why do I persist in wondering why I'm still awake at ungodly hours?

Aug 29, 2008 03:00


2. I stepped on a LIZARD. Just now. *weeps* I hate hate HATE house lizards. HATE. Usually they scurry away. Why did this one insist on getting underfoot?! SO. GROSS.

3. OMG YOGA. I decided that after yesterday's stress-out/flip-out, I should go for some nice, gentle classes and chill out. So I eschewed hatha in favour of (1) restorative yoga, which they said was great for people who were just recovering from the flu etc, and (2) gentle flow - which sounds nice and simple and basic, right? That's what the class claims to be, anyway. Well, (1) wasn't too bad. I couldn't do a couple of the poses, but I didn't hurt like crazy afterwards and I did feel nicely stretched and relaxed. (2) - OMG. If by 'gentle flow' you mean 'sadistic series of evil poses meant to KILL YOU SLOWLY', then the name is bloody accurate. *sobs* I didn't expect to be quite so pwned by that class but I WAS. Tomorrow I'm going to ache all over AGAIN.

4. Tomorrow = made of FAIL and also WIN. Why? I have to give a lecture to what I'm sure will be a bunch of stupid IDIOTS who think they know a lot but actually don't. I can fake it well enough, but I HATE public speaking with the passion of a thousand suns. But, win-wise, I DO get to watch Wall-E at night, finally. FINALLY. I can't believe it took such AGES for this show to open in Singapore. (Three weeks yet to Mamma Mia, ARGH.)

5. HUGH LAURIE IS SEXY TIMES. OH GOD. I couldn't resist making a new icon out of the gorgeous. *points at icon*

6. Speaking of icons. So, even though I got home late and really need sleep, I decided to mess around with animated icons with all the awesome videos from yesterday. My anicons are pretty boring because I've made them in the same way ever since I discovered how to make them. Not anymore, however - apparently I am now moving on. Here's my first rough attempt at something different:

I'm DEAD. This is the beginning of the end - making icons is a SICKNESS, I tell you.

rl ftl, iconage, yoga, julia murney, movies, housespam, randomness, sleep patterns of fail

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