With holiday shopping? Some cow-orkers and I were chatting about that the other day. One of my cow-orkers hates shopping and wrapping so she tries to be done early in order to enjoy the rest of the season. So by Monday, she was done with everything. I am not quite so prepared. I have done a lot, but I'm not Done. As my relatives live on the other side of the country, and in the Netherlands, I did have to do them early in order to make sure that things got there in time. Ironically, the one I have the most things left to get for is the little one. Though, we do already have his
game purchased as he is a
Casual EuroGamer.
This also led to a discussion of shopping preferences, online or in store? Me, I'm an online kinda person. And this preference was reinforced the other day when I called up 5 different bookstores looking for a certain book, and then ended up paying way more than I would have on Amazon. But, since it had to go to the Netherlands, I didn't have much choice. However, other cow-orkers prefer the social aspect of going to stores to buy stuff. I will have to venture out again to get stocking stuffers and such, but give me my comfy chair and computer for hours of shopping fun.