DORKAGE: House 4x07 Ugly

Nov 15, 2007 04:19

How could they call an episode Ugly when it features so much pretty, especially of the Lisa Edelstein variety? I mean, LE was rocking some serious black-and-white, my friends. I have random caps of her from the episode just because she made me go all slack-jawed in wonder at her Unbelievable Gorgeousness.

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house/cuddy, house s4, housedorkage

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burn_so_pretty November 15 2007, 00:07:32 UTC
God, I don't know where to start. I loved this SO much. If I had to quote my favourite bits I'd quote the entire post. YOU ARE MADE OF SO MUCH WIN. This seriously brightened up my day. *g* Thank you SO much. *huge hugs*

- I'm sure I can't be the only one who thinks there MUST be something going on between House and Cuddy this season - their banter feels so... loaded, and yet so comfortable, like there's some real weight to it. Pretty much exactly as it would be if these two had been schtupping for a few months already - some of their conversations feel pretty much like they've been carried over from Cuddy's boudoir.

We're in total agreement here. There's just SOMETHING different. Their banter has so much meaning yet they look 110% comfortable with each other, even more so than usual. A lot of the time I get the impression they're openly flirting wih each other, not even hiding it, and just enjoying it. I mean that whole final scene gives me the fuzzies. He's hanging out with her, drinking coffee and watching the movie. Not with his best bud Wilson, with CUDDY. Like they do it all the time. They're so TOTALLY at ease with each other. Something has definetly shifted in their dynamic and I like it. Actually I love it. :D

I think those caps of Cuddy pretending to wipe away tears are the cutest thing on God's green earth. She is so ADORABLE. And GORGEOUS. Oh Cuddy ILU so much. *happy sigh* Pretty much every Cuddy cap is stunning. I have officially decided I have given up being straight where LE is concerned. There is just no point, because LOOK AT HER. *g* Heterosexuality flies out the window with that woman, when she's around I'm totally a lesbian. Hee. :D

Oh, and that final cap of Cuddy smiling at the video of House? HELLO, SHE'S SO IN LOVE. <3 It's all in the eyes. She's positively glowing. Cuddy, you so totally love him, it's clear for all to see. *happy squee*

I'll stop there before I go totally mad LOL. THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN FOR DOING THIS. You are my hero, I appreciate it so much. *glomps* You're a total rockstar! :D


ex_bluebonn November 15 2007, 02:48:25 UTC


ellixian November 15 2007, 04:59:34 UTC


ex_bluebonn November 15 2007, 13:48:12 UTC


ellixian November 16 2007, 16:16:35 UTC
THAT'S A GREAT IDEA. I think we all need sweatshirts. And LJ banners. Because, hello, HOTNESS.


ellixian November 15 2007, 04:58:54 UTC
Awwww hon, I'm SO glad you enjoyed this!! I had so the BEST time working on it, but I'm always always extra-happy to know that it helps you tide over the months before you get to see it for yourself. *bounce*

Their banter has so much meaning yet they look 110% comfortable with each other, even more so than usual. A lot of the time I get the impression they're openly flirting wih each other, not even hiding it, and just enjoying it.

That could definitely be it - it's not just that they're openly flirting though, because they've always done that, in a way. But that they're CONSCIOUSLY doing it. The flirting feels so... self-aware now, unlike in previous seasons where they'd just flirt and flirt and it was part of being them but they didn't necessarily realise it was going on. If that makes sense. Now it feels so... LOADED, is the only word I have for it. Like everything he's saying has a meaning because they've been getting it on offscreen.

He's hanging out with her, drinking coffee and watching the movie. Not with his best bud Wilson, with CUDDY. Like they do it all the time. They're so TOTALLY at ease with each other. Something has definetly shifted in their dynamic and I like it. Actually I love it. :D

Like I told Shika, I think there's a totally innocuous reason they're watching it together and not with Wilson - she somehow managed to misappropriate a copy, as PPTH Dean. But it doesn't erase the fact that they're ten million kinds of comfortable with each other. Hello, LEGS ON DESK. SEXYSEXLEGS ON DESK. Yes indeed. This ship WINS AT LIFE.

There is just no point, because LOOK AT HER. *g* Heterosexuality flies out the window with that woman, when she's around I'm totally a lesbian. Hee. :D

We have all totally just gone gay for Cuddy! And none of us would want it any other way, nope. I love it when she smiles at the end - she's so gorgeous, and that smile is just so TRUE. Awww, sweetheart. When are you gonna just grab House's face and kiss the smirk right off it?


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