"you're only clearing out some trash / so can't we still be friends?"

Oct 03, 2008 03:51

1. Surely - SURELY - it is wrong to be hungry now even though I had the unhealthiest thing for dinner (a Chicken McNuggets meal, if you're wondering)? Okay, granted that was almost five hours ago now. EEK. It's 4am. I don't see how this is going to end well for me at work tomorrow today. As it is, yesterday? I woke up at 8.15am. The time I'm ( Read more... )

lollerskating brb!!, worker bees die faster, capslock flail, family, sleep patterns of fail, meryl streep, movies

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kelbelle October 2 2008, 20:38:35 UTC
Have you seen Meryl on Ellen where she does her Queens/Brooklyn accent? It's amazing.

Aw. Meryl/Pierce.I won't lie. I totally shipped them.


ellixian October 3 2008, 19:19:00 UTC
I HAVE. I watched it again in my enormous Ellen/Allison spam a few days ago. Meryl makes me happy. She's SO FUNNY.

And OMG. Your icon = TOO CUTE. I'm so excited to be seeing the movie again. XD


kelbelle October 3 2008, 19:42:42 UTC
They need to announce a US DVD release date...like...soon. I need to watch it on Christmas. I have decided.

(p.s. I booted a show!)


ellixian October 3 2008, 20:06:09 UTC
I've heard talk of a DVD release in December - would make sense. It'd be a brilliant stocking stuffer for everyone's moms - and for oneself, of course. The date I heard was December 16, for some reason. :D

(I SAW! yay for booting a show! And OMG, I need more details about Allison's stripping, plz. O_O)


kelbelle October 3 2008, 20:10:15 UTC
Allison was totally on crack in Act 2. I don't even know. She was like...crazy funny. But in "One of the Boys" when Violet is walking up the line of tables she started pulling her jacket off and shimmying (sp?) all the way up to the end...and because it's a vest underneath it was like..HI, BARE ARMS. WOW.

It was, you know, amazing in that "OMG. Is she really doing that?" way.


If you have any free time...like...ever... would you be willing to track it for me?


ellixian October 3 2008, 20:15:04 UTC
YAY for Allison being all kinds of on crack. I love it when my performers are on crack! XD That sounds hilarious. Would KILL for a video boot, urgh.

Re free time > happy to track (I'm a dork and actually really enjoy it, because I get to be all controlly with the labelling and everything), but it might take me a while? I think I took almost two weeks to track Robin's. D: If you'd rather not wait, I can always give you tips on how to do it?


kelbelle October 4 2008, 00:25:16 UTC
I sent you a message.

Also, have you seen this?

Allison on "Legally Brown"?


ellixian October 5 2008, 11:59:02 UTC
I saw your message, and that works fine for me - Audacity flummoxed me a bit and I wound up using Wavepad instead, which is a lot more user-friendly. To me, anyway. For that, I just listen and split the tracks (there's a function that allows you to do that) and then save as MP3. Easy-peasy!

I haven't seen that! Robin told me about it, but my brother's computer doesn't play sound, for some RETARDED REASON. ACK.


kelbelle October 5 2008, 13:54:25 UTC
Cool, I'll check out wavepad when I get off work today. :) The files are already mp3's because that's how the DVR records them.

Whenever you get sound back, it's HILARIOUS.

Blerg. I don't want to go to work.


ellixian October 6 2008, 16:51:55 UTC
Oh cool that yours records in MP3 - mine records in WAV, and then I just swop it over when I use Wavepad. It's quite easy to use. Let me know if you have any problems?



kelbelle October 6 2008, 16:54:57 UTC
So far I got the first act imported into wavepad, but am kinda clueless how to break it up.

I'm pretty quick on the uptake if you could just direct me how to split the files and I'll probably mess around with it tonight.

(I am not going to the show this week. I am not going to the show this week. I am not going to the show this week.)


ellixian October 6 2008, 17:11:54 UTC
Oh that's easy enough if you've imported it in! Basically, go to wherever you want to END a track, and select from the Edit options menu 'split file into two at this point'. So you'll end up with two files, and you can just save the song under whatever title you want. And then just keep splitting the audio and saving it part by part. I've found that works best for me because it means a nice clean split for the track. Downside is that you HAVE to finish tracking in one sitting, or save the large-assed amount you haven't tracked yet.



kelbelle October 6 2008, 17:14:46 UTC
Okay, that's extremely helpful. :) I'll give it a go. :) YAYS.

I can't go this week because I'm going to a concert Wednesday night (NKOTB.) and I spent, you know, $85 on a ticket last week.

I do have tickets for 10/15 and 10/19 (last show!) and I'm happy about that.


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