"I'd kill the messenger / But she's my friend and I love her"

Sep 12, 2008 04:16

1. ARGH IT'S 4.18AM!

2. I blame this on my icon-making SICKNESS. I know I just finished a batch - and spent all weekend on them too - but I HAD to make icons of Julia from her Lowdown-Down performance and so... ARGH. They're here. I FAIL TOTALLY AT GOING TO BED.

3. I watched Step Brothers - OMG. That movie was on about 17 kinds of crack. Will Ferrell and John C Reilly were just... INSANE. I fully understand why the film earned an M-18 certificate here; there were some really grossout moments when I was literally watching the show through my fingers and I was kind of mortified that my almost 50-year-old boss was THERE WITH ME. It's okay - she's ridiculously cool for her age and loves wacky stuff like this. BUT STILL. When Will Ferrell kept referencing his pubes or his mangina, I was, like, OMIGOD SITTING HERE WITH MY BOSS, YO.

4. Also!!!!! Everyone on my flist should know by now that I have spent the last TWO MONTHS waiting for Mamma Mia to open in Singapore. Because this country is made of frakkin' FAIL and refuses to bring the show in at the same time as the rest of the world. Anyway, I thought it only opened NEXT week, so had booked noldoparma to watch it on Friday. But then turns out there are sneak previews all weekend! \o/ So now I have tickets for a Sunday evening screening of Mamma Mia. OMG OMG I CANNOT WAIT. SO EXCITED. XD

5. I'm going to EXPIRE at work tomorrow. Good thing I intend to spend the morning attending a seminar - mainly because, for some strange reason, Sebastian Tan, whom I mildly fangirled over here, is performing. WTF, WORK. How did you become randomly cool and employ people I want to SEE? It also means I can doze off in the auditorium and not focus on work. HOPEFULLY.

6. FUCKITY. I need the new Entertainment Weekly evidently. OH HUGH LAURIE YOU ARE SO HOT. Also, I am befuddled by all the rumours and whatnot about Lisa Edelstein being pregnant. Eh?! Star magazine is hardly the most reliable of sources - I should know, I used to read it regularly, LOL - and apparently her rep has denied the story? IDK. AS LONG AS POTENTIAL EDELSTEIN!BABY DOES NOT CAUSE THE SHOW TO JUMP THE SHARK, KTHX.

7. Why the fuckity FUCK am I still awake, OMFG.

p/s vertical_chaos, I'm sorry, I GOT SIDETRACKED TODAY, ARGH. Will get cracking tomorrow later today, I promise!

lj - vertical_chaos, lj - noldoparma, iconage, housespam, julia murney, sleep patterns of fail, movies

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