6. I never watched it, so I can't compare it to how it used to be. I remember watching a Bush/Gore debate sketch in US History before the 2000 elections, which was pretty hilarious, but that's all I can remember seeing of older SNL.
See, I think it would've been in Palin's best interest to a) ignore all the punchlines being made of her, b) start sounding less idiotic, or c) at least PRETEND to stand up to the criticism. This way, it just looks like she's condoning the idea that her foreign policy involves what she can see from her house. I think it's a pretty dumb political move, really. Her image right now is SO BAD that it doesn't actually help her to laugh at it - it just makes it MORE TRUE.
8. Ooh, which song from Camelot??
I liked the darker hair better. :-( All blonde again would've been TRAGIC. I looked at the BWW photos, too, and that really is an unfortunate dress. I've never seen an outfit actually make her look chubby before. :-\ I think it's all the ruffles.
9. Was Borders checkout GUY, actually. Fortunately I think he was more bemused by my 40% off coupon, which apparently he'd never seen before.
LOL at how many words (as in, the entire comment) you used to say that you found me in the video! I am pleased to be in a video with the likes of Patti LuPone, and I may have been spamming it all over facebook/Gchat/email. :-D
4. Of course! But that was SUCH ages ago, seriously - like, with the hiatus and the ridiculously short season, PD really has been away for such AGES, even compared to the truncated seasons of other shows.
6. SNL must've been hilarious in the days when Will Ferrell was playing George Bush. Man. That was some kind of epic impersonating.
I guess I agree with you on that - people seem to be kind of divided on whether they found this to be a good thing (points for being a good sport) or bad (there is no redeeming factor or intelligence shown to suggest anything BEYOND the image she was being lampooned for). I DID mean to say that my conclusion was that she WAS evil though. ;)
8. BEFORE I GAZE AT YOU AGAIN. *squeals* I'm waiting for the download now, and then I'll spam everyone with it!
I definitely liked darker hair better too, but I'm okay as long as she doesn't go COMPLETELY blonde again, you know? The white dress... *weeps* Seriously, I picked the only photo that is vaguely flattering. And Julia is SO not good with outfits that flatter her. I've seen some that make her look chunky, which is retarded because she's SO slim in person.
You were also in the video with Neil Patrick Harris! And Bebe Neuwirth. WIN. \o/
LOL INORITE. Can I just say my brain = made of FAIL. The master clearly TOLD someone that Julia sang this, but I was all like OMG NEW SONG NEW SONG, and downloaded that. And then I realised that, hello, ONLY ONE OF THE SONGS IN CAMELOT I WAS ADDICTED TO FOR WEEKS. Although I pretty much love the whole of Camelot. Other than the book. :P
My download is the crappiest slowest thing ever. I might have to go watch tv or something in between. *weeps*
4. You've seen the old season though, right?
6. I never watched it, so I can't compare it to how it used to be. I remember watching a Bush/Gore debate sketch in US History before the 2000 elections, which was pretty hilarious, but that's all I can remember seeing of older SNL.
See, I think it would've been in Palin's best interest to a) ignore all the punchlines being made of her, b) start sounding less idiotic, or c) at least PRETEND to stand up to the criticism. This way, it just looks like she's condoning the idea that her foreign policy involves what she can see from her house. I think it's a pretty dumb political move, really. Her image right now is SO BAD that it doesn't actually help her to laugh at it - it just makes it MORE TRUE.
8. Ooh, which song from Camelot??
I liked the darker hair better. :-( All blonde again would've been TRAGIC. I looked at the BWW photos, too, and that really is an unfortunate dress. I've never seen an outfit actually make her look chubby before. :-\ I think it's all the ruffles.
9. Was Borders checkout GUY, actually. Fortunately I think he was more bemused by my 40% off coupon, which apparently he'd never seen before.
LOL at how many words (as in, the entire comment) you used to say that you found me in the video! I am pleased to be in a video with the likes of Patti LuPone, and I may have been spamming it all over facebook/Gchat/email. :-D
6. SNL must've been hilarious in the days when Will Ferrell was playing George Bush. Man. That was some kind of epic impersonating.
I guess I agree with you on that - people seem to be kind of divided on whether they found this to be a good thing (points for being a good sport) or bad (there is no redeeming factor or intelligence shown to suggest anything BEYOND the image she was being lampooned for). I DID mean to say that my conclusion was that she WAS evil though. ;)
8. BEFORE I GAZE AT YOU AGAIN. *squeals* I'm waiting for the download now, and then I'll spam everyone with it!
I definitely liked darker hair better too, but I'm okay as long as she doesn't go COMPLETELY blonde again, you know? The white dress... *weeps* Seriously, I picked the only photo that is vaguely flattering. And Julia is SO not good with outfits that flatter her. I've seen some that make her look chunky, which is retarded because she's SO slim in person.
You were also in the video with Neil Patrick Harris! And Bebe Neuwirth. WIN. \o/
There were some other words in your comment, I'm pretty sure, but I can't focus on them.
My download is the crappiest slowest thing ever. I might have to go watch tv or something in between. *weeps*
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