I CAN HAS LOTS OF FLAIL? (Oh, and memes too?)

Jul 13, 2008 23:39

1. HAI. Let's make this the randomest post in the history of ever, y/y? Memes and random Julia bits from her Studio A Cabaret interview, because they make me happy and amuse me ENDLESSLY.

2. OMIGOD. So I'm finally tracking my boot of Kerry's last Wicked and I want to DIE from the awesome. She was. SO. FREAKING. AMAZING. Riffs everywhere, in excellent voice, and listening to the boot is like listening to a friggin' rock concert. There was just so much love and energy and crazy screaming and passion that night. GOD. BEST WICKED EVER, for me. So. So. AWESOME. Plus I'm totally grooving on the quality of this. LOVE.

3. Here's the first random Julia bit. Everyone remember the 'la la la la la la guava' moment from DQYNJ? Mwahahaha, check out this longer version - wouldn't it make an awesome handphone ringtone!?!

4. Meme the first, snagged from lanafromoz!
1. Is your name a palindrome?
Nope, more's the pity. One of the greatest regrets of my life? That my parents didn't name me Otto.

2. Do you even know what a palindrome is?
A man, a plan, a canal: Panama!

3. How many songs do you have on your computer?
My iTunes currently has 4,674 songs, but there are definitely more songs than this on my computer - I haven't added everything, especially my Chinese music collection, which probably amounts to at least a thousand songs. ;)

4. Is your keyboard clean?
This one is QUITE clean. It's far enough away that I can't sprinkle crumbs over it. :P My old one at work was grotty beyond belief. Like, it had turned green or something, which is kind of disgusting. And had crumbs and stuff in it. I've changed keyboards since though. Don't think it's quite AS gross now...

5. Describe to me your shower routine:
As quick as possible - I shampoo my hair, then condition so it stays in for at least a minute, soap and rinse and that's it, really. (How much more complicated could it get?!)

6. Don't misspellings really irritate you?
OMG YES. Also bad grammar. I think I was born an uptight grammar nerd with a stick up my butt, thanks.

7. When washing your hands, which handle do you use (hot/cold)?
Always cold. We don't even have the 'hot' option on a lot of taps here. Who would want to use hot water when the weather is always hot?! ;) Plus, our water never comes out freezing the way it does in temperate countries. It's always just... room temperature.

8. When was the last time you got your hair cut?
Just before the NYC trip - so somewhere in late May or early June. When my hair was dyed red. *weeps* The colour has evened out now, so it's not so obvious!! ;)

9. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
LOL MONTY PYTHON REFERENCE FTW. I'm afraid that, while I love Monty Python, I cannot dorkily recite it. I should check out my Spamalot audio, since that's a moment that made it into the musical from The Holy Grail... :D

10. Does your mother's name start with a P?
Nope, none of her names do.

11. Where did you get your toothbrush?
NTUC in Junction 8. It's pretty much where I do ALL my shopping for daily necessities, give or take an occasional trip to the Cold Storage near work.

12. Do you buy bandaids with characters on them, or just the plain boring ones?
I don't think I've bought bandaids in YEARS, LOL. And if I do, I just get plain ol' boring ones, because I am like that.

13. What was the last thing you consumed?
A turkey wrap from Subway and some diet Coke!

14. Last movie you watched?
Red Cliff, this afternoon - the latest John Woo movie based on Chinese history/lore. It was too long and too ludicrous for my liking, though there was much fighting and gory battle scenes, if that does it for you. Also, ridiculously slashy eye candy in the form of Takeshi Kaneshiro and Tony Leung.

15. Have you ever seen a Shakespeare play?
Yes, quite a few actually. Shakespeare live is totally the way to go. I think the most recent production of Shakespeare I've seen live was a gloriously funny version of Midsummer Night's Dream at Fort Canning... maybe last year or the year before that. It was outdoors, and we had a picnic dinner while watching it. Fabulous. I've also seen Hamlet (a couple of times), As You Like It (a garden party version held in the middle of a gorgeous Oxford lawn in summer) and others I cannot recall now. FAIL.

