"someday we'll find it / the rainbow connection / the lovers, the dreamers and me"

Oct 24, 2008 02:40

1. Man. I practically spent the WHOLE DAY at work today yesterday FLAILING. If I wasn't flailing, I was sleeping, since I only managed to get to bed at almost 5am. *cries* I am such a lemming. And made of so much FAIL. Or is that FLAIL? Anyways. It was GOOD TIMES. And WORTH IT. Thank you guys, seriously, for flailing WITH me. That's always the best way to indulge in flail, and it was seriously the most fun I've had in EVER.

2. Tomorrow, in celebration of Julia!flail, I promise a NEW Julia fanmix - I need to put all my favourites of her newest songs on a CD for my car anyway, so I'll share my latest compilation with everyone. In the meantime, timeofyoursong sneakily found a NEW version of this adorably dorky picture.





I think I need to post a Julia batch of icons on xitian soonest, y/y?

3. Also! I promised tamoshan this a loooong time ago, but was a spaz and KEPT FORGETTING to bring my CDs home. But! I finally remembered. Now - I USED to think I had a particular thing for female soprano voices. (See, for instance, my flail over Julie Andrews, Cheno and Winnie Hsin.) Of course, Julia happened, and she is pretty much as far from a soprano as anyone can get. But then I FORGOT. HELLO KAREN CARPENTER. I ADORE HER VOICE. Seriously I adore it. I don't think there are enough words to express how much I love it - how rich, pure and simply GORGEOUS it is. She had beautiful, exquisite diction, and I can't help but lament the fact that she basically starved herself to death and robbed the world of the opportunity to listen to that voice of hers for decades more yet. It's a tragedy, is what it is. Anyway - I had a minor flail period (I seem to have these frequently, y/y?) for the Carpenters last year, so went out and bought every one of their albums I could FIND. Especially to get my hands on Karen singing rarer tracks. So here are some of my FAVOURITES of the songs Karen has sung - and I REFUSE to give you guys the old chestnuts like Yesterday Once More or Top Of The World. Nope, these are covers.

I'm putting up four songs, and I suggest you take them ALL. But if you're only going to download ONE, download The Rainbow Connection. One of my favourite FAVOURITE songs ever - as sung by Kermit the Frog - with just such beautiful, poignant, surprisingly mature lyrics. Karen's version? Is a DELIGHT.


The Rainbow Connection
End Of The World
Karen singing a jazz medley with Ella Fitzgerald <-- CAN WE SAY EPIC TIMES

I admit that the medley with Ella is why I have an unhealthy obsession with Julia maybe singing Someone To Watch Over Me some day. Because I LOVE that song in a crazy way. I loved it when Frank Sinatra sang it, I just about DIED when Karen sang a tiny snippet of it in the medley (at 2:57) - and Julia's voice is made to PWN THE CRAP OUT OF THIS SONG. *ahem* (Actually, I'd love to hear Julia sing some of the Carpenters songs. Cheese factor aside. Because eek, IMAGINE the low, rich awesome that would ensue!!)


4. Urgh. Work is going to suck tomorrow. There isn't anything to DO, I think, but we're moving offices over the next week, I haven't packed at ALL, and even though we have a three-day weekend (Monday is a public holiday), I have this feeling I need to go back to work. At least on Monday. *cries* FAAAAIIIIL.

5. BUT I AM DETERMINED TO FLAIL THIS WEEKEND. I shall watch ALL the episodes of House and PD I've missed, and fit in movies and other random theatre (yeah, some local company is putting up The Wizard Of Oz, and my dork of a brother wants me to go, so). I WILL DO IT. Even with the fail of going back to work. YES. *determined face*

6. ETA: There's a cinema here that's STILL showing Mamma Mia at, like, practically regular times. Five screenings a day. *weeps* I WILL BE STRONG. I WILL NOT GO A FIFTH TIME. I WILL NOT.

iconage, julia murney, tunespammage, music, lj - tamoshan, flist-love, lj - timeofyoursong, worker bees die faster, capslock flail, karen carpenter, pics!!

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