"you're only clearing out some trash / so can't we still be friends?"

Oct 03, 2008 03:51

1. Surely - SURELY - it is wrong to be hungry now even though I had the unhealthiest thing for dinner (a Chicken McNuggets meal, if you're wondering)? Okay, granted that was almost five hours ago now. EEK. It's 4am. I don't see how this is going to end well for me at work tomorrow today. As it is, yesterday? I woke up at 8.15am. The time I'm supposed to BE AT WORK. O_O

2. At least it hasn't affected my productivity! Another six-page paper, this time in about four hours, and OMG OMG, with MINIMAL changes straight through my boss. WELL DONE, ME. I'd be even more proud if I weren't thisclose to wanting to kill myself instead. :P

3. Stayed at work late and then drove down to the new terminal to bid N farewell as she heads back to Dublin. It's nice to live in a country where you can drive from end to end in under 30 minutes, y/y? (At my speed, that is. At a more normal speed, it probably takes about 35-40 minutes.) I must say our new terminal is GORGEOUS.

4. I am not going to subject your flists to the fact that
I NEED TO STOP LISTENING TO THE SOUNDTRACK. AND MY AUDIO. AND TO STOP MAKING ICONS. IT'S A SICKNESS. I think I have, like, 70 icons by now. 70!!! And I'm not even DONE. This is probably because I've discovered the joy of cutting multiple icons after I've coloured a picture once, so I wind up with multiple variations of the same picture. STILL. 70!!

So, other than iconing, I have spent THE ENTIRE NIGHT watching Meryl Streep videos as related to Mamma Mia. Because I'm OBSESSIVE THAT WAY. Oh god, I love this show so much. To the point that I've made plans to watch it a FOURTH time, with my aunts this time, on Saturday. *weeps* At least I won't have to go alone - I don't have a problem with that, but it's always fun to drag people to the show and have them come away from it SUPER-happy. :D

Also, since I'm here and have sieved through so much stuff already, let's have some SPAM. I've been digging up Meryl interviews too, and this is one of my favourites. She is SO ridiculously articulate and smart. ILHER. And I love all the love everyone has for her too. XD Plus, OMG. She's SO FUNNY in videos:

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This one CRACKS ME UP. It pains me that it's filmed from a phone, because I love Meryl taking the heat for all the women in the world by ripping the clothes off James Bond. "I don't care... I'm doing it for my girlfriends, they'll like it!" LMAO.

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Awww, "audience picture" - it's so true! I love that she was all, like, I NEED TO WATCH THIS WITH GIRLFRIENDS, ZOMG.
Also: "Who were you channelling?" "I fear it might be Meryl Streep!"

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Interview with David Letterman! ( Part 2 | Part 3 )
ZOMG. Her stories about Mamie are priceless. Like when she tries to remember that movie she made when she discovered her kid wanted to be an actress - "People call it 'The Dingo Ate My Baby', so I always think of it as that one!" LMAO.

5. I really. REALLY. want to watch Prairie Home Companion now. (I love how my Meryl flail always gets awakened every time a new movie of hers is released. JUST WAIT UNTIL 'DOUBT' COMES OUT LATER THIS YEAR.) I have the DVD. THIS WEEKEND. When I shall also watch House and Pushing Daisies, AIEEE.

6. I fail at comments. D: I will catch up tomorrow, I promise. Right now, I need to sleep.

lollerskating brb!!, worker bees die faster, capslock flail, family, sleep patterns of fail, meryl streep, movies

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