16. Do you like musicals?
Dude, I like TOTES hate them. How can you buy people randomly breaking into song and synchronised dancing for no reason whatsoever? :P

17. How many years ago were you in kindergarden?
I guess one goes to kindy at the age of 3 or 4? WAY too many years - over 20, OMG.

18. Did you pass kindergarden the first time?
I'd like to think I did. How stupid would I have to be to fail colouring within the lines? (Urm, don't answer that question. I STILL can't colour inside the lines. I am not really artistically inclined <-- understatement!)

19. Are you in high school?
Thank fuck NO.

20. It sucks, doesn't it?
It most definitely did.

21. Do you eat enough fruits and veggies?
Not while I was on holiday a few weeks ago, LOL. Though Alex and I DID try to eat as many salads as we could fit in. ;) I'm eating them more regularly now, of course: shovelling veggies in at every opportunity. And I usually have an apple every day.

22. Do/did you want to be a chef when you grow/grew up?
I CAN'T COOK. My friend asked me to stir a pot once - JUST STIR - and I set fire to the kitchen towel. *weeps*

23. Ever heard of the band Duran Duran?

24. If so, do you like them?
I have no idea. I probably know their music and not the titles, so I couldn't really say.

5. Tell me your favourite band, please, if you have one:
For English music: probably the Barenaked Ladies for pop/rock, and Big Bad Voodoo Daddy for swing. Mayday for Chinese music, because they are made of incredible amounts of AWESOME.

6. Do you have a Paid livejournal account?
I do indeed, thanks to alexia88. :D I love that we bought each other accounts way back in January, pre-crazy amounts of flail and NYC. ;)

27. If not, don't you wish you did?
Don't know how I lived without a paid account before.

28. Do you read fanfiction?
Not as much as I used to. It appears that my brain can only take one fandom at a time, and currently it's musical theatre.

29. If so, tell me the fandoms you read (or write):
I have read and written for House, X-Files, West Wing, Gilmore Girls and the Chalet School. (Dude, I am the biggest dork in the UNIVERSE.) But mainly for House and XF - House more recently (all tagged here) and XF at the height of my flail for that show about eight years ago now.

30. Is your bed made?
Yeah, but it isn't hard. Just a duvet folded down halfway.

31. Do you have a Last.fm account?

32. Do you have one of those wretched Myspace accounts?

33. Last book you read:
It WAS Cornelia Funke's Inkheart. I'm a third of the way through the sequel, Inkspell, right now. Yeah, I really HAVE stopped reading books, sigh.

4. Do you drink 1%, 2&, whole, skim, etc, milk?
It's some kind of low-fat milk that tastes more like vanilla than real milk. (HL, for people who know what I'm talking about.) I never used to like milk, which is why i went for this vanilla-ish blend. I now love the taste of REAL milk, but have stuck to this brand just because I can't be bothered to switch.

35. Ever been caught in a natural disaster?
Well NO, thank goodness. Although there was this one dreadful time during a ski trip in Japan a couple of years ago - we hit the top of the slopes JUST as a frightful blizzard roared up and there was snow everywhere. Literally you could not see through the dizzying snow beyond your outstretched arm, and it was CRAZINESS. Add to the fact that one of the lenses of my glasses chose that EXACT moment to break and fall out of the frame so I had to ski down blind? It sure FELT like I was caught in a natural disaster. It was that moment that made me realise that I should always ski with contacts instead of glasses. :P

36. Been on a boat?

37. What song are you listening to?
Kerry Ellis' last I'm Not That Girl in London, as I track my audio. :D

38. How many stars (out of 5, being the highest) would you rate this song?
Dude. This was a kickass performance all round. 5 friggin' stars, easy.

39. How many would you rate the band?
If you mean Kerry Ellis, I'd go for four stars. (We all know who gets five stars, ahem.)

40. What website is set as your homepage?
Here it's Gmail. At work, for some semblance of professionalism, it's CNN. Of course, I hardly ever use it and click to Gmail right away. Might as well just face facts and admit to myself that I'd rather be flailing, hmmm?

