random post

Jul 12, 2014 04:03

Okay. I can't sleep. Well, lately I don't sleep at proper time due to the hectic work and study task. So. here I am.

My third year semester were really hectic with no gap to rest or have fun just for a while. It like every week we have a test, and a quiz, along with project and assignment. Its totally different from second year.Second year usually we have 2 weeks full of test and quiz and at least 1 week we don't have anything to do. But now, its totally different.

Currently right now I am one of the high committee of student body, so its really really really really hard how to manage time in study as well as doing task for that activities. How you want to be a good leader among your members as well as perform in academic matter.

There were many time I cry and feel like I can't make it. Studying in UTP is really hard, especially the course that I am taking. But at the end of the day, I made through it. No matter how bad or good the result was, but I made it. Sometimes there were things that we think that we can not make it, but guess what we made it.

okay. these things is just random thought I having at such late time like this. Not sure why I am so emotional at this time.

my life

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