"someday we'll find it / the rainbow connection / the lovers, the dreamers and me"

Oct 24, 2008 02:40

1. Man. I practically spent the WHOLE DAY at work today yesterday FLAILING. If I wasn't flailing, I was sleeping, since I only managed to get to bed at almost 5am. *cries* I am such a lemming. And made of so much FAIL. Or is that FLAIL? Anyways. It was GOOD TIMES. And WORTH IT. Thank you guys, seriously, for flailing WITH me. That's always the best ( Read more... )

iconage, julia murney, tunespammage, music, lj - tamoshan, flist-love, lj - timeofyoursong, worker bees die faster, capslock flail, karen carpenter, pics!!

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inafaugh October 23 2008, 19:31:18 UTC
1) Flail is love

2) So is that picture. I may have just died. It may have topped the other in my heart.....or not. Oh, and icons, FTW (post them? YES)

3) Karen Carpenter is heavenly heartbreak. Snagged all songs, eager to hear them, esp. Rainbow Connection. One of my favorite songs ever, can't wait to hear her take. (The Muppets are the way to my heart - have I told you that story?)

3a) Julia singing STWOM? Yes. Please.

4) Pack! Pack like a maniac! Get your third day off!!!!! :-D

5) Flail! Flail like a maniac! Get caught up on your shows!!!!! :-D

6) Fight the urge! Fight the urge like a maniac! Hee hee hee


ellixian October 23 2008, 19:46:39 UTC
1. Trufax x 1,000,000

2. Isn't it crazy adorable? Man. If there are any more of this moment out there, I gotta go hunt them DOWN. (I have SO MANY Julia icons that I've made over the last few months. I can probably put together a pretty huge post. There are ten here, from ONE PICTURE, as it is. *cries*)

3. OMIGOD YAY. SO GLAD OTHER PEOPLE LOVE KAREN. Seriously. I was so massively into her voice - still am - and it's like HONEY. When she hits high notes, too, I kind of want to cry from the amazing. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK OF RAINBOW CONNECTION.

And you haven't told me the Muppets story yet! The way to your heart? SPILL.

4. *cries* I HAVE TO, I DO!!

5. Hee. I love being encouraging to FLAIL.

6. *weeps*


inafaugh October 23 2008, 19:57:52 UTC
Rainbow Connection has left me speechless. Grinning, teary-eyed and speechless.

Story will be sent to you shortly.


absinthelisa October 23 2008, 22:35:25 UTC
okay, I dont really know the Rainbow Connexion song well, I only heard it when Gavin sang it on the cruise, surrounded by children on the stage at his feet. And Julia sitting cross-legged on the stage with a small child in her lap, rocking him back and forth. That is the image I have of this song. Just thought I'd share.


inafaugh October 23 2008, 23:39:59 UTC
That is QUITE the image. :-)

(Oh, and that was my anonymous comment above absinthelisa, not sure why it doesn't show me.)


ellixian October 24 2008, 21:05:50 UTC
Oh I remember now that Gavin sang the song on the cruise. And that is honestly the sweetest memory I can imagine associating with the song. I want Julia to sing it.


absinthelisa October 24 2008, 21:41:40 UTC
I want Julia to sing everything. Starting with Gershwin and working her way through. She'd be best at every alto song, and a fair few soprano ones.


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