41. Hey, what's your desktop look like?

I'm using the same one at work, because, well. It's purty.

42. Were you ever into boy bands?
I was never addicted to a particular boy band, though I liked some of their music because I am cheesy that way. Take That, maybe. And my sister spammed me with enough Westlife so I liked them well enough. Mayday doesn't count as a boy band, does it? Because they're actually TALENTED, OMG, and play their own instruments...

43. What's your favourite music genre?
At present, it's obviously musical theatre. And will likely remain so for quite a while. It was Chinese pop for the longest time before this though.

44. What about movie genre?
Romantic comedies, probably. Do classic films count as a genre?

45. What's the longest survey you've ever completed?
No idea, probably something with 100 questions. IDK.

46. Do you know your entire family lineage?
I'm afraid not. Just that my grandma's family came from Hainan Island in China and set up camp here, and we never left.

47. Does astrology interest you?
Not particularly.

48. What did you/do you want to major in?
I did a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE), and majored in the two Ps. I basically dropped economics the first chance I got, after first year. ;)

49. Favourite tv show:
Right now, House.

50. Do you watch tv religiously?
Am I obsessed with Julia Murney? TV is only my LIFEBLOOD. I have so many favourite shows, all of which I DO indeed watch religiously. As far as possible, anyway. I have built shrines in my brain to House, West Wing, Frasier, Gilmore Girls and the X-Files. And I've religiously followed tons of other shows besides.

51. Are you religious?
Not at all.

52. What song are you listening to now?
I'm loading something in Wavepad right now, so nothing. But it will be One Short Day, still my boot! :D

53. Have you ever taken a city bus?
I've taken buses here, obviously. Not sure what a city bus is and how that's different from anything else.

54. Ever been to your city's library?
My city is so small there are libraries everywhere, and I've been to quite a few of them, yes. ;)

55. Which do you prefer: crosswords or wordsearches?
Wordsearches. It gets fun and automatic after a while, and you can just zone out. I actually have to THINK with crosswords, and we all know how that doesn't agree with me...

56. When was the last time it rained?
Just a couple of hours ago. There was a huge storm!

57. Do/did you get good grades in school?
Yeah, I guess I did. Not stellar grades, but good enough. I don't know if I'll be able to go back to school again though. I want to. Don't know if I can hack it. ;)

58. Tell me what you did today:
Went to bed at 8.30am. Got woken up at almost 1pm for noodle soup lunch cooked by my dad's girlfriend. Dawdled in front of the computer. Went out to watch Red Cliff, then went shopping in Kinokuniya (got a trashy magazine) and HMV (found nothing appealing). Returned home for a skate, after far too many weeks - it took AGES. And now I'm tracking Wicked as I type out the randomest, longest entry in ever. :D

59. What kind of computer do you have?
A Lenovo Think Centre. It's at the bottom right in this picture.

60. Was this survey random enough for you?
Certainly. It was fun! :)

5. And before I work on the next meme, here's ANOTHER random Julia moment. I guess I'll never get to see or hear her as Velma Kelly in Chicago - how much would that ROCK - but at least we'll always have her doing the ridiculously difficult Hunyak monologue in Cell Block Tango, eh? LOVE. Plus, she doesn't know that 7x8=56, LOL.

6. I was tagged for a pic-spam meme by naley_forever23:
1) Pick a hot girl... or guy... take a moment to think.
2) Is this the guy/gal you want?
3) Pick his/her top 10 hottest, cutest, most irresistible pictures.
4) Tag five other users.
5) Comment with the link to your meme.


Anyway. I'm a-goin' to do this meme two times over! BECAUSE I CAN.

Meme 2.1
1) Pick a hot girl... or guy... take a moment to think. Hugh Laurie and Lisa Edelstein are both INCREDIBLE AMOUNTS OF HOTNESS. Especially when they're in the same picture. I couldn't decide between them, so I decided to go with them BOTH. :D
2) Is this the guy/gal you want? I would indeed want either Hugh Laurie or Lisa Edelstein, yup. Yummy. Thanksverymuch.
3) Pick his/her top 10 hottest, cutest, most irresistible pictures. FUN TIMES.

