Oct 04, 2008 07:34
the last several weeks have been a whirlwind of change. both personal and professional final common pathways have come or will come online soon. i am entering the end-game of many scenarios begun many many moons ago. it is both exciting and stressful at once.
today, i embark upon another adventure at work: it is the first official day of our new electronic health record. they say in medicine, never be the first nor the last to do something. i see the wisdom in this tidbit of knowledge now: as the first to be fully versed in this system for my group, i've been pressed into service as a point of impact contact for any problems. only thing is, it's my one weekend off i get every month. good thing they offered money because i have a feeling i'll be earning it...
i haven't been around lately, but have been trying to keep up. what's new with you?
customer service,
call on me,
letters from a slightly older doctor,
electronic health record,
now i am the master,
oh gosh i'm gonna have to know something,
go live