, rigidly sat up in his bed now. “Yes, that’s why. Guinevere didn’t sleep in it?”

Merlin gave a negative, grimacing with distaste at Arthur’s blue tunic. Looking kind of ragged. Probably was going to need another mend. Oh bother.

The last thing on Arthur’s mind now was clothes to be sewed upon. Restlessly pushing away the covers, he jumped from the bed. It could just be she was tired and decided she’d rather sleep in her own bed. She’d seemed reluctant when he suggested the cot last night so perhaps that’s all it was.

On the other hand, if she…

“Merlin, I want you to go to Guinevere’s home. See if she’s there. ”

Letting go of the slightly frayed tunic, Merlin decided the red one would be better.

“Merlin! Did you hear me?”

The servant turned to his master now at that sharp bellow, surprised to see the man out of bed, anxiously standing there with his hands wringing through his hair. “Arthur?”

“As I said…” Arthur firmly gave order. “Go to Guinevere’s house. Now Merlin. And if you see Percival at all, anywhere, tell him that I want to see him immediately.”

“But I haven’t even finished getting your clothes.” Merlin protested. “Why are you so worried about Gwen anyway? And what does Percival have to do with this?”

Arthur briskly dismissed the questions. “No time to explain. Go. I can get my own clothes.”

Still not totally understanding, Merlin shook his head, departing the room to go to Gwen’s house.

Arthur picked up the amount of clothes Merlin dropped on the bed and brought out the rest from his armoire. Hastily he pulled the tunic shirt over his head and then the pants over his legs.


It was about late morning, she guessed, by the position of the sun up quite high in the sky. It wasn’t at its deepest power, a few feathery clouds surrounding the ball of light, something which she had no complaints about. Traveling through a hot muggy wood was no one’s pleasure.

“Ah.” Gwen sighed, turning the horse through a bramble of wood. She’d been riding for quite a few hours, silently, almost peacefully, with no great event. If one should come though, she was prepared. She slept with it last night, after finding a hovel of rock that would hide her from wild animals and ill willed bandits. Now the knife, taken from her brother’s room before her ride with Percival to her father’s gravesite, was pocketed within her cloak.

Her stomach was nourished enough too, her appetite never that abundant to begin with as her poorer status meant she was used to small simple meals. This morning she had hastily dined on some berries for breakfast, not the sweetest, but quenching of her dry mouth.

Now she gauged it, the length of her ride and how long it would take to get to her destination. Taking another quick look up at the sun, before lowering her eyes away from its aggravating glare, Gwen surmised she should get there just a little bit before nightfall, or right at its peak. Any later would make riding more dangerous and she would have to rest for another evening before getting to her destination.

She felt she had no time for that. Her calculations needed to be correct, that she’d get there before the darkest part. To bolster that intent even more, she took a firmer grip of the horse’s reins, urging it on at a slightly faster pace with a click of her lips against her teeth.




Mumbles and groans elicited from his mouth. Somehow his eyes weren’t yet opening, but he could feel something covering him all the way to his head. Lifting his hand he pulled it away, feeling a tiny bit of heat hitting his cheek. Okay, alright, he needed to get his eyes to open. Working his mouth around, his eyelids fluttered. It was like he was waking from some deep sleep. He was in no pain, but oh, it was hard to focus and see what was going on. Still, he gave another strong attempt, finally feeling his eyes parting from their closure. A heavy blink here and there and it swam through his vision. Light. Ball. Ah, the sun. It was peeking through branches of Oak and Sycamore.

Oak and Sycamore?

This wasn’t his bed. Oh, maybe he was on a knightly round of patrol and he stole into too much of the Mead last night. Yeah, that had to be it. Giving a grunting groan, Percival attempted flexing his arms. They were bending, but with wearied fashion, tingling with the last remains of harsh stiffness. But his head didn’t hurt at all. And uh, now that his eyes were seeing things with even more clarity, something was really obvious.

He couldn’t have been out on a knightly patrol, because no one else was here with him.

“Okay…think Percival.” He whispered drowsily to himself. “Think.”

And then he remembered as his eyes focused in on the crude little, but lovingly personalized, headstone. This was the burial place of Gwen’s father. He brought her here at the request of his king, and as a favor to a friend.

But where was Gwen? Percival thought as he entirely removed the dark blanket, of a color that mixed well with the wood. Gwen should be here. Actually, neither of them should be. She asked to have accompaniment, but never had she implied at all she would want to stay the night. And even if she had, which Percival sorely doubted, where was she now?

