on our night reconnaissance

Jun 14, 2008 02:19

I have been pimping The Dresden Dolls to liketheroad like no tomorrow, and the latest endeavor was putting together some video recommendations for her. It got rather long, so I'm making it its own post. \o/

Video for "Night Reconnaissance"
The acting bits remind me a lot of the "Backstabber" video. I have no doubt that Michael Pope has a lot to do with that. Anyway, the whole video is over the top and wonderful. I think my favorite part is the way they 'cast' all the gnomes and such.

While everyone in bandom is (hopefully) familiar with the Dresden Dolls versus Panic version of "Backstabber" (and might I say, I absolutely love that those bands' response to some serious fan bitchery was to create a sarcastic and lol-tastic video), not everyone is aware that Amanda and Brian also did a "Backstabber" music video. It's very similar to the other in terms of budget and filming and all that. But this one features both of them in drag and undressing each other, hooray! (Also, a general note of interest: Brian is an out & proud crossdresser. Thus the sequined dress, and the playing in stockings, and so on. He wrote very eloquently about it here, and continues to be an inspiration to me, as an amazing human being.)

But yeah, bandom people? If for no other reason, you really need to be aware of this video because of what happens around 3:25. (I'm always halfway between laughter and brain-melting. Because it's hilarious, but also breaks my brain with hot images. Seriously. Picture it. NNNGH.)

During recording for No, Virginia, Amanda and Brian are about both serious music and absolute insanity. They are the biggest, most amazing goofs ever. Also, most people know Amanda better than Brian. Here is a showcase of how Brian is a badass dorky hilarious drummerman.

"Mad World" live with The Red Paintings
This one fucking breaks me. It's gorgeous.

"Shores of California" music video
The only sad thing about this video is the lack of Brian. But still. FUCKING GENIUS VIDEO. Amanda is sexy and sassy as hell (seriously), they have some lovely guest-stars, and every single person in that video is a friend and/or fan (well, save the muscle man, who they ran into on the beach and invited into the video). There are a number of people in that video that I've seen brigading at shows. It's fabulous. God, I can barely write anything concise about this, I keep getting distracted by how fucking hot she is. (Especially the topless bits. Though it's all PG-topless. But in life and the world, she does bare her breasts rather a lot. And they're gorgeous.)

"Sing" music video
The song that made me tear up, the video that made me fucking sob. The living statues (all recruited Dresden Dolls fans again, and again a number who I've seen at shows) are incredible, Amanda is beautiful, Brian is wonderful with his guitar. Seeing people opening the envelopes, seeing people sharing the envelopes... it hits me in a way I hadn't anticipated. And then they hit 3:00 and the chorus of voices kicks in and I don't even know, it's just perfect to me. Rewatching it now, it still tugs at me. I know my tears have a lot to do with my personal connections to the song, and the time that I first heard it, but still. It's beautiful.

Amanda does Karaoke Verité to Avril Lavigne's "Together"
Illustrates about a thousand of the reasons why I love her. Such as how theatrical she is, and how she genuinely, unironically loves Avril (or her second album, at least). It's in her favorite music at her myspace.

Speaking of which, you really should check it out, because it is FULL of goodies. Videos, songs to listen to, music recs... all that kind of stuff. For example, here is a sketch her friend did of Ryan Ross, and she titled it "Guitar Hero", just like the song she wrote. Or Amanda reading fanmail naked in the tub. ♥!

But yes, the Karaoke Verité video always makes me grin. A++++, Amanda (and Brian in the background)! Oh, and there's also the Aberdeen City one, which is not quite as epic, but still all kinds of awesome. Stigmata! Cacti! Amanda's middle fingers!

"The Kill", live.
From one of her small solo shows a while ago. I think this was the first time I'd heard this song? Anyway, it blew me away. Plus, it's always wonderful to hear Amanda playing a grand piano.

"Amsterdam" live at Pukkelpop
Brian on guitar! Amanda singing in French! Not only in French, but in all the drunken sailor song glory! It is not a real rendition of "Amsterdam" until Amanda has a beer in her hand.

"Half Jack", from their Live From The Paradise DVD
"Half Jack" is a stunning song, in big part because they do these huge intros. It really shows what a live band they are, they way they play off each other with it. This video isn't the absolute best demonstration of it, but it's pretty fucking awesome. And since it's from the DVD, you can actually see everything. And marvel at what a mindblowingly talented drummer Brian is. Oh right, and then the song itself is also incredible. (Also, semi-old-school Dresden Dolls garb! Not the makeup so much, but it's Brian in a bowler, and Amanda in her A-dress and striped stockings. That was all she performed in for a few years there.)

For even more old school Dolls, let's go back to the "Girl Anachronism" music video! Amanda pounding away at her piano in her bra never ever ever gets old. Nor does how ludicrous and genius the video is. But it's also noteable because it's from back when the facepaint was a staple.

And god forbid I leave out the "Coin-Operated Boy" music video. You'll find that a lot of Dresden Dolls fans have mixed feelings about the song at this point. On the one hand, it's a lot of fun. On the other hand, it's the song that turned the Hot Topic kids onto the Dolls. And as much as I'm all about spreading the love, it can be hard to see people who irritate you singing along to your favorite band. Shitty but true. Still, it's a really fun song live, because of the ways they play it up.

Finally, the epic Halloween Medley. First they perform as Sonny and Cher. Then they do a whole strip show (that is so fucking hot, jesus) then help each other dress again (also amazingly sexy) as... a couple of Brintney Spears. Which of course means performing "Baby One More Time"! And then it's changing time again, now into their Dresden Dolls look. Including doing their makeup onstage. Which lipsynching to Madonna. Guys, this video is so much of what I love about them. They are sexy, hilarious, talented, compelling people. ♥ ♥ ♥

And there are a million other videos (live performances, essentially) that I could link you to, but that would take forever. The easier thing to do is to recommend checking out their youtube channel (most of the previously linked videos are from there) where there are a number of quality live recordings. Anything from the Paradise or Roundhouse DVDs is guaranteed stellar, and from there it's the same as all things on the internet: there is pretty much always a related video that's interesting, which leads to another, and another... hooray music! Hooray Amanda Palmer and Brian Viglione!

***, dresden dolls, recs, video

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