i can haz cheezburgrrrr

Sep 17, 2009 21:54

well, to be specific i had sandwiches and cake and a lot of laughing with tissue . :D

yes, i should follow her mantra when it deals with friends. have a core few and the rest are just periphery. yay! but sunshine, i demand that you bring me along on Christmas thingamajigs with your boys. i'm really not a homophobe but i really. cannot. stand. queens. 2 weeks ago, i was at a dog show and apparently, the circuit is dominated mostly by gays. (you'd think they'd prefer owning cats from telly series eh? WRONG!) and good lord, one of them was so damn bitchy. HIS dog had an attitude problem and would try to bite any dog or human WALKING past it. you know what this queen said to like a group of 6 other dogs?

"Can you all stand somewhere else? My dog doesn't like it. You all stand somewhere else hor."

KNNCB. you're telling a GROUP of people with their dogs to get lost when it's your dog that has an attitude problem like you. queens! and he's not even funny. like, bitchy but in a funny kinda way.

The mutt is a prize show dog. "/ Too bad animals aren't judged on behaviour too.

in other news, i finally have confirmation from the ministry. holy crap, i've seriously been praying hard and shitting in my pants because i was imagining all sorts of worse case scenarios. i'm excited but scared at the same time.

seriously, the one thing i've been worrying about is WHO AM I GOING TO HAVE LUNCH WITH?!?!?! like, if the work environment is mean and nasty that means lonely lunches for 2 years! ah well. studies have shown that if you eat alone you have a better digestive system since you don't talk during meals and no air gets into your body while chewing and swallowing...ergo, no indigestion!

things with TSO is alright. i got a little mad when i found out that his ex emailed him  out of naaaaoooowherrrre (no naddy, i am NOT in denial!) and he didn't give me a heads up...but other than that we're ok i guess?

seriously, why sneak around if you've got nothing to hide. just let me know like, er, hey, the ex emailed...it's about this and that etc, y'know? i tell him about random crazy indian boys who try to pick me up at busstops. (true story.)

speaking of ex-es, i really should email my ex and tell him his company is seriously nonsense and wayang and goddamn wtmfh. HONESTLY. the shit at work they throw and ask to do in drips and drabs...email you at 6.30pm and ask you to send it by tomorrow. eh hello, everyone think their email is "emergency" ok. TAKE A QUEUE NUMBER!

i miss sleeping in everyday till 2pm but doing stuff is better than inertia. :D

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