
Jun 24, 2008 19:53

just when you think all is going well, other boot kicks you in the craw.  we went to dallas today to nerd out at the medical bookstore.  saw a neuro-anatomy coloring book that i thought would be neat to give to some of the neurologists.  it would be a not so subtle hint as it's really hard to find a good neurologist.

we noted that even on this side of town that you could just tell the county hospital patients, that and that they were basically the same anywhere.  not to be stereotyping or anything, but when you are window shopping in a half-tied gown with more than too many bits hanging out and your boyfriend is pushing a wheelchair that obviously did not belong to him, you are a county patient.  ah, it was nice to be home.

speaking of which, i took k to the oc to see one of my old training hospital and to share in ptsd.  she saw a book about where she trained and was freaking out.  she had no clue about where i did time, so we did a drive by.  looks like the place hasn't changed much.  a nuke from orbit would do wonders for it, though.

to clear our minds, i drove through a really nice, but well guarded secret part of town and we marveled at the posh homes that we could never afford--even if we combined incomes.  she also marveled that a place this quaint and nice could exist in dallas.  guess it's not all cocaine and boob-jobs after all.

diamond dave called about lunch, as the group was interviewing fresh meat.  i'm not really into white-people chinese food, but hey, it was a free meal.  free is probably my second favorite four letter f-word.  hell, sometimes it's my most favorite.

mais naturellement, les bons temps, ils ne peuvent pas durer pour toujours.  on the way home, i noted some debris on the road.  someone didn't secure their load very well and there was a flock of safety cones on the road.  the guy in front of me hit one and i swerved to avoid it.  apparently i didn't swerve enough and i ran over it.  i thought all was well as the car tracked true and tire pressure was stable.  it wasn't later that i discovered that the part of my bumper caved in.  grrr.  i was debating on whether or not to do some mods to this car.  i guess the decision was made for me.

lolmedicine, friends, surprises, wtf, jacked up entries, pimping ain't easy

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