Let's go with Hugh and Lisa as House and Cuddy first:

Hai. You want to talk about eyesex? LET'S TALK ABOUT EYESEX.

Actually let's just talk SEX. Because dude. LOOK. I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE THIS SCENE IS AS SEXY AS IT IS. Even with no clothes being taken off, wtf. Sexiest scene ever until:


Ha ha. Best screencap in the history of the universe, y/y? How wonderful to have caught Cuddy in a moment of... ummm... *ahem*

I love this moment. It's so mellow and beautiful, and one of my favourite promo shots ever.

Awwww. CUT SCENES FTL. How gorgeous do they both look?!

CAN WE SAY FLAIL. YES? THEN SAY IT WITH ME. So. GORGEOUS. Plus with all the lovely emoting and pretty. Too bad this didn't make it into the episode. :P

And now some of Hugh and Lisa:

Okay, I know this photo is edited so that Hugh and Lisa are closer together and Jennifer Morrison has been cut out of the shot. BUT DO I CARE? HELL NO. BECAUSE LOOK AT THAT BIG SMILE ON LISA'S FACE. Plus Hugh is all scruffy and adorable, OMFG.

EEK. I love it when they're dorky. Just look at that! DANCING. And Lisa's BOOTS.

Finally, fave pic of these two ever, seriously:

Pretty much any shot from the TCA conference could be here, but I picked this one because Lisa has that gorgeous smile and Hugh is just staring at her with such... focus. ♥

Meme 2.2
1) Pick a hot girl... or guy... take a moment to think. Hai, I couldn't not do a pic-spam of Julia Murney, could I?
2) Is this the guy/gal you want? Errr, not really, I guess. I'm obsessed with her singing and her dorkiness and pretty much everything about her, but I'm happy just to listen to her sing and be TEN MILLION KINDS OF AWESOME.
3) Pick his/her top 10 hottest, cutest, most irresistible pictures. YAYAYAYAY.

I remain obsessed with this random candid from DQYNJ. I just love it. How she's standing, the red hair, everything.

Hee hee. Ever wonder what it'd be like to be served pizza by Julia Murney in a green party hat? Here ya go.

SO. FRIGGIN'. GORGEOUS. I love how soulful this shot is.

I kind of love it when Julia is being a spaz. Yes? Because she's adorable.

I am OBSESSED with this Bryant Park performance. You all know this. And this is just one of the most adorable photos of Julia and Seb Arcelus EVER. ♥

OMFGJM. Julia in Sex and The City is very very much sexy times, y/y?

The pictures from Julia's 2006 Birdland concert are made of amazing amounts of sexy. I had to choose ONE, and this was one of the first that just grabbed me the moment I saw it. I love it when she's caught mid-belt.

I just love this shot - how mellow and beautiful it is, the sunshine, her smile... and the mom!jeans, LOL.

Oh god. JULIA. WILD PARTY. BRIAN D'ARCY JAMES. And can we just say ridiculous amounts of SEXY in this picture? Julia looks amazing in black and white, PLUS OMFG SEXY POSE MUCH.

Last picture WOULD be the one I took with Julia at stagedoor, but since this post of epic flail isn't friends-only...

Just a random really pretty candid shot of Julia. :)

I tag:vertical_chaos, llyfrgell, lanafromoz, athenaraven and alex_kingston. But, as usual, everyone should play! :D
7. And finally, to end off: I forgot how friggin' AMAZING Kerry's last was. I know, I started this post flailing about Kerry, but I have to flail SOME MORE since I'm done tracking Act I and OMFG DEFYING GRAVITY. LISTEN TO HER RIFF. LISTEN TO HER BE AMAZING. *SOBS*

8. FLAILY ENOUGH FOR Y'ALL?! That took 2.5 hours, in between tracking Wicked and whatnot, OMG!!

meme, house/cuddy, lj - lanafromoz, julia murney, wicked, tunespammage, lj - alexia88, housespam, randomness, capslock flail, lj - naley_forever23, pics!!, wild party

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