“Gwen.” He called out quietly, but nothing rustled through the wood except the shallow wind. “Gwen.” He stated a bit more loudly, sitting up now with a bit of difficulty. Wow. He still was in no pain, but his joints, they were so slept upon. He felt heavy with drowsiness. It was making his mind blurry, but he had to pinpoint it. Gwen was missing now and he fell asleep for an entire night in the wood. There was something very wrong with that.

Wait a minute. Water He drank a whole lot of water before he fell asleep. And he swore it was some of the best water he ever had, which was silly, definitely. But it was. That water it made him feel so-

Sleepy? Tired, he could recall that water making him feel so…tired. Like a nap was all-

No. Wait. The water made him fall asleep? The water that Gwen gave him?

That made no sense at all, but it was it. He could feel it somehow within all the cloudiness of his mind. The water did it somehow.

The water?

Where was she?

Bracing his hand against an Oak tree trunk, Percival slowly got to his feet. He had to get up. He had to search. Look.

“Gwen!” He called out as finally his feet did their job, a bit unsteadily, but nevertheless keeping him standing.

“GWEN!” He yelled even louder.


Taking a few steps at a time, Arthur rushed out of the castle. He ran past staring villagers until he got to the outside front of her home. Catching the front door opening and Merlin walking out of it, Arthur questioned him, “So is she there?”

Merlin shook his head. “No. By now she’s probably within the castle, tending to her work.”

Arthur negated that quickly. “She’s not. I checked. She never came in for work. None of the servants have seen her. I asked around. And she hasn’t visited her brother either. Plus, no sign of Percival. You neither?”

Merlin shrugged, still not getting what Percival had to do with any of this and yet to feel as worried as his king seemed to be. “Nope. Haven’t seen Percival anywhere.” He noticed it sharply. Arthur was not perhaps as adept at getting dressed alone as he was with Merlin’s assistance, but this was almost comical and quite messy. Arthur’s red tunic was hanging out past his pants, belted as usual, but the belt already slipping off now as he had done it up so hastily. Reaching forward to fix it, Merlin felt Arthur’s hands anxiously move against. “No. Forget it. Just saddle my horse.”

Merlin stared at him so questioningly that Arthur grunted out harshly. “Now Merlin. No questions. Just do it.”

Merlin finally hurried. Arthur wouldn’t act this way just for something so trivial as being in a bad mood or not getting enough sleep. Clearly he was anxious about her, and so once Merlin got to the stables he rapidly saddled the king’s horse.


Looking out the window from the northern side, seeing the hustle and bustle around the stables, Elyan wearily called out. “Gaius? Gaius.”

The physician was busy perusing his vials of medicine. Oddly enough one seemed to be missing. Gaius was always careful to take accurate inventory of his supply so he would have all that was needed for any emergency. As he did a recount, he heard Elyan’s soft voice calling out to him, at first not so urgently, and then again with a stronger force. Putting down his book of records, he walked over to the young man who was now sitting up on the cot, his expression tense. Gaius touched his shoulder, “Elyan, you are supposed to be resting. Now lie back down.”

Elyan shook his head rapidly, pointing out the window in his sitting position as Gaius tried to gently push him back to the bed. “What is going on out there? Do you know Gaius?”

Gaius turned to look out the window, noticing how his young ward was rushing out of the stables with a horse and how the king was quickly mounting it. He wished he had an explanation to calm Elyan, but actually he had no idea why both seemed so hurried.

“Is this about Gwen?” Elyan asked anxiously.

Gaius turned back to him as the young man tiredly went on, his wound still in an important healing stage and so his speech was slightly impacted. “She hasn’t been here since last night. That’s not like my sister. She would have at least checked upon me before going to work. She’s always been the doting type and yet she hasn’t been around. Gaius, is that why they’re out there, riding away now, because something’s happened to Gwen?”

He was sitting up even more anxiously that Gaius pressed the blankets over the young man’s waist, trying to appease. “Now enough Elyan. I am sure Gwen is fine. You are stressing the wound.”

Elyan wasn’t paying attention though. He watched even more intensely as Arthur and Merlin rode swiftly toward the further off Camelot’s gates, looking like they had something of great importance to tend to. Elyan couldn’t just sit here and do nothing. Gaius had no answers. He had to know what was going on. Pushing away the blankets entirely, he attempted to stand up.

“Elyan, you will open up your stitches!” Gaius warned.

