"We are only what our friends and colleagues make us..."

Dec 13, 2008 05:24

1. So I wasn't going to post today as I've flailed QUITE enough over the last week. But WHO AM I KIDDING. SERIOUSLY. Just WHO do you think you're kidding, self?

2. Let me say it now: I LOVE THE CHINESE. 我愛中國人啊!!! Aside from the cracktasticness that is tudou.com, noldoparma and I - both of whom are now hopelessly hooked again on old-school Chinese pop - were directed towards some insane Emil fan's ENTIRE ONLINE ARCHIVE of bootlegs and audios. OMIGOD YES PLZ. YES PLZ TIMES ONE MILLION BILLION AMOUNTS OF AWESOME. I've spent the better part of the last five hours testing the limits of my computer by downloading songs, listening to them and obsessively renaming etc for my archive. I am a happy, HAPPY camper. Because I now have, like, over 100 new Emil live performances, with him belting the crap out of Your Song in particular, which was... like, a religious experience. ♥ ♥ ♥

3. All this, of course, AFTER an epic dinner out with noldoparma, when we spent the entire time recounting... erm, videos we had both watched (which is kind of sad, no??), and just flailing over how epic and GENIUS Emil and Jonathan Lee and ALL the old-school Chinese pop singers are. My god. All that flailing over a HUGE pile of truffle fries (so gorgeous-tasting, why would anyone want normal fries ever?), scallops... and I had this mushroom ragout thing that was okay, and J had duck. THEN we went for dessert and shared a lemon tart. Because we're not at all like pigs that way. *weeps*

4. It's also been an EPIC MERYL DAY. :D I bought the Mamma Mia DVD at Borders today, so that can go in a matched set with my special edition of the CD and I'll NOT watch the movie for the billionth time this weekend. (Yeah, right.) Then I get home, and discover that my Amazon order has arrived, with a clutch of rare(r) Meryl movies, all ready for me to watch/discover/savour. YAY. AND THEN.

LET'S JUST SAY THIS RIGHT NOW. I AM SO IN LOVE WITH THIS WOMAN'S INTELLIGENCE AND GRACE. She is such a fantastic interviewee - funny, smart, and just plain CLASSY. She was on The View today, being her generally fabulous self (still sick and sniffly, but you can barely tell, she's GORGEOUS), and just... cracking me up but being incredibly SMART about it at the same time. I love how she was all, like, I want everyone to love me! I'm an actor, an actor!, or at the very beginning when she's talking about giving her kids kidneys - and she says, "Certain children... depends on the day." And the whole thing about finding out all her lines had been cut: "WHAAAAT?" LMAO!

Meryl & Amy Adams on The View, 12 Dec 08

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And then there was also this:
Meryl talking about Mamma Mia's success

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I LOVE how proud she is of Mamma Mia, and how much she loves it. Just look at her glow - through a deathly cold - when she's talking about it. "... we're bigger than Casino Whatever-That-Thing-Is..." And how adorable is that kiss at 1:07! :D

5. And as if THAT wasn't enough, we have the MOST adorable Julia interview in ages. She would be SUCH a fierce Mrs Walker, OMG. I've never wanted to visit Oklahoma more than I do now. :P Also, too many too many things of awesome happening in March. *weeps* Fly to NYC for Julia concert and 9 to 5, and then to Taiwan for Emil concert? WHERE WILL ALL THE MONEY TO FEED MY INSANITY COME FROM? I also feel the need now to hunt down that random Muppets Christmas album Julia mentions. I wonder if she'll sing anything from that in Toronto?! :P

6. Illness had abated, kind of, during the day - I guess the magic antibiotics helped a bit, though I was not too happy that I couldn't take my cough meds as they would make me drowsy... and I certainly didn't need any help with that. Well, cough is resurfacing again, right now, as it tends to do at night, boo. Do not want. So I'm going to... stop downloading EPIC MUSIC CRACK and go sleep it off. At 6am in the morning. GO ME. :P

lj - noldoparma, cpop, julia murney, cells behaving badly, emil chau, om nom nom nom, meryl streep

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