Oz speed, Wicked whores!

Jul 19, 2008 18:20

1. So, after a HUGE, yummy Japanese buffet dinner yesterday night, mirime and I headed home to... errr, watch Wicked. *ahem* And it was, predictably, awesome. There's something about seeing the actresses sing THAT score - that irresponsibly written score - up close, acting the heck out of it even as they're, well, screaming their faces off. This was... the second time I've watched one of Julia Murney's performances as Elphaba all the way through, and was completely blown away as always by her incredible awesome. Especially the way she looks so awkward and gangly and just plain when she first appears as Elphaba, and then somehow becomes freakin' SEXY by the end. Cannot. Process.

2. So I decided to work on a Julia-centric Wicked pic-spam... which, uh, became perhaps a LITTLE excessive. And rambly. But it was fun. And filled with much pretty! :D

Abandon hope for sanity, all ye who click on this cut. EXTREME FLAILAGE ENSUES.

So we start out with Elphaba first arriving at Shiz, so awkward and severe with her braid and her beanie (hee, the beanie!), and just so... PLAIN.

Random thought? I love Julia's eyebrows.

Hee. Elphaba!cackle! I love how Galinda is all, like, RUNAWAY!!!

To be compared with:

Elphaba cackling in full witch regalia. There's something about her Act II costume that is frickin' SEXY, y/y? It's all the beading and the cape and how the costume FITS her now - as opposed to her Shiz jacket, which is just huge and misshapen in comparison.

Ha ha, let's talk AWKWARD:

Elphaba making her entrance on the dance floor of the Ozdust Ballroom.

Even in Popular, she still looks so... out-of-place.

Although I LOVE this moment:

The look on Elphaba's face when Galinda hugs her - it's so clear no one has ever offered her such cheerful, bright-eyed, unconditional affection before. It's a tiny moment, but SUCH a lovely one.

I kind of like it that Galinda-fied Elphaba STILL looks as if she doesn't quite know where she fits in:

Except when she's interrupting Fiyero and not allowing him to get a word in edge-wise...

I'm Not That Girl, when it becomes clear that Elphaba has fallen in love...

She looks so LOST, as she realises he will never choose her over Galinda.

As Elphaba sets off to the Emerald City, she starts to wear the clothes and hat that will eventually define her public image as the Wicked Witch:

I've always loved that it's basically Galinda who outfits Elphaba and makes her look the way she does, hat and cape and all, and that the hat - such a great symbol of witchiness - is for them a symbol of their friendship.


Elphaba gearing herself up for the battle to come

And this is where Julia's Elphaba really starts to come alive:

Shades of passion, determination and vulnerability, all at once.

Then the SEXY starts. It's partly the Act II costume, I swear it:

But also the fact that she has darker lipstick. ;)


And then the sexy sexy sexy time that is As Long As You're Mine:

When Elphaba is in love - in requited love - and Julia practically GLOWS throughout the song.

HAVE I MENTIONED I AM OBSESSED WITH JULIA AND SEBASTIAN ARCELUS WHEN THEY SING THIS SONG? BECAUSE I AM. I made 26 caps - which was pretty darn restrained, as is - and couldn't find a way to use ALL THE FRIGGIN' SEXY. Except... errr, in poster form. :D

I should print this out and frame it, LOL.

Unfortunately, the real world comes crashing back in:

I love Julia's expression here. And doesn't it make you, just all of a sudden, go, wow. Elphaba is beautiful.

It's perhaps ironic that Julia's Elphaba invariably looks her BEST during No Good Deed, when Elphaba has lost everything that matters to her... Fiyero, Nessa, Dr Dillamond, Glinda's friendship.

Cannot. Process. The. AMAZING.
This song is always such an intense experience. But when you have the camera framing just Julia's face and upper body, and she sings the friggin' CRAP out of NGD? ASKJDLASJDLASJDALSDAS.

Just look at her face in this:


And finally, in For Good - Elphaba and Glinda say goodbye.

Both different, and better, for having known each other. Kendra and Julia do some of the MOST beautiful - and interesting - harmonisation for this song I've ever heard... mainly because neither of them sounds like many another Elphaba or Glinda.

Finally, at the end, when Elphaba has to find her happiness away from Oz:

Ignore the scarecrow. ;) Isn't that second shot of Julia just lovely?


Just for fun, curtain call!

Come flail with me? Please? :D
Oh, and I'm editing to add: dude. Check out my Wicked OBC spam from ages ago. TALK ABOUT FLAILY OMFG.

3. Dude. If you made it all the way through that, here's a little reward. This is possibly the funniest live version of For Good I've ever heard - Idina Menzel realises that performing the show for months and months doesn't guarantee that you'll remember... well, ANY of the lyrics, LOL.

image Click to view

The best thing? When Idina DOES remember the lyrics, she sings this song SO AWESOMELY. All different notes and stuff. And then she screws up. Repeatedly. HEE.

BTW, For Good is a ridiculously appropriate way to lead into:

4. If there are one or more people on your friends list who make your world a better place just because they exist, and who you would not have met (in real life or not) without the Internet, then post this same sentence in your journal. ♥ ♥ ♥

5. I should really REALLY do something else with my life, hmmm? Like, exercise, go shopping, watch a DVD. Man. But this was fun times. :D

6. I LOVE THIS SONG I'M LISTENING TO. LOVE IT. I also am finding myself getting increasingly excited by the prospect of Shrek. Solely because of Brian. And his VOICE OF AWESOME. ♥ FLIPPIN' HECK.

7. Edited to add: Sigh. So I missed Eden as Maureen in Rent. I guess I'm also going to be missing Tracie Thoms as Joanne - yup, she's apparently confirmed on her myspace or something that she'll be taking over the role later this month, until the end of the show's Broadway run in September. WTF. At least the last show is going to be filmed and shown in cinemas so I can watch Eden and Tracie belt the heck out of Take Me Or Leave Me...

8. Edited further to add: And because we were discussing Julia's Low Note Of Sex in I'm Not That Girl, I remembered her other Low Note Of Sex in a song from The Wild Party. HERE BE A CLIP OF TEH AWESOME. Check out how sexily low her voice goes at 0:15, and OMFG, growl at 0:23, and then belting with Brian d'Arcy James. I don't think eargasms can get better than this.

broadway, meme, julia murney, wicked, brian d'arcy james, lj - mirime, tunespammage, flist-love, capslock flail, idina menzel, pics!!, wild party

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