Hm Hm Hm

Mar 30, 2012 20:17

Another down day. It isn't a coincidence that I was in a rotten mood due to working on Level 3, because as you all know I HATE LEVEL 3 these days. Anyway, I'm just feeling..... down. Pretty damn down, really. I'm actually seriously considering going back into therapy, but I'm not certain where to start in the search process. Back in high school one was recommended to my parents from... I don't remember, school counselor? Maybe some of their colleagues? Regardless, it's not like I can go back to her, as she specializes in adolescents....

I did get a couple highlights to the day though. First of all, one of my absolute favorite co-workers, John, brought the Girl Scout Cookies I ordered. I'm pretty close to curling up with a box of Samoas and just wallowing in angst. The other good-ish thing is that I sort of heard back from a job prospect. I'd applied to this place multiple times, and THIS time I actually got a letter that said that my resume got passed on to the hiring manager. Which is further than I'd gotten before. ::shrugs::

I'm also worried about the Smut-A-Thon. We're taking today off since we're both having problems, but.... I'm feeling less confident in my abilities today for some reason. I know insecurity is rampant and stuff. But ICK I hate feeling this way.

SO, I'm curled up on the couch watching MAKE IT OR BREAK IT because it's trashy as FUCK and I'm just feeling sorry for myself or something.

ETA: I turned that godawful show off when the girls did gymnastics to ward off potential sexual predators. Really? REALLY?

oh noes, work, writing

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