why STILL so ill, omfg??! *cries*

Jan 08, 2009 01:39

1. Another day spent being sick in bed. God, don't even ASK me how sick I would be if I weren't already on antibiotics. Because, when I went back to the doctor at noon (part of the two hours I spent awake all day, I only got up for real at about 7pm at night), I was running a slight fever. Still coughing up green a few hours post-antibiotics. My nose is still completely stuffed-up, my back aches, and I fall asleep at the drop of a hat. This SUCKS. Not that I don't appreciate it, but I can't believe I've been on medical leave for three days now, and will be on MC for another day yet. Other than chicken pox in 2007, this is the LONGEST I've ever been out sick, at work or at school... as far as I can remember, anyway.

2. This doctor - a sleepy-looking woman - said no changed meds for me though. Apparently I'm on pretty strong antibiotics already. If I don't kick this and SOON, I have this nagging feeling that I'm going to spend all my time in NYC/DC indoors when I'm not in the theatre or travelling to the theatre. BUMMER.

3. Today, I decided to blame my current illness and suffering on this epic day of immense suckitude. That was a soft deadline, made because one of my (usually sensible) bosses was going on holiday on Saturday and wanted to clear the draft on Friday. So I busted my ass with it, worked 'til 5 in the morning, and drove back into work by 10 to make sure everything was okay. Clearly, assuming that I could do this as I HAD done this for days on end for a couple of months back in September/October was the WRONG assumption to make. *grumbles*

4. Did manage to get a little flailing in once I struggled awake, however. Just watched two more episodes of 30 Rock, which were HILARIOUS - that whole Jenna as a werewolf-lawyer on Night Court thing cracked me up SO much, even though it totally made me cough right after.

5. Also finished Book 3 of the Stravaganza series, City of Flowers. OMIGOD GUYS. SAKDALDLHDLHALDALDHLADA. Such an epic EPIC fantasy series. I kind of want to go and visit Italy now that I've read these books... I guess I should count myself lucky that I HAVE visited so many of these places, in fact so recently - back in December 2007, when my family took an epic tour through Italy and went to Venice, Siena and Florence, the places all referenced (so far) in the series. (My Goodreads review)

6. Then, while browsing my flist, I came across this on merylstreepfans:

Geez. As if it isn't depressing enough how talented she is, being, y'know, the most Oscar-nominated actress in the history of EVER, Meryl was more accomplished at the age of 18 then I think I ever will be, EVER.

7. I was debating whether to be shameless and decided, what the heck. I need some cheering up. Play along with me? But only if you want to, of course:


8. And now, back to bed with me. Please god let me heal faster than this. PLEASE.

9. ETA: ARGH. I don't have photoshop on this computer. BUT. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LFAE, WHEREVER YOU ARE. I hope you have a great one. And I know I should have connected the dots earlier, but HEY. You share a birthday with my brother! XD Can't wait to see you in just over a week!!!

meme, iconage, birthdays, lj - lfae, cells behaving badly, meryl streep, tina fey, tv, worker bees die faster, bookdorking

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