Oz speed, Wicked whores!

Jul 19, 2008 18:20

1. So, after a HUGE, yummy Japanese buffet dinner yesterday night, mirime and I headed home to... errr, watch Wicked. *ahem* And it was, predictably, awesome. There's something about seeing the actresses sing THAT score - that irresponsibly written score - up close, acting the heck out of it even as they're, well, screaming their faces off. This was... ( Read more... )

broadway, meme, julia murney, wicked, brian d'arcy james, lj - mirime, tunespammage, flist-love, capslock flail, idina menzel, pics!!, wild party

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smokeline July 19 2008, 19:24:39 UTC
2. SO MUCH LOVE FOR JULIA!KENDRA!WICKED. Obviously capslock is necessary. Especially since I SAW THEM in New York from the front row and DIED OF FLAIL. adlfjkaljdfkjasdflj

3. Love Idina. Oh man. CANNOT WAIT.



ellixian July 19 2008, 19:39:02 UTC
2. What is it with the people on my flist and this HAVING SEEN JULIA FROM THE FRONT ROW?! *WEEPS* So jealous!! But OMG. I can imagine you must have DIED FROM FLAIL at that performance! How lucky were you to score lottery tickets to see JULIA! How did you manage that?!

3. OMFGIM. SO SOON, Y/Y!? *excited for you too*



smokeline July 19 2008, 21:09:34 UTC
2. I actually didn't win lottery, I bought the partial view tickets. So it was front row but all the way to the left. HOWEVER the person directly to the right of me HAD won the lottery so it's not like they were terrible awful seats. And HI, JULIA RIGHT THERE. KILL ME DEAD. (I had actually seen the tour when she was in it, but she was out the night I went. Was not intending to see Wicked again on my NY trip until they announced she was TRANSFERRING. *weeps*)



ellixian July 19 2008, 21:17:21 UTC
2. FRAK PARTIAL VIEW? WHATEVER. IT WAS JULIA MURNEY. GOD, I'M SO JEALOUS. And OMG, I was going to ask if you'd stagedoored and whether it was AWESOME, but yay you linked me to the posts and EEK. INCREDIBLE. Julia's so beautiful in that shot with you! And dude, you're not looking too shabby yourself!! ;) You must've been flailing SO HARD on the inside.

Can I also say, OMFG. Musical theatre trip of ENORMOUS WIN. ♥ You saw so many INCREDIBLE shows and met so many great people! JEALOUS NOW. You must've had the best time. OMG OMG.



smokeline July 19 2008, 21:28:34 UTC
2. Haha, thanks. SO MUCH FLAIL that I luckily mostly kept on the inside.

<3<3<3 My musical theater trips. My most recent one can be found here in multiple posts and my first one I never...posted about, strange, but here's what I saw. And I'm plotting a January trip for South Pacific (if it's still open?), Equus, [tos], Billy Elliot and Gypsy again...O_O (Btw, your most recent musical theater trip seems pretty win itself! XD)

3. I'LL TRY.


ellixian July 19 2008, 21:37:35 UTC
OMG OMG OMG what what what is this trip of awesome in March!? WTF! Not only did you see LAST 5 YEARS WITH JRB (oh my friggin' god, it's one of the goals of my LIFE to see that live!), you saw NEXT TO NORMAL. WITH ALICE RIPLEY AND BRIAN D'ARCY JAMES AND ASKDJASLDJASLDJLSA. I FREAKIN' ADORE THAT SHOW. Plus, Alice and the bubble letters, wut?! LOL. (Photos, I say! Share? I want to see your playbill, and your photos with Alice and Brian! PLEASE?!)

Dude, I'm so desperate and vicariously trying to live through you, LOL.

I'm thinking of going up in January too!! 0_o Even though I JUST went last month (and indeed it was a trip of WIN!). I deifnitely want to see In The Heights and South Pacific and things I haven't had a chance to see yet. (I think SP should still be open, it was sold out 'til AUGUST when I was there - surely demand will remain high for a few months at least.) And again in maybe May, because OMFG 9 To 5. BROADWAY IS GOING TO SEND ME TO THE POOR HOUSE.


smokeline July 19 2008, 21:45:12 UTC
IT WAS SO MUCH AWESOME. Especially since I went with my friend instead of my mother. XD Photos are on my facebook in the "Places" albums, though I don't know that I've got a picture of the bubble letters playbill and I'm getting ready to head out for the night semi-soon. Maybe if you remind me tomorrow. XD

I seem to be forming a pattern of going every 9 months or so which is frequently enough to catch everything without appearing to go super frequently. Longer than that makes me twitchy. Though I'm sure I'll manage to go again next summer because I ALSO need to see 9 to 5. And 13, whenever that opens. And West Side Story.


ellixian July 19 2008, 21:49:46 UTC
I JUST ADDED YOU AS A FRIEND BECAUSE I HAVE TO SEE THESE PICTURES OF AWESOME. LOL. Besides, if we're in NYC in January at the same time, we surely must meet up. ♥ Going with your friends - especially like-minded friends who LOVE THEATRE - is definitely the way to go.

OMG I was just reading the comments on your N2N entry, and HEE one of your friends has a bubbled-letter version of Alice's CD. WTF. She is SO CUTE. *reminds you to scan that playbill in!*

Every nine months is good - I seem to be forming a bad habit of WANTING to go, like, everyday, and going every four to six months. Which is... not good, since I be living in SINGAPORE - a world away from the Big Apple, sigh. Seriously. I need to be plotting a way to move to NYC SOONEST. I want to see 9 To 5 and West Side Story too (especially if Aaron Tveit is in it, OMG). I hadn't realised 13 was Broadway-bound, whoo hoo!! That would be great too. :D


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