The elder man’s hand was still pressing against his shoulder so as gently as he could Elyan forced it away. “Gaius, I have to do this. See what is happening. I am sorry.” He pushed until Gaius had no choice but to let go and then Elyan made his way out of the physician’s quarters as rapidly as his injury would allow.

Gaius came after him, trying to stop the young man, but with Gaius being more elderly, and Elyan having fierce knight training, the younger man won out.

He got to the stables now before Gaius and rapidly saddled a horse for himself. Pain lanced into his chest that made his palm press against, but still mostly Elyan ignored it, using his other hand to tightly grip the saddle and seat himself upon the horse. Once in place, he rode the animal out of the stables, swiftly across Camelot’s citadel.


Questions were hitting Merlin’s mind as now he yelled out. They were riding so fast through Camelot’s busy market area, where riders never rode, that Merlin had to carefully gauge each stunned villager to make sure he didn’t run one over.

“Arthur, slow down! Where are we going?”

The voice jarring him out of his pool of concern, Arthur turned around to see Merlin attempting to follow him without upsetting the market area. Finally slowing his horse down some, Arthur waited for his servant to come alongside. As they passed by the last of the market area, coming now to more open territory, Arthur gave a quick explanation. “Last night Guinevere asked to visit her father’s grave. She was upset and so I couldn’t deny her. I sent Percival along to insure her safety, keep her well. I was worried about her demeanor especially after what happened to Elyan. But Merlin, no one’s seen her or Percival since.”

Finally understanding his king’s urgency, Merlin frowned. “That’s strange. Gwen’s not one to neglect her duties. And even if she would because of what happened yesterday , she’d be with her brother then.”

“Agreed.” Arthur confirmed. “So you see why this is so-

He was starkly interrupted as Merlin called out, “Percival!”

Arthur turned at that rapidly, seeing what Merlin was referring to, Percival riding toward them at a fast pace.

Noticing the king and Merlin coming straight toward him, Percival slowed down his horse. Said horse was the only thing he was able to find at that burial spot. He located it a little deeper into the wood after perusing the area for long moments, calling Gwen’s name out with no response. The horse had been nibbling on some dry grass as Camelot horses were well trained to not wander off from a slumbering rider.

Bringing his horse to a stop, Arthur jumped down from its back. As he got to his knight, Percival too was dismounting. Arthur faced him anxiously. “Percival.” He stared. The knight was wearing his cloak, but now it was slightly askew and his face looked haggard, like he had just gotten up from a long sleep. But that was crazy. “Where is Guinevere?”

Percival confusedly shook his head. He had searched everywhere before mounting his horse to tell the king what had happened. “Sire, I’m sorry. I woke up and she wasn’t there. Her horse wasn’t either.”

Arthur’s brow furrowed tensely. “You woke up? What do you mean by that? You fell asleep?”

Percival nodded. “Apparently so. I don’t remember it all Arthur, really. We got to her father’s grave last night just like planned. She took some moments of privacy. Then she seemed ready to leave and she handed me some water she had in a canteen. I remember drinking it, the whole thing really. I just couldn’t get enough. I just felt so thirsty. And then…that’s where it got so strange.”

“What do you mean?”

Percival went on carefully. Arthur loved Gwen and Percival knew she would never mean him harm, but there was no real easy way to put what happened, or what he thought happened. “The water, it made me sleepy. I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I just started…falling…and…I don’t know. Everything from there is a blank. All I know is I woke up under a blanket that someone covered me with, maybe Gwen, and she was nowhere to be found.”

As Arthur started to give his response, Merlin turned to see another astonishing image. It was Elyan, coming from the other side, leaning heavily on the horse he was riding, but still he rode it swiftly toward where they were. As he came so close to nearly be beside them, Merlin watched him slow the animal. This was not good. Elyan was terribly pale, still recovering. He shouldn’t be out here, riding nonetheless, bouncing around his injuries. “Elyan?” He asked with concern.

Arthur shook his head, not yet noticing the other knight as he was too busy trying to wrap his mind around Percival’s wild story. “You’re saying that you fell asleep in the wood for an entire night and that the reason why is because Guinevere gave you poisoned water? That’s outlandish. She would never do such thing.”

Percival nodded his head vigorously. “Agreed Sire, and that’s not what I’m saying at all. Honestly, I don’t know everything that happened. I was asleep the whole night so my memory is foggy from that or, well it’s foggy. I wasn’t harmed. I’m not in pain or sick in any way. But something was in that water that made me fall asleep. Even if Gwen didn’t intend it, that water had something else in it.”

