"don't bring around a cloud to rain on my parade"

Sep 03, 2008 02:07

1. Argh, my curiosity got the better of me, and I promised mirime that I would do this mysterious meme she did that somehow included me as one of her answers - but I can't for the life of me answer some of the questions. FAIL. I APOLOGISE. I'll scout down another meme tomorrow and do it in repentance. ;)

2. Hai, Alice Ripley kicks epic amounts of ass. This is a Fact Of Life. Her entire performance at The After Party last week is up on Youtube, so go hunting. This one's my favourite - Alice belting the crap out of Rainbow High from Evita, yay! (And no, I don't listen to Alice and Julia singing the same song on a loop. I DON'T. Well, not yet, anyway...)

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3. Ace is such a fun show. I loved the demo when I finally put it on a CD and listened to it in my car a few months back - and whee, the production in DC sounds great! I'd love to be able to see this live. Emily Skinner is excellent, of course, and Jill Paice does a good job as Elizabeth. Plus, bonus: I'd totally forgotten that Julia sang on Missing Pieces in the demo - I love rediscovering old songs!

4. Okay so this is pretty much an entry centred around music flail - medland asked for recommendations and for once I actually didn't pounce and force Julia down someone else's throat. Who's up for some awesome Chinese pop music? JAY CHOU = FTW.

青花瓷 (Green Flower Vase) (download here)

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Jay Chou is one of the HUGEST Asian pop stars EVER. And his reputation is actually deserved - he writes fantastically catchy, smart songs (his rap and R&B numbers are pretty much the only kind I'll listen to from either genre), and also turns out blissfully lush, Oriental-tinged numbers like this one. Doesn't matter if you can't speak Mandarin - theoretically I can, and I watched this video and read all the lyrics and realise that I understand at best a fifth of the entire song. FAIL.

He's got quite a few songs like this, including:
千里之外 (Beyond A Thousand Miles)

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Duet with Fei Yu Qing, epic old-school singer with a male tenor voice of incredible awesome who was popular, like, a million years ago and totally became hot stuff again as a result of this single. I was disgustingly addicted to this song when it first came out.

And how's about an Oriental-tinged rap of unbelievable pwningness, in which Jay sings like a castrati?
霍元甲 (Huo Yuan Jia)

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This was for that Jet Li kungfu movie, Fearless. Yeah, that's totes Jay singing like a girl at 1:10. ILHIM. I CAN SING THAT PART. I LEARNT IT.

以父之名 (In The Name Of The Father)

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One of the most brilliant songs and videos ever EVER. He blends Italian opera and rap into a huge gangsta epic. CHINESE TRIADS FTW. The video plays like a mini-movie. It's ah-mazing.

I'll upload the other songs if you guys want. MAN I LOVE JAY. I'd forgotten how much. FLAIL.

alice in wonderland, broadway, julia murney, skipley, lj - mirime, tunespammage, music, cpop, jay chou, lj - medland

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