Dec 28, 2002 01:17

In case there is a little confusion on the subject:

I: Porn star
II: Giant fucking whore

Favorite: Elrohir
Bird: Elladan

Girl: Butch
Boy: Sundance

Fat: Elros
Svelte: Us

Father figure: Maglor
Deadbeat dad: Earendil

Upright young elf: Lindir
Unworthy squirrel fucker: Aragorn

Supposed old job: Herald
Real old job: Child whore

Fucked Boromir: Me
Fucked Saruman: Other Me

Myth: Me needing forklift to get back on couch
Reality: II's ass taking up 75% of the cushions

Psycho elf: Elladan I
Peacock pansy: Elladan II

First Darren from Bewitched: Cool
Second Darren: Lame

Insane mun: Michelle
Really cool mun: Zlot

Has crush on Gandalf: II
Has crush on Ann Larimer: I

Stupid hair: Elrohir
Just stupid: ...Elrohir again

Good touch: Gil-galad
Bad touch: Maglor

Had children with: Celebrian
Did not have children with: Galadriel

Hermaphrodite: Erestor
Just really girlie: Elrohir
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