gangsta!meryl says: WHADDUP, HOMIES.

Oct 30, 2008 01:38

1. Okay, thanks to irnbruise? I am hungry. Also way too excited about January. :P This is so not good at 1.38am on a random morning in late OCTOBER COCKTOBER... <-- click click click, you know you want to! (It's old but it's new, kind of, and what is Julia doing with her FEET.)

2. Also, my computer freakin' HATES ME. At least it's busily done downloading House 5x06 (I WANT TO WATCH JOY NOW, except, oops, haven't watched three other episodes yet!!), but it's refusing to let me do anything else with a modicum of speed or efficiency. So, multi-tasking and chatting is out. Bah. I'm not even overloading the system with iTunes and Photoshop, WTF; it just keeps FREEZING ON ME.

3. Thanks, ALL of you, for your kind words on my last entry about how my life fails a lot. I appreciate the sentiments, and would reply except computer is dying. I don't really want to spam you all with comments days after the fact though, so just.. thank you. ♥

4. I have been in the spazziest mood EVER in the history of EVER. My bosses are still steering clear of me at work, and I HAVE been doing things, but in a ridiculously inefficient manner. I just spaz or sleep or... just surf the net instead of doing the day-to-day, not really onerous things I'm SUPPOSED to be doing. For example? We're actually supposed to spend tomorrow moving to our new office, and I haven't even started PACKING yet. So I envision a long long night staying back just to pack. Feck.

5. I think maybe it's... emotional fallout from the last few months of working like a crazy person. (That's how I'll explain it, anyway, rather than using the more plausible explanation that I am a lazy bastard.) Yesterday's stupid accident did not help my mood and I really was just... argh, last night.

6. So guess what I did tonight to get myself out of that funk? I so did NOT watch Mamma Mia for the fifth time. OKAY YOU CAUGHT ME. And... WHAT. DON'T JUDGE. It made me happy. Happier than in a loooong time. Plus it was great to see it again after a three-week break. :D I'm done now though - DONE. The main reason I went tonight was that I felt I COULD reward myself with a 9.20pm screening after work... especially since it's really not going to be in cinemas any much longer, I think.

7. Finally. You know how the Daily Show has a Moment Of Zen at the end of every episode? Here is my Moment Of Cute.

image Click to view

MAN. Meryl's reaction to her kids as they were in 1990 - hee, look at Mamie with the HUGE dorky plastic glasses I think we all wore as kids - is HILARIOUS. ♥

8. I apologise. I get sooooooo flaily. D: Right now, I'm going to try and watch one House episode before going to bed at 3am (!!) so I can get all caught up tomorrow night. I envision icons from Joy starting to pop up anytime now (I'm actually surprised I haven't come across any yet, which is kind of nice), so I'm going to be strong and NOT FLIST TOMORROW. If you think I need to be informed of anything exciting going on fandom or flail-wise, PLEASE POST HERE KTHX. :D

rl ftl, lj - irnbruise, julia murney, lollerskating brb!!, meryl streep, movies, flist-love, house s5, housespam, worker bees die faster, my computer hates me

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