if I could walk on water, if I could tell you what's next

Feb 17, 2010 23:06

Life has like collapsed in three days. I've been sick with the flu and other problems so much that I think I have to drop Spanish. I just - it's been so long and I've missed like two and a half weeks of classes out of five weeks. It's far too stressful for me. Plus I was having so many problems with it before. If I drop it, I can concentrate on my other classes, which hasn't been happening because of Spanish. So I have to talk to my adviser about it. And then face my nice teacher and tell her what's happened. I've been trying so hard for the class... but I can't make up all the work. She assigns three homework assignments (one essay, half a workbook chapter, and another assignment) due each class period (every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). There's no way I can make up all that work with my other classes. I don't want to do this, but what other choice do I have? What other choice?

My poor sister has also been sick. One of her professors sent her an email saying she can make it all up, but then just sent her an email stating point blank that she's missed over the allowed days and "if you haven't dropped this class yet, then you should". OUCH! Seriously. I had him last semester so I understand that he's LIKE THAT, but still. Ouch. Seriously. It seems he forgot his previous email saying it was all okay. Whatever. Now she has to write a nice email to try and remind him, because she needs that class to remain a full time student.

Plus, like, a billion other things. It's really frustrating. I don't like it when life gets difficult! I'll pull through, of course, but still... I already felt bad about this semester and now it's harder.


So this is just a rather complain-y post because I needed to vent. When I feel better, I have the prettiest pictures from yesterday when it snowed. NYC is so pretty in the winter! Also, a boys post. Because it is needed. :D

On a side note: I miss high school. While there were problems, popular crowds and all that jazz, no matter what I could get through it all with my friends. I miss talking to them... I miss them. They made everything better. I need to reconnect with them! How I took them for granted.

high shcool

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