DORKAGE: House 4x07 Ugly

Nov 15, 2007 04:19

How could they call an episode Ugly when it features so much pretty, especially of the Lisa Edelstein variety? I mean, LE was rocking some serious black-and-white, my friends. I have random caps of her from the episode just because she made me go all slack-jawed in wonder at her Unbelievable Gorgeousness.

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house/cuddy, house s4, housedorkage

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crumpled_up November 15 2007, 02:40:10 UTC
You are not the only one in danger of believing that you have gone gay permanently. Seriously. You've said just about everything that I thought (and will later post by tomorrow night because i'm too swamped with cramming for my midterm tomorrow, yuck). The ROCKSTAR pose! I didn't catch it til I rewatched that scene and my jaw DROPPED. If Taub hadn't pushed House into the exam room, House would've been ALL over right then and there. Screw the public, I'm gonna screw Cuddy right here, right now. ;) AND THE LEGS! (i fail at observation and didn't catch this until i kept rewatching the scene and saw Cuddy's legs on the table.) OH.MY.GOODNESS. Can I just tell you how jealous I am of her legs and just how frickin' muscular they are. Beautiful. I swear, if House isn't with her already, I'm going to steal her away from him. ;)

And I thought House being normal was absolutely adorable. I like the contrast between normal and abnormal in this ep. And I just LOVE the way House mumbled, "What am I going to do... I can't believe I'm that guy." So cute. I just wanted to hug him and take him away right there.

ITA with the banter/flirting. There really is something different between them. I STILL haven't figured it out, but I will. :P It definitely seems like there is something going on behind the scenes. I just wish we'd actually get previews of it or something so I stop going crazy haha. But I think I kinda like it... the possibilities of the imagination. ;)

OH! (sorry this is totally not in any logical order) The previews! I'm completely looking forward to the thong competition. BUT HOUSE FALLING OVER! =O THAT'S what I'm really curious about! What did he do now? :P

I, too, enjoyed how House met all of Cuddy's demands in this ep. He didn't fight her and it was great. I love that we're getting the old Cuddy back. The Cuddy that I fell in love with. :D

AND I JUST WANTED TO TELL YOU HOW HOT HOUSE IS WHEN HE'S IN ALL BLACK!! God, that last scene just about did me in. Other than the obvious Huddy Hottness, the fact that House was in all black and he and Cuddy are matching AGAIN just made me combust into oblivion. Seriously. I didn't think I could breathe after I watched this ep. Then the previews for the next ep sent me into cardiac arrest again. These two will seriously be the death of me.

And Cuddy's face in that last cap is just gorgeous. She has this proud look that just screams, "Yeah, that's MY guy. And THIS is why I hired him."

Oh God... I just melted all over again.


ellixian November 15 2007, 05:11:55 UTC
Oh urgh. GOOD LUCK WITH THE MIDTERM, hon. Ace it, and then come flail about H/C, yes indeed. :)

Cuddy's rockstar pose - yes, I can't imagine that House wouldn't have gone over there right away and savaged her if he hadn't been distracted by Taub. (Dang Taub!) Just look at the way the woman is standing! Her legs in that scene are just jawdroppingly lovely too. She's too hot to be BELIEVED, this woman. How did House concentrate on the tv when he had that much hotness next to him, just waiting to combust?!

And OMG, I totally TOTALLY agree with you about House being normal, and how cute it was that he was bummed out about it - he so clearly prides himself on being different than anyone else, and here he is, goofy and crushing over a girl. That theme of normal/abnormal WAS quite nicely presented in this episode.

As our imaginations run wild about all the gorgeous, sexy, dirty things House and Cuddy are doing to each other offscreen - I absolutely agree with you. I STILL want to see that moment when they first break down that incredibly thin wall between them that keeps them from just going at each other like bunnies. So even though I'm halfway suspicious that they're already doing the nasty offscreen, I really also do think that they haven't stepped over that line yet. Because I want to see it happen, DAMMIT!!

I can't wait to see what happens!!! And I'd love a random scene of House just totally warning Cuddy, while they're in bed or something, that this is going to happen. Aieeee. That would be made of so much CUTE!

CAN I SCREAM BACK AT YOU ABOUT HOUSE BEING HOT IN BLACK? I know I get all distracted by the gorgeousness that is LE, but AIEEEEEEEEE. House/HL is SO MUCH HOTNESS too. That last scene had them both on top of their absolutely gorgeous forms, yes indeed.

Mmmm. I absolutely agree with you. Cuddy's proud!face is just lovely to behold. I wish it made more sense in the context of the episode though, because, technically, Kenny should have said, "Thank you, Dr Thirteen", except that would be stupid - thanking a woman who's STILL only referred to as a number? - but I'll take it. She's just so clearly pleased with that tiny little proof that House CAN be a human being. Kind of.



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