"all I want is a whole lot of excess"

Aug 09, 2008 17:24

1. You know you're addicted to LJ when you haven't posted in... what, a day? And even then, it feels like forever. I'm behind on email and comments and posting, I know, but my internet connection at home has been screwed up for a while. Two nights ago, it wouldn't log onto the internet for a heart-stopping hour (INORITE!), by which time it was late ( Read more... )

rl ftl, lj - weazel_luv, meme, lj - chenogasm, birthdays, lj - irnbruise, lj - lesaut, lj - lfae, julia murney, music, lj - so_vieh

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lfae August 9 2008, 10:16:20 UTC
And she sings all these songs I KNOW, except in a totally different language. *weeps from the awesome*


Omg only 43! What were you before?


ellixian August 9 2008, 10:21:59 UTC
LOL OMG. Her version of Be Our Guest just came on!!! LMAO! It took me a while to realise that she was singing that song sung by a candlestick in Beauty & The Beast!! One of my favourite songs from that show. :D LOVE.

We're a baby country, by comparison to you! ;) We were a colony for ages, and then part of Malaysia from 1948 on. We split from Malaysia in 1965!


lfae August 10 2008, 01:56:15 UTC
LOL, it's so amazing...all these songs that sound vaguely familiar then OMG IT'S THAT. Have you heard her and Maria Lichter (who I can't stand) sing I Will Never Leave You yet? That one's in English at least! She also does Easy as Life which I think I downloaded like two days after we saw Aida and that was AMAZING TIMING. :D

Heh, it's like when I first heard Totale Finsternis from Tanz der Vampire and omgwtf, it really IS Total Eclipse of the Heart *sobs*


ellixian August 10 2008, 17:59:32 UTC
I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN. And it sounds to me like Pia has sung every famous musical theatre song for a female, like, EVER. Cabaret, Chicago, and then Grease and Defying Gravity and Memory and what what what?! So much awesome!!! XD But her voice, OH GOD. I HAVE heard her sing I Will Never Leave You; one of the first things I listened to given my Side Show obsession. EASY AS LIFE IS ALSO KICKASS. *weeps*

Was she on Broadway doing Chicago for a while? Like, recently? Or did I remember/read that wrongly?

LMAO OMG. Tanz der Vampire includes TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART?! I find that just so amusing omg omg. Do you think Julia would have sung that song if she ever stayed in the English version long enough to make it to the Broadway stage?! Hee. So amused right now!


lfae August 12 2008, 01:41:47 UTC
And she was in Evita too! And Les Mis! *weeps* And Cats and omg everything ever! She's amazing. Omg I need to get you into Maya Hakvoort too ;) Her and Pia singing Macavity is like THE most amazing thing EVER.

I don't know if she's been to Broadway ever? Omg bad fan. I know nothing beyond the recordings, but I DO know she did Chicago in London, maybe you were thinking of that? Omg I love her singing in English.

I KNOW RIGHT? A friend of Lana's was telling me how originally it was the German song, and then the English version became a pop hit or something and I was all CRIES OMG NO. But it's actually way cool in German :P It's big and EPIC and pwns. Julia probably WOULD have, LOL.


ellixian August 12 2008, 15:39:58 UTC
SHE IS AMAZING AND I LOVE HER, I DO. OMG. Maya next? I think I have her solo album, which for some reason I haven't added to my iPod yet. LET ME RECTIFY THAT.

And you made me google Pia, which I've done before, obviously, or I wouldn't have known that she did indeed do Chicago on Broadway for a while in 2004. I LOVE IT when she sings in English too. And OMG I AM SUCH A KANDER/EBB FANGIRL, RIGHT. So I adore it when Pia sings in Cabaret and Chicago and and... FLAIL.

Now I can't decide whether I want Julia to sing Meadowlark or the German version of Total Eclipse in concert, LMAO. LIFE IS SO HARD. ;)


lfae August 19 2008, 11:08:27 UTC
Yes, Maya's album! Omg, she does Defying Gravity IN ENGLISH, but my favourites are Stars and the Moon, and Gold von Sternen. THE LATTER ESPECIALLY. It's from Mozart I think? And I totally can't remember why I have Mozart, I went on this big downloading spree a while back!

Omg, Pia in Chicago on Broadway. *dies* I am so glad that WASN'T when I was there or I'd have CRIED.



ellixian August 19 2008, 15:55:16 UTC
OMG I TOTALLY FORGOT TO ADD MAYA. She's being added into iTunes now though, as I type. I shall listen to DG and the two songs you mention right now.

Re Pia in Chicago > OMG, INORITE? It's the same way I told myself, I'm okay with not having seen Wicked in 2005 when I was in NYC. Because Julia was not in it yet. If she'd been in it, I'd have KILLED MYSELF or something. ;)



lfae August 20 2008, 10:21:00 UTC
*cries* And you saw her in Saved!!! So that'd make up for it! See I gotta see Sherie to make up for missing DRS in 2005, hmph.



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