Arthur had no good response to that. The Guinevere he knew would never hurt anyone, even if Percival was saying he wasn’t afflicted at all. There still was one very important matter that he wanted an answer to. “So where is she now?”

“Yes, where is she?” A weak voice echoed from behind.

Arthur turned around with surprise, seeing a waned Elyan leaning heavily against Merlin now, both their horses standing aside. It concerned Arthur that Elyan must have ridden his horse out here, neglecting his health and vulnerable stiches. He grasped the man’s shoulder. “Elyan, what are you doing out here, riding your horse and all? You should be in bed.”

“Not until I know where my sister is.” Elyan firmly stated, even as he struggled to keep standing, Merlin’s support helpful, but his chest heaving with tiredness and tight pains.

Percival shook his head miserably as now all eyes were upon him. He wished he could give a better answer, feeling as upset by this as all of them. “I don’t know where Gwen is…Sire, Elyan. I don’t know enough of what happened. All I remember is drinking that water Gwen gave me and then falling asleep ever so quick.”

As Merlin thought things couldn’t get odder, they did. He watched with widened eyes now as Gaius approached them, also on horseback, though at a slower pace. Sure Gaius could ride, but it was rare that he did. The elderly man was kind of wobbly on the back of one and complained that it brought soreness to his back and legs. Leaving Elyan to Arthur’s care, the king wrapping his arm around Elyan’s back to keep him standing, Merlin helped the physician dismount, questioning before the man even came down. “Gaius? You came out here too?”

The elderly physician nodded, thankful for the young man’s help as he truly did not like riding when it could be avoided. But this situation necessitated it. As he heard the tail end of Percival’s bewildered explanation, Gaius’s brow crinkled with interest.

“Percival, you said that Gwen gave you water to drink, yes?”

“Yeah, she did. Good tasting water.”

Gaius ran his finger over his bottom lip, thoughtfully. He turned to the king. “Sire, one of my vials was missing this morning. I count them regularly. I would notice one not in its place quickly.”

Arthur frowned at that. “I know Guinevere would never try to hurt Percival, or anyone for that matter.”

Merlin came in with agreement. “Arthur’s right. She wouldn’t do anything bad.”

Gaius let out a small sigh. “Of course.” He turned his attention again to the king. “Sire, it’s not harmful. Just a sleeping draught. Albeit quite strong that it would keep a person asleep for an entire night. It is possible Gwen meant only to take a mild one and mistakenly left with the wrong vial. They do look much alike to the untrained eye.”

Arthur shook his head with frustration. None of this made any sense. Sure Guinevere had not wanted him to go with her to her father’s grave last night, and hadn’t seemed agreeable to him putting up a cot for her to rest next to her brother in the physician quarters, but that didn’t mean she tainted someone’s water with a strong vial. And none of this gave any answer as to where she was now, which was what he cared about most. The only way they were truly going to find out what happened was to first find Guinevere. Enough talk. Time for action.

He turned to Percival with command. “Get a small patrol together. Search every part of the wood near her father’s gravesite. I know you said you already did, but I want every inch scoured. Bring the hounds. They’ll smell out anything odd.”

“Arthur?” Elyan weakly asked, standing nearby, supported by Merlin again. Arthur reached out an appeasing hand to the injured man’s shoulder, his voice firm though with command. “Elyan, we will find her. But for now…” He gestured to his servant. “You must go back with Merlin and Gaius. You need your rest.”

“I can’t rest if she’s in danger Arthur.”

The king shook his head. “We don’t know if she is. Maybe this is all just a misunderstanding. You need to go back to the castle. Let your wounds heal.”

Elyan grimaced tightly, feeling strong pockets of pain in his chest, but his heart was filled with concern. “Arthur, I have your word you’ll do all you can to find her? You’ll let me know of any progress?”

Arthur smiled with reassurance. “You have my word Elyan. I want to find your sister just as much as you do.”

There was strong reluctance, but finally the injured knight nodded his head, letting Gaius take him away.

Arthur looked hard to his servant. “Merlin, go with Gaius and Elyan, and get my armor…”

Merlin frowned. “You don’t believe what Percival said, right? He has to be wrong.”

Arthur shook his head. “About the water having something in it? I don’t know Merlin. But Guinevere wouldn’t poison him, like Gaius confirmed. Just a sleeping draught. If she gave him something…” He let out a heavy sigh. “It’s not worth it to speculate. We need to find her, that’s all.”

