"all I want is a whole lot of excess"

Aug 09, 2008 17:24

1. You know you're addicted to LJ when you haven't posted in... what, a day? And even then, it feels like forever. I'm behind on email and comments and posting, I know, but my internet connection at home has been screwed up for a while. Two nights ago, it wouldn't log onto the internet for a heart-stopping hour (INORITE!), by which time it was late even for ME, and then yesterday EVERYTHING worked except LJ. ASKLJDALDJLA.

2. I was so tired, anyway, from sleeping next to no hours over the last week, that I went and caught up on a bunch of sleep. So much so that I only got up at 2.30pm today. And only because I got google-pinged by weazel_luv.

3. You know why? EVITA PICTURES, ZOMG!!! Oh god. I want to be in Sacramento SO BAD. In other news, I have spent the last two hours making five billion icons from four photographs. If that isn't sad, I'm not sure WHAT is. :P

4. Anyway. Yesterday was... kind of a sobering day. It was the last day for one of my best friends at work - and geez, she's only the one who trained and taught me everything I know. So we had the requisite rounds of celebration: a big lunch out, a tea party that took up the rest of the working day... as befits the sadness that is both our lives, however, and surprisingly fitting given how we spent so much of the last six years, we wound up staying at the office later than everyone else. She had work to finish (SHE's CRAZY - ON HER LAST DAY?!) and stuff to clean out, and I didn't have any plans so hung around to wait and take her out for one last dinner. We left at close to 10pm (!!!), and wound up eating all manner of unhealthy things at Chomp Chomp (mmmm, char kway teow and oyster omelette and a glass of lime juice LARGER THAN MY HEAD), then having a huge rum-and-raisin ice-cream mudpie at a teenybopper hangout nearby. I'll miss her so so much - and it's ridiculously sad, because now I am officially the OLDEST person in the desk. Well, in terms of number of years stuck in the same place, not age. (She was there a month before me.) ARGH, WTF.

5. Only upside? She's going up to New York for her masters. I'LL SEE HER IN JANUARY. :D

6. Lots and LOTS of birthdays today! :D

KATE. Have the BEST day, hon - it already sounds like you're having a marvellous time. I'm so glad we met through our mutual love of words and Katharine Hepburn. You deserve all the joy in the world, and have the MOST WONDERFUL time at Bryn Mawr, EVER. ♥

Happy happy HAPPY birthday, my dear! How incredibly awesome is it that you share Gillian's birthday?? I'm loving all the XF-related flailing that's going on now, and am SO glad you had such a great time in London. To many more years of SQUEEING to come! :D

Whee! It sounds like you're having a good time in London, HUMIDITY ASIDE. Here's to more roast duck and lots of fun in Venice and everywhere else you'll be visiting. :D

7. I'm so amused by all the pretty on this entry because of birthdays. XD

8. Oh, also! Happy birthday, Singapore. DUH. Totally forgot. ;P We turn... (oh god I had to check) 43 years old today. Clearly I'm not going to be anywhere NEAR where the crazy crowds and my brother will be. He's actually marching in the parade this year - leading a contingent, if I'm not mistaken. I think I'll just go book-shopping and lazing around instead. MUCH preferable.

9. Since I haven't posted in SUCH ages, a meme! Snagged from chenogasm:
1. Where is your cell phone? bed
2. Your significant other? non-existent
3. Your hair? reddish
4. Your mother? inspiring
5. Your father? lame XD
6. Your favorite thing? interweb
7. Your dream last night? none
8. Your favorite drink? coke
9. Your dream/goal? happiness
10. What room you are in? bedroom
11. Your hobby? flailing
12. Your fear? stagnation
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? NYC ;)
14. Where were you last night? Serangoon
15. Something that you aren't? rational
16. Muffins? absolutely
17. Wish list item? joy
18. Where you grew up? suburbia
19. Last thing you did? icon
20. What are you wearing? stuff
21. Your TV? neglected
22. Your pets? disowned
23. Friends? what?
24. Your life? dreary
25. Your mood? amused
26. Missing someone? yes
28. Something you're not wearing? socks
29. Your favorite store? books
32. Your favorite color? blue
33. When is the last time you laughed? gchat
34. Last time you cried? movie?
35. Your hero? Subway
36. Where will you fly next? Australia! :D
37. Favorite food? Japanese

10. Pia Douwes!! ♥ lfae, thank you SO MUCH for the songs. SHE IS SO AWESOME. AND SO SASSY. And she sings all these songs I KNOW, except in a totally different language. *weeps from the awesome*

11. It's RAINING. Really hard, and god. I love it. The sound, the feel, the smell of it. ♥

rl ftl, lj - weazel_luv, meme, lj - chenogasm, birthdays, lj - irnbruise, lj - lesaut, lj - lfae, julia murney, music, lj - so_vieh

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