Fandom: Doctor Who (8th Doctor) Rating: PG-13 (for mild suggestiveness) Doctor Who is the property of the BBC, the TARDIS is a registered trademark, etc. etc. etc...
Title: Closet Author: John Clifford Rating: PG Spoilers: Buffy Season 7; Angel "You're Welcome". Summary: Cordy makes another stop on the road following 'You're Welcome', for one last reunion with Mr. Xander Harris...
Dipping into the archives once again for unposted short! comin' at you from the Buffyverse.
First up...
Title: Hopeless Hope Author: John Clifford Disclaimer: I own me nothin’, just here to play with the toys in the great Joss & co. sandbox. Rating: PG Synopsis: An interposition scene for the Angel episode “Hole in the World”. ( Spoilers in the tale, behind the cut... )