Merlin nodded. “Agreed on that.”

“Good.” Arthur answered. “Now go Merlin. Hurry.”


As late afternoon approached, the wood opened up more. Gwen rode through the area more easily, able to keep the horse at a swifter pace with no hard worries for safety. She was wary of course of any animals or mercenary types, especially with the recent wakes of violence. Yet as she continued to travel though the open spaces, no trouble of alarm came.

Now as they became much more solidly in front, she raised her head. The mountains climbed so high upward they seemed to touch the outer crevices of the sky. Gwen focused her eye on one midpoint. She hoped still she could get to her destination before the darkest nightfall. Pulling the reins tautly, she kept control of the horse as its hooved feet pounded the ground with increased rapidity.


The patrol searched all around the gravesite, finding nothing. Some of them went deeper into the wood, releasing a few of the hounds. It was after the sun was shadowed by a wispy cloud, that one of those hounds started to bark loudly. The man closest to it, kneeled down within the grassy area, finding something that gave him pause. “Sire, look at this!” He called out anxiously.

Arthur turned at the voice, going to the patch of wood where the man was standing, holding out a piece of terribly ripped parchment. “Found it buried within the grasses. Hound smelled it out.”

Frowning, Arthur took in the dirtied and ripped paper. He had little reason to believe it had originally been left this way. “It’s like some animal got to it. Teeth marks.” Such a declaration could be alarming, but Arthur, an avid hunter, noticed something else that would cool any fears quickly. “Small ones. Raccoon, badger maybe?”

Coming alongside him, Percival nodded his head. “Maybe Sire.”

Turning the ripped parchment over, Arthur saw inked writing on the other side. Regarding it carefully, he noticed the flow of strokes. “This is by Guinevere’s hand.” He stated sharply. Taking a closer look, Arthur realized it was addressed to him. He read it silently to himself.


My King and love, I hope you will forgive me. These past weeks I have strug-

The word was cut off, but with her troubled emotions recently and his sorry way of dealing with the matter of her at first, he could imagine what it was.

He read more.


Another cut.

…my role. I know you think it is because of what happened that night. But it is more. Something I cannot quite-

Strong cuts away this time, rips from the animal’s teeth.

I hope you can understand why I could not let you bring me here, to my father’s grave. It had to be Percival. But I mean him no harm of course. I wish it could have been done in a better way, but I knew that you would never-

Another unfortunate break, causing Arthur to grimace tightly before he went onto the next part. As now he was guessing Gaius was right. For some reason it seemed Gwen did take the sleeping draught, wanting to put Percival to sleep. No wonder she had insisted Arthur not take her. But why…why couldn’t she have just told him? What did she mean…he would never…

Arthur wasn’t sure. He needed to read the rest of what was left of the mangled note.

Trust I will take care, use caution. As I have asked you to trust to do what is right in your heart Arthur, please trust me to do what is right in mine. I know there is too much conflict for you to do this. So let me help Camelot. Trust me to go to-

The very last break.

Arthur wrung his hands desperately at it, searching the ground for any of the lost parts, but there was nothing. The note was too mangled to make out the rest. All he knew was that she had intended to leave. She had departed on her own for some reason she deemed important to the kingdom.

The kingdom?

“Arthur? Is there a problem?”

Opening his eyes, Arthur grimaced at his uncle, standing there now, with that wondering look of his. Timing was interesting. Merlin appeared now too from the other side, back from his trip to the castle.

“Got it Arthur!”

The king handed him the note. “Look at that.”

Merlin began to read as Arthur held his chainmail in his hands.

Only able to read the parts not mangled, Merlin asked, “What happened?”

“I think an animal got to it. After, not before. There’s no…” Arthur choked a bit. “Blood. And whatever it was, small creature. Merlin, help me with my armor.”

The servant did now as Agravaine asked what was going on. Arthur informed him, partly that is. Honestly he didn’t know the whole truth, and he wasn’t entirely sure how his uncle would react to everything anyway. “Guinevere’s gone missing. Merlin and I are going to find her.”

Merlin sighed relief at that. The note was too disjointed, Elyan was sick with worry, and he knew everyone would feel a lot better as soon as she was found. Well…almost everyone.

“Do you think that’s wise Sire?”

Merlin wondered if there was a spell for muting a person’s mouth. But at least Arthur didn’t seem at all intent to give in.

The king raised his hand past the armor that Merlin was fastening into place. “Yes. Uncle I do. I know you mean well and much has been happening lately. But I’m not going to change my mind on this. I have enough knights left in charge to guard the kingdom. Only Merlin is going with me.”

