why STILL so ill, omfg??! *cries*

Jan 08, 2009 01:39

1. Another day spent being sick in bed. God, don't even ASK me how sick I would be if I weren't already on antibiotics. Because, when I went back to the doctor at noon (part of the two hours I spent awake all day, I only got up for real at about 7pm at night), I was running a slight fever. Still coughing up green a few hours post-antibiotics. My ( Read more... )

meme, iconage, birthdays, lj - lfae, cells behaving badly, meryl streep, tina fey, tv, worker bees die faster, bookdorking

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llyfrgell January 7 2009, 18:29:08 UTC
1. At this rate, you won't have to go to work until you get back from the US! Yay?

3. I blame my escalated illness on Mary-Louise Parker. Hmph.

5. I wish it weren't "wintry mix"-ing outside, because I would go get that series in order to entertain myself until crazy fun things happen this weekend, but I'm daunted by precipitation. Fast-forward to Saturday, plz?? I'm bored...


ellixian January 7 2009, 18:33:38 UTC
1. That's definitely one of my considerations!! I'd be happier about it if there weren't a bunch of reviews I've been sitting on for months that I feel really guilty about not having done. ARGH. Work sucks. :( But will not let that get me down.

3. I have to blame mine on work, so yours is a lot more glamorous. Go with that. ;)

5. I can't believe it's SO SOON! You'll be at Gypsy, right? Maybe we can meet before the show, at least before we go in, so we can say hi? I can't believe it's soooo soon. Are you meeting the Lana on Saturday?


llyfrgell January 7 2009, 18:37:58 UTC
1. Don't feel guilty about work! You practically kill yourself for that job - it's not like you could do MORE.

3. Somehow I think it is not so glamorous since she didn't actually come out and I was just standing around for no reason. Oh well.

5. Soon, but still far! I have three days to kill before any of the cool stuff! Lana is staying here Saturday night and I think she's getting here around 2pm. Eeeeek. And yes, I'll be at Gypsy with my friend Wes - we can play it by ear and see if you feel well enough/awake enough to have lunch/coffee before the show or if you just want to sleep in order to conserve energy for the epic day of epic. At the VERY least, we can meet up at the theater and say hi!


ellixian January 7 2009, 18:42:45 UTC
1. Have I told you how much I heart you guys? You help me keep my perspective on work of FAIL. I should just come and chat, but this is really going to be last comment. It's super late - though not by my usual standards, and I want to sleep this illness OFF.

3. Let's keep that between you and me, plz. ;)

5. Oh my goodness, EXCITEMENT. That's kind of... SQUEEEE. I probably would want to sleep in pretty late that day, since it involves three shows and staying up 'til 1-2am, if not later. But late lunch would be great if I can get up. Otherwise, I'll hang out with you at Joe's, and definitely pre-Gypsy. BTW, this is just completely hypothetical, but if I can't work out a key situation with my friend for Sunday night, would it be okay to have your place as reserve accommodation post-Joe's? I warned her I'd be home late from the theatre, and she's fine with that, but post-Joe's could be later than even she's prepared to deal with! Totally just in case, of course. I'm sure I can get the spare keys.


llyfrgell January 7 2009, 19:00:03 UTC
1. With Leslie and Lana out of their usual countries and you actually trying to sleep, Gchat has been very empty recently. Which makes sense, you know, since this is when I'm actually off school and can stay up until all hours. ;-)

5. You can totally use my place as backup for Sunday night! It wouldn't be inconvenient at all, particularly since I'll be out late at Joe's too. *not-so-secretly runs a hotel*


ellixian January 8 2009, 16:22:30 UTC
5. THANK YOU. ♥ That will make sorting out keys with my sis and friend a lot easier on that day, at least. And I won't have to wake them up!

Also - I just... errr, assumed that you'd want to join us for a big dinner on Lana's first Saturday in NYC. At El Centro. That's... okay, right? *weeps* I'm sorry for being presumptuous, feel free to say no!


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