Calling all Harry Potter fans!

Feb 03, 2010 17:22

 Does anyone know of a good Harry Potter mood theme to use?  I love the one I have right now, but it's about two years or more old, and a lot of the images repeat themselves.  Any links or points in the right direction would be well appreciated!  I'm going through Harry Potter withdrawal right now... with Hogwarts_Elite closing and all.

I've been told that I should join HiH, but there seems to be a lot of drama that can happen there, and I don't like drama very much.  Besides, h_e has become something of a home for me.  You get to know so many people after so long that I'm not sure anything could really replace it.  I'm excited about Elite of the Fleet (awesome contests!  old and new faces!  sorting!  uniforms!) but although I love Star Trek, it could never really replace Harry Potter as my favorite fandom.  There's something special about sharing your love for something with other people and making a bunch of friends in the process.  I know the subject's been talked to death, so I won't keep going on about it... but it's just so sad.  Especially the way the community's ending - there's no real feeling of closure.  Anyway, I might reread the books whenever I have time to remedy this!  Maybe another comm will start up someday that'll be just as cool.  :D

edit: Also, if people are going to call me randomly from a NYC number I don't know, why can't they leave a message?  I even have my voicemail saying "please leave a message so I can get back to you".  I don't like calling random numbers back if I'm unsure who they are... it just feels weird!  I love hearing from people, especially old friends who have changed numbers or new friends from classes, but it's hard when they don't leave a message to say who they are, haha.
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