“Well…” Agravaine had to relent, suppressing the grimace he was feeling grow within. “If you think it’s necessary Sire. I won’t stand in your way of course.”

As he walked away from them, Merlin let out a tiny sigh of relief.

Arthur caught it. “Have something to say Merlin?”

The servant shook his head. “Nope. Not a thing. Just glad we’re going to get her.”

Arthur touched the other man’s shoulder strongly. “Of course we’re going to get her…”

Hours later, after searching for long moments of time, Arthur and Merlin rode their horses through the wood, not clear on any set destination.

For the damaged note gave them none. Just…



It was as the sun was firmly in its descent that Gwen approached the hollow that gave way to the mountains. She stopped her horse.

Getting down, she kneeled on the ground, not caring what the damp earth did to her dress. Gathering some of that dirt in fact, she reached up to smear it all over her face. Taking out the knife, she ripped away at the hem and some of the bodice of her dress, well covered, but the tears were prevalent. Lastly, she tangled her fingers through her hair, making it look terribly messy.

That should do. Remounting her horse, she walked it further through the hollow before starting her climb up the ascending mountains.


It was getting dark. Normally that would mean finding a place to rest. But not now. Arthur rode fiercely through the dense wood, hearing Merlin’s voice beside him as he had no choice but to slow down at some thicker parts, the trees blocking the fast way.

“That note. You think now Gwen wanted to put Percival to sleep. So she could get away?”

Arthur shook his head, still not entirely certain of anything. “Don’t know Merlin. She definitely didn’t want me to go with her.”

“Because you would try to stop her from doing whatever it is she planned to do?”

“I wouldn’t just try Merlin.” The king strongly replied.

The answer didn’t surprise Merlin at all. “She wasn’t that happy when we came back. Even after you talked to her.”

Arthur gripped the pommel of the saddle tightly between his fingers. “I know that Merlin. I saw it right away. I just haven’t known what to do about it.”

Merlin shrugged. “Maybe that’s part of the problem.”

“What do you mean?”

“Maybe it’s something that Gwen needs to deal with on her own.”

Arthur faced his servant sharply. “So you think we shouldn’t have gone after her?”

Merlin strongly shook his head. “I didn’t say that.”

“Right, well then…” Arthur commented, pointing ahead. “The forest is getting less dense. Enough walking and talking. Let’s speed it up so we can find her.”

The opening clear, they rode the horses to a faster pace of pursuit.


Halfway up the mountain, a sentry of rustically outfitted guards startled Gwen’s movement. They were almost untamed, in layers of dusky brown leather and ninja-like head dressings. So altered they were from the guards of Camelot, who always were outfitted in pristine armor and red shades of Pendragon nobility. And yet the way these wild soldiers ceased her movements was exactly how the protectors of Camelot would proceed. Gwen grasped the knife in her hand, yet keeping it hidden under the thick folds of her lavender cloak.

“Hold there! Not a step further!”

She grimaced, lowering her hood to show them she was a woman. It caught the guards off their mark, but only for a short moment. Their firm stance told her to talk, and talk quick. Gathering her wits, Gwen made her voice controlled and authoritative, with just a touch of preplanned shudders. “I come by invitation of the queen.”

They looked at her like she was crazed.

Gwen jumped down from the horse, shakily. It was part of the plan, but she didn’t have to work that hard to play the part. She was already shivering with anxiety. If this didn’t work, she didn’t want to think what could happen. She had to bluff with the finesse of a traveling actress. As her feet hit the ground, she heard the sounds of ringing metal, swords being swiped out of their weapon belts. All were strongly directed at her now, their points so sharp, they could slash her throat, or pummel her heart in seconds.

She steeled herself again.

She’d gotten this far and she wasn’t going back now. With one hand regally on her waist, a pretense really as she made sure it faltered, and the other clutching at the tears of her dress, Gwen addressed the watchful guards.

“I’m Lady Guinevere of Mercia, here, as I stated, at the invitation of the queen.”

One of the guards snickered. “Where is your attending guard if you are a noble lady?”

Gwen let out a shuddering breath, partly planned, partly natural. Opening her dirtied cloak, marred with a few rips here and there from the knife, she revealed the deeper tears in her dress, stepping into the light of their torches so they would also see the dirt she had smudged upon her face and her tangles of hair. Holding at her heart, she shook her head. “I’m sorry. I rode so long without looking back I can barely catch my breath. We were attacked on the way here, my royal guard and I, by bandits. The fine men of Mercia created a way for me to escape. I fear they were not so fortunate.”

Nobody said anything. Gwen continued.

“I’m still so shaken by the ambush. It was quite brutal.” She purposefully showed them more of her ruined dress. “As you can see fine guards of Caerleon, I was lucky to escape with my life. I would be most thankful therefore if you would take me to your queen now.” She gave a slight swooning motion, having watched enough visiting ladies to have seen how some of them so dramatically acted. “I fear I cannot ride much further without falling to faint.”

She watched measuredly as they said nothing, everything silent except for the flickering flame of the torches and the sound of a wolf in the far distance. At least she hoped it was the far distance. Finally one of them nodded, gesturing toward her.

“Come with us Lady Guinevere.”

She barely had a chance to let out a sigh of relief as another of them maliciously warned, “But if that is not who you are, get ready to face your death.”

Gwen let fly the defiance, set on playing her part to the hilt. “How dare you doubt a lady of Mercia! I have had a most horrible experience and you treat me awfully!”

“She is right.” One of the other guards pushed back the offending one. “The queen would never allow this kind of behavior. “Come with me Lady Guinevere. I will see to it that you get your audience with the queen.”

Gwen nodded her head with a feeble smile, allowing the man to softly take her arm to assist her back upon her horse.

Riding his own, he led her along with the other guards up the mountain in the dark of night, just the torches lighting the way. As each step of the horse brought the towering castle closer to view, Gwen felt her heart beating rapidly fast. She had made it through the first obstacle.

But it wouldn’t be the last.


“What else did she say to you?”

Percival frowned at the question. “Come on Elyan, aren’t you supposed to be resting?”

Disgruntled, Elyan shuffled the covers, upon the cot he was lying on in the physician’s quarters, back and forth. It was late, night already and Arthur and Merlin had yet to return with any news. “I can’t rest Percival. Not with Gwen out there…alone.”

“I told you Arthur found the note.”

Elyan sighed. “Yes, but it barely said enough. Definitely not where she was going. Do you really think she put something in your water?”

Percival shrugged. “I guess. I do know that water made me suddenly sleepy. So I’m assuming something was in it. Didn’t hurt me at all. And I’m betting it was your sister who covered me so carefully. It seemed she was just desperate to get away.”

“Yes.” Elyan sighed. “But why?”


The castle was large, but much more roughly oriented than the one of Camelot. It seemed it was not only a rumor that Camelot had the grandest castle of the land. Gwen felt herself led through the long halls coming to a room with double doors, much like Camelot’s throne room, only the banners hanging upon the walls were of a different color and symbol, sky blue mostly. As the doors opened and the guards gestured her forward she felt her heart beat so fast it pounded in her chest. Brought to the queen’s throne, she noticed right away how regally the woman sat and yet how her attire was rustic leather and a simple dress of dark blue shade. Respectfully, Gwen gave a slight bow.

“What is the meaning of this?” Queen Annis asked quickly, keeping her eyes on her guards.

“Your highness, this woman says she is a noble lady of Mercia. Lady Guinevere.”

The queen now turned to the young woman.

Gwen, feeling Queen Annis’s steely eyes fixedly upon her, fought to maintain her composure, hoping the story of the attack would be enough to explain her nervousness. Of course Queen Annis was probably smart enough to know that a Lady Guinevere of Mercia did not exist.

The queen studied the woman quietly, giving nothing away. “Lady Guinevere you presume to be? And…Lady Guinevere, what may I ask happened to your clothing?”

Gwen kept up the pretense, buying as much time she could find, before the hard questions began. “My men and I were attacked on the way here Queen Annis. Quite brutally. I fear they are all dead. I am thankful to them for my survival.” She coughed dryly, continuing the stall. “If I may have some water please…

My throat is so dry.”

Queen Annis frowned, gesturing to one of her tending ladies. “Get the Lady Guinevere some water. As I am sure her mouth must be VERY dry after the horrible day she has had.”

Then she gestured to the guards. “You may go. In fact, clear out the throne room please.”

She smiled just a bit. “Lady Guinevere…when was it we saw each other last? I don’t quite remember you. Perhaps during your king’s visit last month.”

Gwen bit at her bottom lip nervously, seeing that even though the woman was dressed rustically by Camelot standards, she had long flows of red brown hair. Even with the firm lines that edged her aging face, she had natural beauty. And a lot of power. “Yes. It was then your highness. You were a bit busy, dealing with our king. I think we only saw each other in polite quick greeting.”

“Ah.” Queen Annis said steadily as the attending lady brought Guinevere her water. The queen gestured to her. “You also may go. The Lady Guinevere has faced such a terrible ordeal. I’m sure she would like some time without so many watchful eyes.”

Gwen felt a disturbing tingle at the back of her neck as the throne room completely cleared out, leaving her alone with the watchful queen.

Gwen felt her hand shaking around the cup as the queen’s voice came through.

“The king of Mercia did not visit last month. Nor have I ever met any Lady Guinevere. So tell me, whoever it is you are, because you are CERTAINLY not from Mercia…”

The queen’s sharp eyes were like the blade of a knife.

“Why should I not have you killed right now?”


The darkness was growing, the road ahead of them murky. Merlin had no idea how much longer they could keep it up, riding at night always a danger for many reasons. “Arthur, maybe we should stop.”

The king barely slowed down, his horse coming close to tripping on some thick underbrush. He reared it the other way just in time.

Merlin grimaced at it. “That was close.”

Arthur slowed his horse down, letting out a ragged sigh. It would be sublime to be away from the castle if it wasn’t such a dire personal mission. “I have no idea where she even went Merlin.” He stated painfully, head lowered.

Merlin nodded. None of them did. The note was too torn to give any indication at all. What they could tell from it just was that she planned to leave. It was her intention to travel somewhere…alone, for Camelot’s benefit. Reaching out, now that they were going at such a slow pace again, Merlin touched his master and friend’s arm briefly. “We’ll find her. She’ll be okay.”

Arthur didn’t say anything, just kept up the slow pace. He couldn’t sleep, but riding fast was too much a danger in this thick of the wood at night. So they’d walk it.


Gwen wondered what gave her away, guessing probably quite a bit. Already her mind was focusing on what to do now that her bought time was over.

Queen Annis scrutinized sharply the young woman in the decorative blue and white dress. Beautiful indeed, but nowhere near as practical as the women of Mercia. Queen Annis didn’t consider herself a cruel woman, but she had no time for stupid women who wandered into her lair thinking they could get away with it. “You were foolish to come here under such a crude alias. Now tell me who you really are.”

Gwen lowered the hood of her cloak, feeling as much defeated as fearful. “My name truly is Guinevere. That is no lie, your highness. It was given to me at birth, but most just call me Gwen. I am no noble lady though, just a servant. From…


Queen Annis frowned deeply at that. “Camelot?” She snickered with disapproval. “Should have known. They dress more frivolously there, even the servants. I’ll say it again, very foolish of you to come here alone. Or was your little story about the attack true also? Did others of your noble Camelot come with you?”

Gwen shook her head. “No your highness. None came with me. I am alone. I ripped my dress to make your guards and you think the attack happened. I made it up to get in here.”

Queen Annis smiled at that. Perhaps not so foolish. “Clever. Risky and questionable, but at least you’re not brainless frolic. And yet…”

“Yet, what? Your highness?” Gwen shakily asked.

Queen Annis spoke with hard edge. “Caerleon and Camelot are not allies. I’ve heard enough. You can die now, Guinevere.



To be continued…

Thank you for reading. Feedback is lovely and very much appreciated.

Queen Annis: One of my favorite episodes of this season was with her. So now you know who Gwen went to see because I just had to write a story with the two of them confronting each other in some way. I love Queen Annis and I love taking Gwen on a venture where she gets to use her wiles and her toughness.

Uh, and I couldn’t confirm it, whether Camelot was still allied with Mercia or not, but there seemed some tension so for the sake of this story, and honestly because Lady Guinevere of Mercia sounded really cool to me, Mercia is allied with Caerleon.

Be back soon with the next part.

Oh and uh, I started working on a fic after 4.09 that I’m just finishing now dealing with the banishment and some of the aftermath. I feel a little weird maybe about posting it now that we’re almost at the finale, but thought I’d ask. Anyone interested in reading it? It’s definitely AU from how the show went, but I’ve loved writing it and I’d love to share it. Let me know what you think. Thanks!!!!!

character: agravaine, type: can./alt, character: gwaine, mood: friendship, mood: family, type: scene extender, mood: romance, character: percival, character: merlin/emrys, mood: adventure, time: present, ✒writing: true to thy heart, ✍status: in progress, character: arthur, length: multi chapters, character: elyan, character: annis, character: guinevere

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